发布时间:2019-06-24 13:13
【摘要】:目的:本研究将利用功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonanceimaging,fMRI)技术探讨遗忘型轻度认知障碍(Amnestic mild cognitiveimpairment,aMCI)患者静息态脑活动神经网络结构和功能特点,帮助我们尽早识别aMCI,为其防治提供最佳时间窗;同时,对于全面了解大脑功能活动具有重要的意义。 方法:本研究于2010年9月至2011年12月期间应用神经心理评估量表在门诊及住院部筛选出aMCI患者10名、正常老年人10名。利用3.0T磁共振对受试者进行静息态fMRI检查,利用相关软件对受试者影像资料进行脑功能网络局部一致性(regional homogeneity,ReHo)分析,比较aMCI患者与正常老年人在静息态下大脑活动差异。 结果:正常老年人与aMCI患者ReHo分析显示:扣带回后部皮层、额叶内侧、前额叶内侧皮层和顶叶部分区域的ReHo均显著增高。aMCI患者ReHo与正常老年人相比,,aMCI患者左侧颞叶(颞中回、颞下回)、左侧海马旁回、枕叶、舌回、楔前叶等区域的ReHo降低,而右侧额叶(额下回)、左颞上回、中央前回(额叶)、右侧丘脑、左侧梭状回等区域的ReHo增高。 结论:在静息状态下,正常老年人与aMCI患者扣带回后部皮层、额叶内侧、前额叶内侧皮层和顶叶部分区域局部一致性显著增高,说明了人脑在静息状态下仍存在着一个自发活动的默认网络,这一结果与既往默认功能网络的研究一致。aMCI患者静息状态下较正常老年人ReHo增高及减低的区域提示该组人群的默认网络存在功能异常,为早期诊断aMCI提供理论和实验依据,在一定程度上对指导个体治疗和预测预后提供帮助。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the structure and functional characteristics of resting brain activity neural network in patients with amnesia mild cognitive impairment (Amnestic mild cognitiveimpairment,aMCI) by functional magnetic resonance imaging (functional magnetic resonanceimaging,fMRI), so as to help us identify aMCI, as soon as possible and provide the best time window for its prevention and treatment. At the same time, it is of great significance for comprehensive understanding of brain function. Methods: from September 2010 to December 2011, 10 patients with aMCI and 10 normal elderly were selected by neuropsychological assessment scale. The resting state fMRI of the subjects was examined by 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging, and the local consistency (regional homogeneity,ReHo) of brain function network was analyzed by using the relevant software to compare the difference of brain activity between aMCI patients and normal elderly people in resting state. Results: ReHo analysis of normal elderly and aMCI patients showed that ReHo in posterior cingulate gyrus, medial frontalis, medial prefrontalis and parietal lobe were significantly higher. Compared with normal elderly, ReHo in patients with AMCI decreased ReHo in left temporal lobe (middle temporal gyrus, infratemporal gyrus), left perihippocampal gyrus, occipital lobe, lingual gyrus, anterior cuneiform lobe and so on, while right frontolobe (inferior frontalis gyrus), left superior temporal gyrus and anterior central gyrus (frontolobe). ReHo increased in the right thalamus and left fusiform gyrus. Conclusion: in resting state, the local consistency of posterior cingulate cortex, medial frontalis, medial prefrontalis cortex and part of parietal lobe between normal elderly and aMCI patients is significantly increased, which indicates that there is still a default network of spontaneous activity in the human brain at rest. This result is consistent with the previous study of default functional network. The increase and decrease of ReHo in patients with AMCI at rest suggest that the default network in this group has abnormal function, which provides theoretical and experimental basis for early diagnosis of aMCI, and to a certain extent is helpful to guide individual treatment and predict prognosis.
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the structure and functional characteristics of resting brain activity neural network in patients with amnesia mild cognitive impairment (Amnestic mild cognitiveimpairment,aMCI) by functional magnetic resonance imaging (functional magnetic resonanceimaging,fMRI), so as to help us identify aMCI, as soon as possible and provide the best time window for its prevention and treatment. At the same time, it is of great significance for comprehensive understanding of brain function. Methods: from September 2010 to December 2011, 10 patients with aMCI and 10 normal elderly were selected by neuropsychological assessment scale. The resting state fMRI of the subjects was examined by 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging, and the local consistency (regional homogeneity,ReHo) of brain function network was analyzed by using the relevant software to compare the difference of brain activity between aMCI patients and normal elderly people in resting state. Results: ReHo analysis of normal elderly and aMCI patients showed that ReHo in posterior cingulate gyrus, medial frontalis, medial prefrontalis and parietal lobe were significantly higher. Compared with normal elderly, ReHo in patients with AMCI decreased ReHo in left temporal lobe (middle temporal gyrus, infratemporal gyrus), left perihippocampal gyrus, occipital lobe, lingual gyrus, anterior cuneiform lobe and so on, while right frontolobe (inferior frontalis gyrus), left superior temporal gyrus and anterior central gyrus (frontolobe). ReHo increased in the right thalamus and left fusiform gyrus. Conclusion: in resting state, the local consistency of posterior cingulate cortex, medial frontalis, medial prefrontalis cortex and part of parietal lobe between normal elderly and aMCI patients is significantly increased, which indicates that there is still a default network of spontaneous activity in the human brain at rest. This result is consistent with the previous study of default functional network. The increase and decrease of ReHo in patients with AMCI at rest suggest that the default network in this group has abnormal function, which provides theoretical and experimental basis for early diagnosis of aMCI, and to a certain extent is helpful to guide individual treatment and predict prognosis.
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