本文选题:艾滋病病毒/艾滋病 切入点:宁南县 出处:《复旦大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 目的了解四川省凉山彝族自治州宁南县当地2岁-59岁社区人群的HIV感染率水平和艾滋病在该地区社区人群中流行的主要危险因素,为进一步的艾滋病防治工作提供依据和研究基础。方法2009年7月,采用横断面研究设计,经分层、整群抽样方法在凉山彝族自治州宁南县随机抽取了年满2岁-59岁的社区居民共3232人作为研究对象开展问卷调查和实验室检查;问卷调查采用凉山彝族自治州艾滋病普查健康调查表,调查居民的一般人口学特征、HIV/AIDS相关行为学特征和流动情况等,实验室检查包括HIV、HCV和梅毒的检测。数据录入与分析分别采用Epidata 3.1、SPSS 16.0和Stata 9.0统计软件。结果共有3232例当地社区居民被纳入本次研究。平均年龄32.1岁;其中男性43.2%,女性56.8%;汉族79.1%,彝族17.8%;以在婚或同居者(86.2%)、初中及以下文化程度者(93.1%)和农民(78.8%)居多。研究对象中有0.06%承认吸毒但吸毒方式不详;有0.6%的调查对象最近1年有过多性伴关系,其中50.0%的人在最近1次的多性伴关系中未使用安全套;有8.9%的人在最近1年内有外地打工史。本次调查共检测3232份血样,1例HIV阳性,为彝族男性;人群HIV阳性检出率为0.03%,其中彝族人口HIV阳性率为0.2%(1/574)。7例HCV阳性,人群HCV阳性检出率为0.22%;未检出梅毒阳性。结论本次流行病学调查为四川省凉山彝族自治州宁南县首次系统、完整的艾滋病横断面调查,所得结果可以反映该地区艾滋病流行状况。结合当地既往报告的零散阳性病例对该县艾滋病的流行状况进行分析,认为宁南县的艾滋病疫情尚处于低流行状态,是凉山州HIV/AIDS感染水平最低的地区之一,最建议进一步加强艾滋病预防工作力度,深入社区对各类人群开展深入有效的预防干预工作。 目的了解凉山彝族自治州宁南县工厂等地和监所羁押男性人群的HIV感染率水平和艾滋病在该地区这一人群中流行的主要危险因素,为进一步的艾滋病防治工作提供依据和研究基础。方法2009年8月,采用横断面研究设计,经方便抽样方法在凉山彝族自治州宁南县抽取了年满15岁-52岁、来自工厂等地的21例和来自监所羁押的69例男性共90例作为研究对象开展问卷调查和实验室检查;问卷调查采用凉山彝族自治州艾滋病普查健康调查表,调查内容包括一般人口学特征、HIV/AIDS相关行为学特征和流动情况等,实验室检查包括HIV、HCV和梅毒的检测。数据录入与分析分别采用Epidata 3.1、SPSS 16.0和Stata9.0统计软件。结果共90例当地工厂等地和监所羁押的男性居民被纳入本次研究。平均年龄31.0岁;汉族66.7%,彝族31.1%;在婚或同居者(56.7%)、初中及以下文化程度者(81.1%)和农民(52.2%)为多数。研究对象中有10.0%承认吸毒,其中7.8%采用静脉注射方式吸毒,66.7%的人有过共用针具行为;有17.8%的调查对象在最近1年有多性伴行为,其中62.5%的人在最近1次的多性伴关系中未使用安全套;有17.8%的人在最近1年内有外地打工史。本次调查共检测90份血样,3例HIV阳性,HIV阳性检出率为3.33%,HIV阳性者均为来自监所羁押的彝族人群,彝族人口HIV阳性率为10.7%(3/28);7例HCV阳性,HCV阳性检出率为7.78%;未检出梅毒阳性。结论宁南县的部分高危人群中(监所羁押人群、吸毒人群等)HIV和HCV的感染率较高。彝族、男性(20岁-39岁)、吸毒(静脉吸毒且共用针具)以及多性伴关系等危险行为是HIV感染的高危因素,特别是静脉吸毒且共用针具是造成HIV/AIDS感染的主要危险行为。宁南县必须加强彝族男性青壮年和吸毒人群的艾滋病综合防治机制,加快建立高危人群监测哨点,并对其开展深入、有效的预防干预工作。
[Abstract]:The main risk in the community population in this area is in the rate of understanding of Sichuan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Liangshan province Ningnan County local community population aged 2 -59 HIV infection and AIDS factors, provide the basis and foundation for further research on AIDS prevention and control work. In July 2009, a cross-sectional study, by stratified cluster sampling method in Ningnan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, randomly selected at the age of 2 -59 years old residents a total of 3232 people to carry out questionnaire and laboratory examination as the research object; questionnaire survey by the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of AIDS health survey questionnaire, the general demographic characteristics of the residents, HIV/AIDS related behavioral characteristics and flow conditions, laboratory tests including HIV detection of HCV and syphilis. Data entry and analysis using Epidata 3.1, SPSS 16 and Stata 9 statistical software. Results a total of 3232 The local community residents were included in the study. The average age of 32.1 years; 43.2% males, 56.8% females; 79.1% Han Yi, 17.8%; in marriage or cohabitation (86.2%), junior high school and below education level (93.1%) and (78.8%) the majority of farmers. The research object in 0.06% ways but admitted drug use unknown; 0.6% of the respondents in recent 1 years and had several sex partners, 50% of them in the last 1 more partners did not use condoms in; 8.9% people were working in the field of history in recent 1 years. The survey was the detection of 3232 blood samples, 1 cases were HIV positive, for Yi men; population HIV positive rate was 0.03%, the positive rate of HIV was 0.2% in the Yi population (1/574).7 groups were HCV positive, the positive rate of HCV was 0.22%; no detection of syphilis. This survey conclusion of Sichuan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Liangshan Province Ning Nanxian for the first time, end The AIDS cross-sectional survey, the results can reflect the status of the AIDS epidemic in the region were analyzed. Combined with the previous reports of scattered positive cases in the county AIDS epidemic situation, think of the AIDS epidemic in Ningnan County is still in low prevalence state, the state of Liangshan is one of the lowest level of HIV/AIDS infected areas, the suggestions to further strengthen AIDS prevention work efforts into the community to carry out in-depth and effective prevention and intervention work on all types of people.
Objective to understand the main risk in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Ningnan County, factories and other places and male prisoners in HIV infection rate and AIDS in midstream of this population in this area factors, provide the basis and foundation for further research on AIDS prevention and control work. In August 2009, a cross-sectional study design by convenient sampling method in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Ningnan County from age 15 -52 years old, from the factory to 21 cases from prison and detention of 69 male patients with a total of 90 cases as the research object to carry out questionnaire and laboratory examination; questionnaire survey in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of AIDS health survey questionnaire, questionnaire including demographic characteristics, HIV/AIDS related behavior characteristics and flow conditions, laboratory tests including HIV, HCV and syphilis detection. Data entry and analysis using Epidata 3.1, SPSS 16 and S The tata9.0 statistical software. Results: a total of 90 cases of local factories and prison custody of the male residents were included in the study. The average age of 31 years; 66.7% Han Yi, 31.1%; married or cohabiting (56.7%), junior high school and below education level (81.1%) and (52.2%) the number of farmers to study. 10% respondents admitted taking drugs, 7.8% of them with intravenous drug use, 66.7% people had needle sharing behavior; 17.8% of the respondents have the behavior of multiple sexual partners in the last 1 years, 62.5% of them in the last 1 more partners did not use condoms in 17.8% of people overseas; work history in recent 1 years. The survey was the detection of 90 blood samples, 3 cases were HIV positive, the positive rate of HIV was 3.33%, HIV positive were from prison custody of the Yi ethnic group, the positive rate of HIV was 10.7% in the Yi population (3/28); 7 cases were HCV positive, HCV positive detection rate 7.78%; unghecded Positive for syphilis. Some conclusions in the high risk population in Ningnan County (prison custody, drug users) with high rates of HIV and HCV infection. Yi, male (20 years old -39 years old), drug abuse (intravenous drug use and needle sharing) and multi partner relationship risk behavior is a high risk factor for HIV infection in particular, intravenous drug use and needle sharing is the main risk behaviors of HIV/AIDS infection. Ningnan County Comprehensive AIDS prevention and control mechanism must strengthen the Yi young men and drug addicts, accelerate the establishment of a high-risk population of sentinel surveillance, and to carry out in-depth, effective prevention and intervention work.
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