发布时间:2018-08-21 14:07
【摘要】: 登革热或登革出血热是由蚊虫传播的一种严重危害人类健康的急性传染病,20世纪,登革热在世界各地发生过多次大流行,病例数以百万计。本论文围绕登革热的传播媒介---白纹伊蚊孕蚊种群监测和控制进行了系统的研究,并成功研制出一种针对白纹伊蚊等容器孳生型蚊虫种群监测的新型孕蚊粘捕器,弥补了目前我国白纹伊蚊监测方法中的不足,提高了白纹伊蚊的监测水平,为科学预测我国登革热疫情的流行趋势及有效控制登革热疫情提供了一定的基础。同时,为进一步提高孕蚊粘捕器的监测效果,对白纹伊蚊的产卵习性、不同浸液的产卵引诱力以及利用硫酸铜控制蚊幼虫的新方法等进行了研究,并就孕蚊粘捕器应用于白纹伊蚊等容器孳生型蚊虫的控制进行了有益的探索。本论文主要研究结果如下: 1.孕蚊粘捕法应用于白纹伊蚊种群监测的研究 应用新设计的孕蚊粘捕器和标准诱卵器进行的配对比较试验中,在孕蚊粘捕器所捕获的蚊虫中,白纹伊蚊占89.87%,为优势蚊种,致倦库蚊或淡色库蚊占8.87%,三带喙库蚊/伪杂麟库蚊、二带喙库蚊等占0.82%,由于主要形态鉴别特征无法识别而不能鉴定的蚊种占0.44%,蚊种构成存在显著差异;雌蚊占62.37%,雄蚊占21.58%;在解剖镜下观察,白纹伊蚊雌蚊清晰可见率为63.97%;在所粘捕的蚊虫中,96.46%的蚊虫的足跗节被粘着,蚊虫不同部位的粘附率之间存在显著的差异;86.67%的蚊虫被粘附在胶带的下部,不同粘胶部位蚊虫的粘附率存在显著差异;孕蚊粘捕法和标准诱卵器法测得的白纹伊蚊密度存在明显的正相关,两种监测结果显示的白纹伊蚊种群密度消长趋势一致。在进行的孕蚊粘捕法、诱卵法、幼虫定量计数法和人诱法比较试验中,孕蚊粘捕器的平均粘捕雌蚊数、诱卵器的平均诱集卵数和人诱法的平均成蚊数两两之间存在显著的直线相关关系。 2.不同植物浸液对白纹伊蚊产卵行为的影响 在室内诱卵法试验中,有绊根草浸液的诱卵杯中诱集的平均卵数为68.87,而有自来水的诱卵杯中诱集的平均卵数为23.99,两者间存在显著的差异;在室内粘捕法试验中,有绊根草浸液的诱蚊杯中粘捕平均雌蚊数为7.62,而有自来水的诱蚊杯中粘捕的平均雌蚊数为2.66,两者间存在显著的差异。在现场试验中,有绊根草浸液的孕蚊粘捕器中粘捕平均雌蚊数为5.88,而有自来水的孕蚊粘捕器中粘捕平均雌蚊数4.79,两者间差异不显著;有绊根草浸液的标准诱卵器中现场诱集的平均卵数为670.95,而有自来水的标准诱卵器中诱集的平均卵数为386.22,两者间存在显著的差异。现场试验中樟树叶、黄杨叶、狗尾草、绊根草、玉兰叶和竹叶等不同植物浸液和自来水对照没有显著的差异。 3.白纹伊蚊产卵节律的研究 白纹伊蚊的生殖营养周期平均为4.22天,吸血后3-4天,孕蚊卵巢发育成熟并开始产卵。室内观察白纹伊蚊产卵节律:雌蚊吸血后前2天未发现有蚊虫产卵,第3天的产卵量占总产卵量的8.22%;第4天的产卵量占总产卵量的56.41%;产卵高峰期出现在第4天,之后开始明显下降,第5天的产卵量占总产卵量的20.51%,第6天的产卵量占总产卵量的6.85%,至第10天仍有少数蚊虫产卵;白纹伊蚊的产卵活动具有明显的白昼性特点,白天的产卵量占总产卵量的91.90%,夜晚的产卵量仅占总产卵量的8.10%。现场观察其产卵节律:产卵高峰期出现在午后至傍晚的一段时间内,白天12:00-15:00,产卵量占全天总产卵量的32.51%;白天15:00-18:00,产卵量占全天总产卵量的24.95%;白天18:00-20:00,产卵量占全天总产卵量的31.86%。 4.白纹伊蚊分散产卵行为研究 在进行的白纹伊蚊孕蚊产卵时间分散性研究中发现:白纹伊蚊完成产卵的时间比较短,55.56%的孕蚊只需1天完成产卵,24.69%的孕蚊需要2天完成产卵,80%以上的孕蚊在1-2天内即完成产卵,也有极少数孕蚊需要6-7天才能完成产卵。设置梯度时间检查孕蚊产卵次数分布特征发现:24h检查一次,则有56.47%的孕蚊只需1次完成产卵,40.00%的孕蚊需2~3次完成产卵;3h检查一次,则34.20%的孕蚊只需1次完成产卵,42.11%的孕蚊2次完成产卵,少数孕蚊需要3-5次才能完成产卵。应用不同类型的产卵载体进行的白纹伊蚊空间分散产卵性研究发现:在产卵杯中全部为自来水的试验中,白纹伊蚊平均产卵杯数为3.66±0.19,每个产卵杯的平均产卵量百分率均低于25%;在幼虫饲养水存在的情况下,白纹伊蚊平均产卵杯数为4.18±0.19,有幼虫饲养水的产卵杯中诱集的产卵量占总产卵量的30.49±3.62%,明显多于其它有自来水的产卵杯中诱集的卵数;在有红布条存在的情况下,白纹伊蚊平均产卵杯数为3.05±0.23,在有红布条的产卵杯中诱集的产卵量占总产卵量的44.78±5.17%,明显多于其它有自来水的产卵杯所诱集的卵数;在有幼虫饲养水和红布条共同存在的情况下,白纹伊蚊的平均产卵杯数为2.03±0.12,在有幼虫饲养水和红布条的产卵杯中诱集的产卵量占总产卵量的75.95±3.14%,显著高于其它有自来水的产卵杯所诱集的卵数。 5.金属铜或硫酸铜溶液应用于白纹伊蚊幼虫控制的研究 在观察不同剂量金属铜浸泡不同时间的溶液对蚊幼虫或卵发育影响的试验中发现:铜离子对白纹伊蚊的幼虫发育产生明显的影响;在10g/L剂量金属铜溶液中,浸泡30天后,在放入蚊幼虫的前5天期间,幼虫发育延迟,一直维持在Ⅰ-Ⅱ龄阶段;而对照组中,第2天90%以上的幼虫发育至Ⅲ至Ⅳ龄阶段。不同剂量的金属铜溶液对白纹伊蚊幼虫均有一定的致死作用,剂量越高致死作用越明显。在40g/L剂量金属铜溶液中,浸泡至50天,放入蚊虫后的第1天,白纹伊蚊幼虫即全部死亡。铜离子对白纹伊蚊的卵发育也有一定的影响;金属铜浸泡10天后,在10 mg/L剂量金属铜溶液中,30%卵粒孵化,在20 mg/L剂量金属铜溶液中37%卵粒孵化,在40 mg/L剂量金属铜溶液中86%卵粒孵化,而对照组则有99%卵粒孵化。在进行的硫酸铜溶液对白纹伊蚊蚊幼虫或卵发育影响的试验中发现:高浓度的硫酸铜溶液对卵粒的孵化产生了显著的影响;在1 mg/L硫酸铜溶液中,加入卵粒后,第3天白纹伊蚊卵粒开始孵化,此后孵出的蚊幼虫不断增多,而在10 mg/L和100 mg/L的硫酸铜溶液中,未见白纹伊蚊卵粒孵化。高浓度的硫酸铜溶液对白纹伊蚊幼虫发育具有明显的抑制作用;1 mg/L、10 mg/L和100 mg/L的硫酸铜溶液对Ⅰ至Ⅱ龄白纹伊蚊幼虫有强烈的致死作用,蚊幼虫24h后死亡率为100%;对Ⅲ至Ⅳ龄白纹伊蚊幼虫也具有明显的致死作用,随着浓度的增加,致死作用逐渐增强;在100 mg/L的硫酸铜溶液中,至第3天,溶液中的白纹伊蚊幼虫全部死亡。在进行的硫酸铜溶液控制蚊幼虫的现场试验中发现:放置一周后,所有盛有自来水的容器内全部孳生有白纹伊蚊幼虫或蛹,而在100mg/L硫酸铜溶液的容器中,前5周均未发现蚊幼虫孳生,至第7周始,孳生蚊幼虫的阳性桶数才不断增加,硫酸铜溶液控制蚊幼虫的效果随着时间的持续而下降。
[Abstract]:Dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an acute infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which seriously endangers human health. In the 20th century, many epidemics of dengue fever occurred all over the world, with millions of cases. A new type of pregnant mosquito catcher was developed to monitor the mosquito population in containers such as Aedes albopictus, which made up for the shortcomings of the current monitoring methods of Aedes albopictus in China, improved the monitoring level of Aedes albopictus, and provided a basis for scientific prediction of the epidemic trend of dengue fever and effective control of dengue fever in China. To further improve the monitoring effect of pregnant mosquito catcher, the oviposition habits of Aedes albopictus, the oviposition attraction of different extracts and the new method of controlling mosquito larvae with copper sulfate were studied. The application of pregnant mosquito catcher to control container-borne mosquitoes such as Aedes albopictus was also explored. The fruit is as follows:
Application of 1. sticky capture method to population surveillance of Aedes albopictus
Among the mosquitoes caught by the new designed pregnant mosquito catcher and standard ovipositor, Aedes albopictus accounted for 89.87%, was the dominant mosquito species, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus or Culex pipiens pallens accounted for 8.87%, Culex tritaeniorhynchus/Culex pseudomonas, Culex pipiens bicuspipiens and so on accounted for 0.82%, which could not be identified because of the main morphological characteristics. The female mosquitoes accounted for 62.37%, and the male mosquitoes accounted for 21.58%. The female mosquitoes of Aedes albopictus had a clear visibility rate of 63.97% under the anatomical microscope. Among the mosquitoes caught, 96.46% of the mosquitoes had foot-and-tarsal joints adhered and 86.67% of the mosquitoes were adhered to different parts of the mosquito. The density of Aedes albopictus was positively correlated with that of pregnant mosquito and standard ovipositor. The trend of population density of Aedes albopictus was the same as that of pregnant mosquito, oviposition and larval quantitative counting. There was a significant linear correlation between the average number of female mosquitoes caught by pregnant mosquito traps, the average number of eggs trapped by pregnant mosquito traps and the average number of adult mosquitoes trapped by human traps.
2. effects of different plant extracts on egg laying behavior of Aedes albopictus
In the indoor experiment, the average number of eggs trapped in the cup with root-stumbling grass extract was 68.87, while in the cup with tap water the average number of eggs trapped in the cup was 23.99. There was a significant difference between the two methods. In the indoor experiment, the average number of female mosquitoes trapped in the cup with root-stumbling grass extract was 7.62, while that in the cup with tap water was 7.62. The average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap was 2.66, and there was a significant difference between the two. In the field experiment, the average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap with Rhizoma stumps extract was 5.88, while the average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap with tap water was 4.79. The average number of eggs was 670.95, while the average number of eggs trapped in the standard ovipositor with tap water was 386.22. There was no significant difference between the two groups.
3. study on the oviposition rhythm of Aedes albopictus
The reproductive and nutritional cycle of Aedes albopictus averaged 4.22 days, and the ovaries of pregnant mosquitoes matured and began to lay eggs 3-4 days after blood sucking. The number of eggs laid on the 5th day accounted for 20.51% of the total oviposition, 6.85% of the total oviposition on the 6th day, and a few mosquitoes still laid eggs on the 10th day. 8.10%. The oviposition rhythm was observed on the spot: the oviposition peak appeared from afternoon to evening, and the oviposition amount accounted for 32.51% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 12:00 to 15:00 in the day; the oviposition amount accounted for 24.95% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 15:00 to 18:00 in the day; and the oviposition amount accounted for 31.86% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 18:00 to 20:00 in the day.
4. dispersal spawning behavior of Aedes albopictus
In the study of spawning time dispersion of Aedes albopictus, 55.56% of pregnant mosquitoes needed only one day to complete spawning, 24.69% of pregnant mosquitoes needed two days to complete spawning, 80% of pregnant mosquitoes completed spawning within 1-2 days, and a few pregnant mosquitoes needed 6-7 days to complete spawning. The results showed that 56.47% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed only one oviposition at 24 hours, 40.00% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed two to three ovipositions, 34.20% of the pregnant mosquitoes only needed one oviposition at 3 hours, 42.11% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed two ovipositions, and a few needed three to five ovipositions. Spatial dispersal oviposition of Aedes albopictus using oviposition vectors showed that the average oviposition cup number of Aedes albopictus was 3.66 65507 The oviposition cup of feeding water accounted for 30.49 (+ 3.62%) of the total oviposition, which was significantly higher than that of other tap water. The average oviposition cup of Aedes albopictus was 3.05 (+ 0.23) in the presence of red cloth stripes, and 44.78 (+ 5.17%) in the oviposition cup with red cloth stripes. The average oviposition cup number of Aedes albopictus was 2.03 The number of eggs trapped by cups.
Application of 5. copper or copper sulphate solution to control Aedes albopictus larvae
The effects of different doses of copper on the larval or egg development of Aedes albopictus were observed. The results showed that copper ions had a significant effect on the larval development of Aedes albopictus. The larval development of Aedes albopictus was delayed during the first 5 days after being immersed in 10 g/L copper solution for 30 days and maintained at the stage I-II. In the control group, more than 90% of the larvae developed to stage III to IV on the second day. Different doses of copper solution had certain lethal effect on the larvae of Aedes albopictus, and the higher the dosage, the more obvious the lethal effect. Ions also affected the development of Aedes albopictus eggs; 10 days after immersion in copper, 30% of eggs were hatched in 10 mg/L copper solution, 37% in 20 mg/L copper solution, 86% in 40 mg/L copper solution, and 99% in the control group. In the experiment of Aedes albopictus larvae or egg development, it was found that the high concentration of copper sulfate solution had a significant effect on the hatching of eggs; the eggs of Aedes albopictus began to hatch on the 3rd day after adding the eggs in 1 mg/L copper sulfate solution, and the number of mosquito larvae hatched increased continuously after that, but no white was found in 10 mg/L and 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution. The eggs of Aedes albopictus were hatched. High concentration of copper sulfate solution inhibited the development of Aedes albopictus larvae obviously; 1 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 100 mg/L of copper sulfate solution had a strong lethal effect on the larvae of Aedes albopictus from 1st to 2nd instars, and the mortality rate was 100% after 24h of the larvae of Aedes albopictus larvae from 3rd to 4th instars. The lethality increased with the increase of concentration, and the larvae of Aedes albopictus died in 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution until the third day. No mosquito larvae were found in the container containing 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution for the first five weeks. The number of positive barrels for mosquito larvae increased continuously until the seventh week. The effect of controlling mosquito larvae by copper sulfate solution decreased with time.
[Abstract]:Dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an acute infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which seriously endangers human health. In the 20th century, many epidemics of dengue fever occurred all over the world, with millions of cases. A new type of pregnant mosquito catcher was developed to monitor the mosquito population in containers such as Aedes albopictus, which made up for the shortcomings of the current monitoring methods of Aedes albopictus in China, improved the monitoring level of Aedes albopictus, and provided a basis for scientific prediction of the epidemic trend of dengue fever and effective control of dengue fever in China. To further improve the monitoring effect of pregnant mosquito catcher, the oviposition habits of Aedes albopictus, the oviposition attraction of different extracts and the new method of controlling mosquito larvae with copper sulfate were studied. The application of pregnant mosquito catcher to control container-borne mosquitoes such as Aedes albopictus was also explored. The fruit is as follows:
Application of 1. sticky capture method to population surveillance of Aedes albopictus
Among the mosquitoes caught by the new designed pregnant mosquito catcher and standard ovipositor, Aedes albopictus accounted for 89.87%, was the dominant mosquito species, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus or Culex pipiens pallens accounted for 8.87%, Culex tritaeniorhynchus/Culex pseudomonas, Culex pipiens bicuspipiens and so on accounted for 0.82%, which could not be identified because of the main morphological characteristics. The female mosquitoes accounted for 62.37%, and the male mosquitoes accounted for 21.58%. The female mosquitoes of Aedes albopictus had a clear visibility rate of 63.97% under the anatomical microscope. Among the mosquitoes caught, 96.46% of the mosquitoes had foot-and-tarsal joints adhered and 86.67% of the mosquitoes were adhered to different parts of the mosquito. The density of Aedes albopictus was positively correlated with that of pregnant mosquito and standard ovipositor. The trend of population density of Aedes albopictus was the same as that of pregnant mosquito, oviposition and larval quantitative counting. There was a significant linear correlation between the average number of female mosquitoes caught by pregnant mosquito traps, the average number of eggs trapped by pregnant mosquito traps and the average number of adult mosquitoes trapped by human traps.
2. effects of different plant extracts on egg laying behavior of Aedes albopictus
In the indoor experiment, the average number of eggs trapped in the cup with root-stumbling grass extract was 68.87, while in the cup with tap water the average number of eggs trapped in the cup was 23.99. There was a significant difference between the two methods. In the indoor experiment, the average number of female mosquitoes trapped in the cup with root-stumbling grass extract was 7.62, while that in the cup with tap water was 7.62. The average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap was 2.66, and there was a significant difference between the two. In the field experiment, the average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap with Rhizoma stumps extract was 5.88, while the average number of female mosquitoes caught by sticking trap with tap water was 4.79. The average number of eggs was 670.95, while the average number of eggs trapped in the standard ovipositor with tap water was 386.22. There was no significant difference between the two groups.
3. study on the oviposition rhythm of Aedes albopictus
The reproductive and nutritional cycle of Aedes albopictus averaged 4.22 days, and the ovaries of pregnant mosquitoes matured and began to lay eggs 3-4 days after blood sucking. The number of eggs laid on the 5th day accounted for 20.51% of the total oviposition, 6.85% of the total oviposition on the 6th day, and a few mosquitoes still laid eggs on the 10th day. 8.10%. The oviposition rhythm was observed on the spot: the oviposition peak appeared from afternoon to evening, and the oviposition amount accounted for 32.51% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 12:00 to 15:00 in the day; the oviposition amount accounted for 24.95% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 15:00 to 18:00 in the day; and the oviposition amount accounted for 31.86% of the total oviposition amount in the day from 18:00 to 20:00 in the day.
4. dispersal spawning behavior of Aedes albopictus
In the study of spawning time dispersion of Aedes albopictus, 55.56% of pregnant mosquitoes needed only one day to complete spawning, 24.69% of pregnant mosquitoes needed two days to complete spawning, 80% of pregnant mosquitoes completed spawning within 1-2 days, and a few pregnant mosquitoes needed 6-7 days to complete spawning. The results showed that 56.47% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed only one oviposition at 24 hours, 40.00% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed two to three ovipositions, 34.20% of the pregnant mosquitoes only needed one oviposition at 3 hours, 42.11% of the pregnant mosquitoes needed two ovipositions, and a few needed three to five ovipositions. Spatial dispersal oviposition of Aedes albopictus using oviposition vectors showed that the average oviposition cup number of Aedes albopictus was 3.66 65507 The oviposition cup of feeding water accounted for 30.49 (+ 3.62%) of the total oviposition, which was significantly higher than that of other tap water. The average oviposition cup of Aedes albopictus was 3.05 (+ 0.23) in the presence of red cloth stripes, and 44.78 (+ 5.17%) in the oviposition cup with red cloth stripes. The average oviposition cup number of Aedes albopictus was 2.03 The number of eggs trapped by cups.
Application of 5. copper or copper sulphate solution to control Aedes albopictus larvae
The effects of different doses of copper on the larval or egg development of Aedes albopictus were observed. The results showed that copper ions had a significant effect on the larval development of Aedes albopictus. The larval development of Aedes albopictus was delayed during the first 5 days after being immersed in 10 g/L copper solution for 30 days and maintained at the stage I-II. In the control group, more than 90% of the larvae developed to stage III to IV on the second day. Different doses of copper solution had certain lethal effect on the larvae of Aedes albopictus, and the higher the dosage, the more obvious the lethal effect. Ions also affected the development of Aedes albopictus eggs; 10 days after immersion in copper, 30% of eggs were hatched in 10 mg/L copper solution, 37% in 20 mg/L copper solution, 86% in 40 mg/L copper solution, and 99% in the control group. In the experiment of Aedes albopictus larvae or egg development, it was found that the high concentration of copper sulfate solution had a significant effect on the hatching of eggs; the eggs of Aedes albopictus began to hatch on the 3rd day after adding the eggs in 1 mg/L copper sulfate solution, and the number of mosquito larvae hatched increased continuously after that, but no white was found in 10 mg/L and 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution. The eggs of Aedes albopictus were hatched. High concentration of copper sulfate solution inhibited the development of Aedes albopictus larvae obviously; 1 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 100 mg/L of copper sulfate solution had a strong lethal effect on the larvae of Aedes albopictus from 1st to 2nd instars, and the mortality rate was 100% after 24h of the larvae of Aedes albopictus larvae from 3rd to 4th instars. The lethality increased with the increase of concentration, and the larvae of Aedes albopictus died in 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution until the third day. No mosquito larvae were found in the container containing 100 mg/L copper sulfate solution for the first five weeks. The number of positive barrels for mosquito larvae increased continuously until the seventh week. The effect of controlling mosquito larvae by copper sulfate solution decreased with time.
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1 刘传鸽;罗琳;胡龙飞;;蚊类监测方法的研究进展[J];检验检疫学刊;2013年01期