本文选题:流感 + 人 ; 参考:《中华疾病控制杂志》2014年09期
【摘要】:目的分析2010-2011年上海市浦东新区流感流行特征,探讨有效的预防控制措施,为今后流感防制提供依据。方法对辖区内开展的流感样病例(influenza-like illness,ILI),简称ILI病例,监测结果、流感病原学监测结果和聚集性流感样疫情进行流行病学分析。结果 2010-2011年本区共报告流感确诊病例301例,其中B型流感为优势毒株,占57.14%。2010-2011年共监测311 913例ILI病例,平均周就诊百分比为3.48%,各年龄组均有ILI病例报告,以0~14岁为主,占总ILI病例数的73.51%,ILI病例呈明显时间分布,最高峰出现在2010年第35~39周和2011年第1~5周。2010-2011年浦东新区病原学监测阳性率为17.40%,病原学阳性检出率呈明显时间分布,高峰出现在2010年冬春季1~5周和夏秋季第35~39周和2011年的冬春季第1~5周。2010-2011年浦东新区共报告聚集性流感样疫情有21起,以托幼机构和中小学校等集体机构为主;12月为本区聚集性流感样疫情发病高峰期。结论病原学监测阳性检出率与ILI病例流行高峰基本一致,加强ILI病例监测可有助于提出更好的救治、预防和控制措施。儿童和青少年成为流感防控工作的重点人群,冬春季为流感防控重点时期。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the epidemic characteristics of influenza in Pudong New area of Shanghai in 2010-2011 and to explore effective preventive and control measures to provide evidence for the prevention and control of influenza in the future. Methods Epidemiological analysis was carried out on influenza like cases (influenza-like cases), surveillance results, influenza etiology monitoring results and aggregated influenza epidemic situation. Results A total of 301 confirmed cases of influenza were reported in this district in 2010-2011, of which influenza B was the dominant strain, accounting for 57.14.311,913 cases of ILI were monitored in 2010-2011. The average weekly percentage of patients with ILI was 3.48. Cases of ILI were reported in all age groups, mainly from 0 to 14 years of age. The distribution of 73.51 cases of ILI in the total number of ILI cases was obvious in time, and the peak appeared in the 35th week of 2010 and the 1st week of 2011. The positive rate of etiological surveillance in Pudong New area was 17.40% in 2010-2011, and the positive rate of etiological detection was obvious time distribution. The peak occurred at 1 / 5 weeks in winter and spring in 2010, 35 / 39 in summer and autumn and 1 / 5 / week in winter and spring in 2011. In 2010 / 11, 21 cases of influenza like outbreaks were reported in Pudong New area. The primary and secondary schools and other collective institutions were the main ones, and December was the peak period for the occurrence of the concentrated influenza epidemic in the district. Conclusion the positive detection rate of etiological surveillance is basically consistent with the peak of the prevalence of ILI cases. Strengthening the surveillance of ILI cases can help to put forward better treatment, prevention and control measures. Children and young people become the key population of influenza prevention and control, winter and spring are the key period of influenza prevention and control.
【作者单位】: 上海市浦东新区疾病预防控制中心;
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