[Abstract]:Objective: common nervous system diseases are prone to concomitant anxiety and depression. Concomitant diseases cause disease to prolong and increase the burden of disease significantly. Lipopolysaccharide (lipopolysaccharide,LPS) induces peripheral inflammation and central immune response, which leads to pathological changes in the central nervous system and neuropsycho-behavioral disorders. Studies have shown that a new type of neuropeptide VGF is involved in the regulation of cognitive function and depression-like behavior, but it has not been reported whether neuropeptide VGF can regulate neuroinflammation and oxidative stress response in neuropsychiatric comorbidities. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of neuropeptide VGF in neuroinflammatory and oxidative stress responses in mice with cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression induced by LPS, and to elucidate the protective effects of neuropeptide VGF on cognitive impairment induced by LPS. The molecular mechanism of anxiety-like and depression-like behavior. Methods: adult male ICR mice were used to construct animal models. After different drug intervention, open-field experiment, new object recognition test and elevated 0-maze test were carried out. The ability of autonomous activity, cognitive function, anxiety-like behavior and depression behavior were measured by forced swimming test and glucose-water preference test. At the end of behavior, brain tissues were detected by Western blot, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) and immunohistochemistry. Results: LPS induced cognitive impairment, anxiety-like behavior and depression-like behavior in mice. However, intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide VGF C-terminal derived peptide TLQP-62 significantly inhibited the occurrence of LPS-induced cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression in mice, accompanied by significant antioxidant stress and anti-inflammatory response. In order to further study the protective effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on TLQP-62, we found that after lentiviral lateral ventricular injection-mediated BDNF knockdown in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, the improvement of TLQP-62 was significantly weakened. Further studies showed that lentivirus-mediated knockdown of VGF in the hippocampal DG region of mice induced significant cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression, and no significant oxidative stress and inflammatory response were observed. However, LPS, was given simultaneously after knock-down of VGF expression. Further aggravating cognitive impairment, anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, and at the same time can further reduce the expression of BDNF. Finally, lentivirus-induced interference with IL-1 尾 expression in hippocampal DG could significantly block LPS-induced cognitive impairment, anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, and also inhibit LPS-induced down-regulation of VGF expression, oxidative stress response and inflammatory response. Conclusion: this study further confirmed that LPS can induce oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction in the brain of mice, which can induce cognitive impairment, anxiety-like and depression-like behavior. The key role of BDNF/Trk B/Nrf2 signaling pathway in the protection of TLQP-62 and the key role of IL-1 尾 in the above changes induced by LPS were further demonstrated. It is demonstrated that neuropeptide VGF participates in the regulation of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress response, thus protecting the cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression induced by LPS. This study lays a theoretical foundation for the further study of neuropsychoprotective drugs targeting VGF.
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