[Abstract]:Addictive properties make alcohol one of the most common abusers. In view of the fiber connection characteristics of habenular nucleus, we decided to study the cognitive and sleep regulation of lateral habenular nucleus in chronic alcohol uptake and the possible mechanism of neuroadaptation induced by alcohol addiction. In order to evaluate the effect of lateral habenular nucleus on chronic alcohol intake, we used intermittent 20% alcohol to choose drinking mode. In order to study the role of lateral habenular nucleus in depression, we selected two behavioral experiments: forced swimming test and open field test. In order to study the effect of lateral habenular nucleus on cognition, we chose two other behavioral experiments: Morris water maze and new thing recognition experiment. In order to evaluate the effect of alcohol uptake and the role of lateral habenular nucleus in circadian rhythm and sleep, we chose two relatively independent tests: running wheel test and EEG recording. In order to determine the role of lateral habenular nucleus in alcohol addiction, we studied the expression of FosB/ FosB in habenular nucleus. According to our study, the following results confirmed that habenular nucleus plays an important role in regulating depression, cognition and sleep after chronic alcohol uptake: (1) the damage of lateral habenular nucleus leads to an increase in alcohol uptake in rats. This may be due to the removal of the inhibitory effect of lateral habenular nucleus on VTA. (2) the immobility time of rats with habenular nucleus lesion decreased during forced swimming, which may be due to the increase of serotonin level in dorsal raphe nucleus and the enhancement of behavioral response in depressed rats. (3) after the lesion of lateral habenular nucleus, the spatial memory ability of rats was significantly decreased, especially in rats with alcohol intake. It is suggested that alcohol intake will aggravate cognitive impairment. (4) after lateral habenular nucleus lesion, the exploration time of new things in rats was significantly decreased, which indicated that the damage of lateral habenular nucleus resulted in the decrease of object recognition and memory ability in rats. (5) chronic self-alcohol uptake significantly increased the number of FosB/ FosB positive cells in striatum and hippocampus, which further confirmed that the expression of FosB/ FosB in related brain regions was a common phenomenon of chronic substance abuse. (6) the number of FosB/ FosB positive cells in habenular nucleus (medial habenular nucleus and lateral habenular nucleus) increased, which proved that habenular nucleus played an important role in alcohol addiction, which further indicated that habenular nucleus played an important role in addiction. (7) the lesion of the lateral habenular nucleus changed the activity of the rat during the day, which may be the damage of the lateral habenular nucleus, resulting in the destruction of the efferent fibers of the serotonin neurons in the habenular nucleus to the raphe nucleus. The raphe nucleus plays an important role in photoregulated and non-photoregulated rhythms. (8) our results showed that the nocturnal sleep time of rats with lateral habenular nucleus lesion decreased. Other studies have shown that after lateral habenular nucleus lesion, the fast eye movement sleep period of rats is shortened and the sleep pattern is also changed. This is consistent with our observations. This also supports that the habenular nucleus is a nucleus that adjusts circadian rhythm and sleep.
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