发布时间:2018-07-24 20:48
【摘要】: 第一部分北京和南京代谢综合征流行情况 目的本研究旨在通过对比北京和南京两地代谢综合征(MS)的流行情况,进一步了解MS流行特点,为预防和控制提供可靠依据。 方法我们于2005~2006年采用整群抽样的方法,在北京和南京两地35~70岁人群中选择有代表性的城市社区和农村自然村进行横断面调查,共调查了8042个家庭。代谢综合症的诊断标准依据2005年国际糖尿病联盟推荐的适合中国人群部分,进行诊断和组分分类。 结果在入选的6123人中,MS患病粗率为29.6%。年龄标化后的MS患病率北京和南京地区分别为32.6%和21.9%,男女分别为19.5%和33.6%,城市和农村地区分别为28.4%和27.0%。从结果可以看出,MS患病率随年龄的增加而逐渐增高(P<0.0001),北京居民的MS患病率高于南京居民(P<0.0001),城市居民高于农村居民(P=0.0040),女性高于男性(P<0.0001)。 结论本结果从一定程度上反映我国成年人MS患病率有逐年升高的趋势,地区间和城乡间差异显著。因此制定预防、控制和治疗的卫生策略迫在眉睫。同时应建立规范的适合中国人群的诊断标准。 第二部分:北京和南京两地代谢综合征危险因素分析 目的:分析北京和南京两地人群代谢综合征的危险因素。 方法:采用整群抽样的方法对北京和南京的6123人进行流行病学调查,应用IDF(2005)定义。采用多因素logistic回归的方法分析可能存在的危险因素。 结果:男性和女性的年龄标化患病率分别为19.5%和33.6%。多因素条件logistic回归结果表明,女性(OR=4.8298;95%CI[1.8958,12.3042])、年龄增长(OR=1.0596;95%CI[1.0505,1.0689])、过去吸烟(OR=1.3472;95%CI[1.0606,1.7113])、糖尿病家族史(OR=1.4021;95%CI[1.1377,1.7279])、高血压家族史(OR=1.4377;95%CI[1.2528,1.6498])、年龄性别交互作用(OR=0.9482:95%CI[0.9316,0.9650])、居住在北京(OR=1.7304;95%CI[1.5013,1.9946])和性别城乡交互作用(OR=2.5215;95%CI[1.7508,3.6314])均是MS的危险因素。 结论:代谢综合征是多重危险因素共同作用的结果,其中女性、慢病家族史是其重要的危险因素。
[Abstract]:The first part is the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing. Objective the purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) between Beijing and Nanjing in order to further understand the epidemic characteristics of MS. To provide reliable basis for prevention and control. Methods from 2005 to 2006, a cluster sampling method was used to investigate 8042 families in representative urban communities and rural natural villages among 3570 year old people in Beijing and Nanjing. The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome are based on the Chinese population section recommended by the International Diabetes Federation in 2005. Results the gross rate of MS was 29.6in 6123 selected persons. The prevalence of MS in Beijing and Nanjing was 32.6% and 21.9%, 19.5% and 33.6% in male and female, 28.4% and 27.0% in urban and rural areas, respectively. The results showed that the prevalence rate of MS increased with the increase of age (P < 0.0001). The prevalence rate of MS in Beijing residents was higher than that in Nanjing residents (P < 0.0001), in urban residents was higher than that in rural residents (P0. 0040), and in women was higher than that in males (P < 0.0001). Conclusion to some extent, the prevalence rate of MS in Chinese adults is increasing year by year, and there are significant differences between different regions and between urban and rural areas. Therefore, it is urgent to formulate health strategies for prevention, control and treatment. At the same time, a standard diagnostic standard for Chinese population should be established. Part two: analysis of risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing objective: to analyze the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing. Methods: 6123 people in Beijing and Nanjing were investigated by cluster sampling and defined by IDF (2005). Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the possible risk factors. Results: the age-standardized prevalence rates of males and females were 19. 5% and 33. 6%, respectively. 澶氬洜绱犳潯浠秎ogistic鍥炲綊缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑,濂虫,
[Abstract]:The first part is the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing. Objective the purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) between Beijing and Nanjing in order to further understand the epidemic characteristics of MS. To provide reliable basis for prevention and control. Methods from 2005 to 2006, a cluster sampling method was used to investigate 8042 families in representative urban communities and rural natural villages among 3570 year old people in Beijing and Nanjing. The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome are based on the Chinese population section recommended by the International Diabetes Federation in 2005. Results the gross rate of MS was 29.6in 6123 selected persons. The prevalence of MS in Beijing and Nanjing was 32.6% and 21.9%, 19.5% and 33.6% in male and female, 28.4% and 27.0% in urban and rural areas, respectively. The results showed that the prevalence rate of MS increased with the increase of age (P < 0.0001). The prevalence rate of MS in Beijing residents was higher than that in Nanjing residents (P < 0.0001), in urban residents was higher than that in rural residents (P0. 0040), and in women was higher than that in males (P < 0.0001). Conclusion to some extent, the prevalence rate of MS in Chinese adults is increasing year by year, and there are significant differences between different regions and between urban and rural areas. Therefore, it is urgent to formulate health strategies for prevention, control and treatment. At the same time, a standard diagnostic standard for Chinese population should be established. Part two: analysis of risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing objective: to analyze the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in Beijing and Nanjing. Methods: 6123 people in Beijing and Nanjing were investigated by cluster sampling and defined by IDF (2005). Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the possible risk factors. Results: the age-standardized prevalence rates of males and females were 19. 5% and 33. 6%, respectively. 澶氬洜绱犳潯浠秎ogistic鍥炲綊缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑,濂虫,