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发布时间:2018-06-06 11:18

  本文选题:湘江长沙段 + 洲滩 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 日本血吸虫病曾广泛流行于我国长江流域及其以南的12个省、市、自治区,危害人畜甚为严重。钉螺是日本血吸虫的唯一中间宿主,对日本血吸虫病的传播和流行起着关键作用。湘江长沙段包括城区段和望城县段,城区段历来被认为是无钉螺区,只有望城县段的甑皮洲有钉螺分布,1992年望城县达到了血吸虫病传播阻断标准。由于各种因素的影响,自1997年在城区段傅家洲发现钉螺分布以来,相继在湘江长沙段的许多洲滩发现了钉螺分布。为全面了解湘江长沙段各洲滩钉螺的种群动态,考核近几年来采取的灭螺措施的有效性,2003—2008年我们采用《血吸虫病防治手册》中的调查方法,对湘江长沙段各洲滩的钉螺进行了连续6年的调查,获得了如下主要结果。 2003~2008年跟踪调查了湘江长沙段24个洲滩,其中20个洲滩有钉螺分布,占洲滩总数的83.3%,4个洲滩从未查见钉螺。有螺洲滩数分别为当年调查洲滩的66.67%、66.67%、70.80%、75.00%、62.50%、62.50%;2008年与2003年相比,活螺洲滩数下降了40.00%,有螺框出现率下降了99.10%,钉螺平均密度下降了99.74%,活螺率下降了51.09%。经统计学处理,各洲滩有螺框出现率(Z=91.5602,P<0.01)、活螺率(Z=65.1332,P<0.01)不相同,但年度下降趋势明显。 20个有螺洲滩中,有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩5个(均在望城段,城区段未发现),占有螺洲滩总数的25.00%。感染性钉螺发展总的趋势是:有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩逐年减少,平均密度和感染率逐年降低,2007—2008年整个长沙段未查到感染性钉螺分布的洲滩。 调查结果显示,湘江长沙段有螺洲滩采取的各种防治措施中,药物与环改灭螺相结合的效果远好于单纯的药物灭螺。各种环改灭螺措施,又以抬洲降滩、翻耕垦种的灭螺效果更持久,更彻底。2007、2008年有螺洲滩数、钉螺总数急剧减少,有螺框出现率、活螺率大幅度下降还与水位和气候有关。 湘江长沙段洲滩的螺情得到了较好的控制。
[Abstract]:Schistosomiasis japonicum has been widely prevalent in 12 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the Yangtze River valley and south of China. Oncomelania hupensis is the only intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum and plays a key role in the transmission and prevalence of schistosomiasis japonica. The Changsha section of the Xiangjiang River includes the urban section and the Wangcheng county section. The urban section has always been considered as a snail free area, and only Wangcheng County has a snail distribution on the Teng Pizhou. In 1992, Wangcheng County reached the standard of blocking the transmission of schistosomiasis. Since the snail distribution was discovered in Fujiazhou in 1997, the snail distribution has been found in many beaches in Changsha section of Xiangjiang River since 1997 due to the influence of various factors. In order to understand the population dynamics of Oncomelania hupensis in Changsha section of Xiangjiang River, and to evaluate the effectiveness of snail control measures taken in recent years, we adopted the survey method in the Manual for the Prevention and Control of Schistosomiasis from 2003 to 2008. The snails in every beach of Changsha reach of Xiangjiang River were investigated for 6 consecutive years, and the main results were obtained as follows. From 2003 to 2008, 24 beaches in Changsha section of Xiangjiang River were investigated, 20 of which were snail distribution, accounting for 83.3% of the total number of beaches, and no snails were found in 4 beaches. The number of luozhou beaches is 66.670.80 that investigated in that year, and 62.50 is 62.50.Compared with 2003, the number of live snails decreased by 40.00,99.10, the average density of snails by 99.744.The snail survival rate decreased by 51.09. According to statistical analysis, the occurrence rate of snail frame was different (P < 0.01), but the annual decreasing trend was obvious, but the rate of living snail was 65.1332% (P < 0.01), but the incidence of snail frame was 91.5602 (P < 0.01) and the rate of living snail was 65.1332 (P < 0.01). Five of the 20 beaches with infected snails were found in Wangcheng section, which accounted for 25.00% of the total number of Luozhou beaches. The general development trend of infected snails was that the distribution of infected snails in the beaches decreased year by year, the average density and infection rate decreased year by year, and no infected snails were found in the whole Changsha section from 2007 to 2008. The results showed that the combination of drugs and anti-snails was much better than that of simple drugs in the prevention and control measures taken by Luozhou Beach in Changsha section of Xiangjiang River. All kinds of measures to control snails were carried out in order to lift the land, the effect of snail control was more lasting, more thorough. 2007, in 2008, the total number of snails decreased sharply, the snail frame appeared rate, and the living snail rate decreased significantly also related to the water level and the climate. The snail condition of the beach in Changsha section of Xiangjiang River has been well controlled.


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