本文选题:结核病 + 就诊延迟 ; 参考:《重庆医科大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:了解重庆市流动人口与常住人口结核病疑似患者就诊延迟及其程度,确定影响就诊延迟的主要因素,并比较流动人口和常住人口间就诊延迟的影响因素有什么不同。为国家结核病防治政策的改进提供依据。 方法:选取流动人口较多,经济相对发达和不发达的两个区,每个区医疗机构按门诊量大小分为三级,在每个区随机抽取 10 家医疗机构,对 2004 年 10 月至 2005 年 1 月,在抽取的医疗机构就诊的年龄在15 岁以上的结核病疑似患者进行结构式问卷调查。并对抽取的两个区的卫生行政部门、医疗机构负责人、综合医院医生、结核病疑似患者进行访谈。 结果:590 例结核病疑似患者接受了问卷调查。就诊延迟中位数天数是 19 天(0 天~307 天)。其中常住人口 15 天(0 天~288 天);流动人口为 22.5 天(0 天~307 天)。16 名人员接受了定性访谈。发现影响就诊延迟的主要因素有:生病后是否愿就诊、职业、文化程度、结核病史、人口类型、恩格尔系数、就诊点远近、有无医疗保障、婚姻状况和性别。 结论:结核病疑似患者就诊延迟较为严重;影响结核病疑似患者就诊延迟的主要因素有生病后是否愿就诊、职业、文化程度、结核病史、恩格尔系数、就诊点远近、有无医疗保障、婚姻状况和性别。要降低就诊延迟率,需采取综合性干预措施,包括加大结核病相关知识宣传力度,引起结核病疑似患者的重视,提高人们就诊的愿望;扩大医疗保障覆盖范围;发展经济,增加家庭收入,提高人们生活水平,降低恩格尔系数;发展教育,提高人们文化程度;合理调整医疗机构布局;提高流动人口女性的社会地位和经济地位,加强男女平等的宣 传教育;促进家庭结构稳定等,以减少结核病疑似患者就诊延迟,提高结核病发现率,控制结核病继续蔓延。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the delay and extent of TB in the floating population and the resident population in Chongqing, to determine the main factors affecting the delay, and to compare the influencing factors between the floating population and the resident population. To provide the basis for the improvement of the national tuberculosis control policy. Methods: two regions with a large floating population and relatively developed and underdeveloped economies were selected. The medical institutions in each region were divided into three levels according to the size of outpatient clinics. 10 medical institutions were randomly selected from each district, and 10 medical institutions were selected from October 2004 to January 2005. A structured questionnaire was conducted on suspected TB patients over 15 years of age in selected medical institutions. The health administration departments, medical organizations, general hospital doctors and suspected tuberculosis patients were interviewed. Results A questionnaire survey was conducted in 590 suspected TB patients. The median delay was 19 days, 0 days and 307 days. Among them, the resident population was 15 days and 0 days was 288 days, and the floating population was 22. 5 days, 0 days and 307 days. 16 people were interviewed qualitatively. It was found that the main factors influencing the delay were: willingness to visit after illness, occupation, education, history of tuberculosis, population type, Engel's coefficient, location of visit, medical security, marital status and sex. Conclusion: the delay in the treatment of suspected TB patients is serious, and the main factors affecting the delay of treatment in suspected TB patients are whether they are willing to seek medical treatment after illness, occupation, education, history of tuberculosis, Engel's coefficient, and the distance and proximity of the treatment point. Health care, marital status and gender. In order to reduce the delay rate, we need to take comprehensive intervention measures, including increasing the awareness of tuberculosis related knowledge, raising the attention of suspected TB patients, raising the people's desire to see a doctor, expanding the coverage of medical security, and developing the economy. Increase family income, improve people's living standard and reduce Engel's coefficient; develop education and raise people's education level; adjust the distribution of medical institutions rationally; improve the social and economic status of floating women; strengthen the publicity of equality between men and women In order to reduce the delay of TB patients, to increase the detection rate of TB and to control the spread of TB, we should promote the stability of family structure.
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