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发布时间:2016-12-24 10:42


        目的:本研究旨在通过测定世居藏族、移居汉族及平原汉族缺氧诱导因子-1α(hypoxia-induble factor-1α,HIF-1α),血管内皮生长因子(vascularendothelial growth factor,VEGF)及胎盘生长因子(placenta growthfactor,PIGF)的水平,分析几种因子在不同海拔藏汉族之间的差异,几种因子之间及它们与动脉血氧分压(arterial partial pressure of oxygen,PaO2)的相关性,了解藏族、汉族对高原低氧环境的适应特征,探讨HIF-1α,VEGF及PIGF在高原低氧适应中所起的作用。方法:选取平原(海拔5m)健康成年汉族,中度海拔(2261m)、高海拔(4380m)健康成年藏、汉族男性(20-30岁)作为研究对象,分为平原组(1组)、中度海拔移居汉族组(2组)、中度海拔世居藏族组(3组)、高海拔移居汉族组(4组)、高海拔世居藏族组(5组),每组各20名。移居者在高原居住时间为2年以上。中、高度海拔藏汉族组均进行慢性高原病(CMS)评分均小于5分。所有受试者均签署知情同意书。受试者检验血气分析及血红蛋白。空腹抽取肘前静脉血分离血清置于-80℃冰箱保存,应用ELISA法测定血清中HIF-1α,VEGF,PIGF的水平。比较各组HIF-1α,VEGF,PIGF的水平,因子之间及与PaO2的相关性。结果:1.各组间PaO2,Hb的比较(见表1)。PaO2:5组间PaO2比较有显著性差异,2,3,4,5组均低于1组(P<0.01);4,5组低于2,3组(P<0.01)。但2组与3组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);4组与5组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。Hb:5组间Hb比较有显著性差异,4、5组低于1、2、3组(P<0.01),5组低于4组(P<0.01),1组、2组、3组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。2.各组间血清HIF-1α,VEGF及PIGF水平比较(见表2)。HIF-1α:5组间HIF-1α比较有显著性差异,4组低于1、2、3组(P<0.05),5组低于3组(P<0.05),但1组、2组、3组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);4组、5组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)VEGF:5组间VEGF比较有显著性差异,4组低于1、2、3组(P<0.05),5组低于1、3、5组(P<0.05),但1组、2组、3组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);2组、5组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。PIGF:5组间PIGF比较有显著性差异,2、3、4组低于1组(P<0.05),4、5组低于2、3组(P<0.05),5组低于4组(P<0.05),但2、3组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。3.血清HIF-1α,VEGF及PIGF水平与PaO2相关性HIF‐1α,VEGF,PIGF和PaO2负相关,有统计学意义(r分别为-0.475,-0.686,-0.511,P<0.01)。4.血清PIGF与HIF-1α,VEGF相关性PIGF和HIF‐1α,VEGF正相关,有统计学意义(r分别为0.401,0.440,P<0.01)。结论:1.随着海拔的升高,各组PaO2逐渐降低,但在同一海拔的藏汉族之间PaO2无明显差异。Hb蛋白的升高仅在高海拔藏汉族出现,且藏族显著低于汉族。提示缺氧到一定程度才会引起Hb的升高,藏族较汉族具有更好的低氧适应能力。2.HIF-1α在高度海拔才明显升高,但高海拔藏汉族之间无显著差异,提示HIF-1α在低氧到一定程度时水平增加,,藏、汉族在同一低氧水平时HIF-1α的水平是相同的。4.VEGF在中度海拔无显著升高,在高海拔显著升高,高海拔藏族与汉族之间有显著差异,说明汉族在低氧刺激下血管内皮生长因子增生更为活跃。5.PIGF在中度海拔藏汉族显著低于平原组,高海拔汉族显著高于中度海拔藏汉族,高海拔藏族显著低于中度海拔藏汉族及高海拔汉族,而与平原组无显著差异。推测PIGF在轻度低氧处于抑制状态,低氧到一定程度才会升高,汉族明显高于藏族。6.HIF-1α,VEGF,PIGF与PaO2呈负相关,PIGF与HIF-1α,VEGF呈正相关。

    Objective:To measure the level of hypoxia inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α) vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF)and placenta growth factor (PIGF) of the serum inTibetan, the moved Han and Han in plain. To analyse the difference of them at thedifferent altitude, the correlation among them and the correlation between HIF-1α,HIF-2α with arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2).In order to understand theadaptability of Tibetan and Han to high altitude. To investigate the significance ofHIF-1α,VEGF and PIGF in different altitude.Methods:Chooses healthy adult of Han in plain (altitude5m,group1), in moderatealtitude (2261m, group2)and high altitude (4380m,group4), healthy adult ofTibetan in moderate altitude (2261m, group3) and high altitude (4380m,group5).The age of them between of20and30. Each group has20men. Migrants live inplateau more than2years. Tibetan and Han of high altitude were done the chronicmountain sickness scores(CMS).Their scores were all less than five points. Everysubject signed the informed agreement. All of them measured hemoglobin andarterial blood gas analysis. Extracted venous blood, separated serum and saved in-80℃refrigerator. The level of HIF-1α,VEGF and PIGF were determined withELISA.Compared the difference within groups.Analyzed the correlation amongthese three factors and them with PaO2.Results:1. The comparison of the Hb and PaO2among each group (table1).PaO2: There was significant difference of PaO2among the five groups(P <0.01).ThePaO2of group1was higher than other groups(P <0.01). The PaO2of group4andgroup5were lower than group2and group3(P <0.01). But PaO2between group2and group3didn’t have significant difference (P>0.05).The PaO2between group4and group5also didn’t have significant difference (P>0.05).Hb (g/dl): There was significant difference among the five groups.Hb of group4and group5were higher than other groups(P <0.01). Hb of group5was lower thangroup4(P <0.01). Hb among group1, group2and group3didn’t have significantdifference (P>0.05).2. The comparison of HIF-1α,VEGF and PIGF level among each group (see table2).HIF-1α: There was significant difference among the five groups. HIF-1α of group4was higher than other groups (P <0.05).HIF-1α of group5was higher than the thirdgroup (P <0.05).There was no significant difference among group1, group2andgroup3.(P>0.05).VEGF:There was significant difference Among5groups.The level of VEGF waslower than group1,2and3(P<0.05), group5was lower than group1,3and5(P<0.05).There was no significant difference among group1, group2and group3(P>0.05), between group2and group5were also no significant difference (P>0.05);PIGF: There was significant difference among5groups. Group2and3were lowerthan group1(P<0.05),group4was highest in all group(sP<0.05). Group5was lowerthan group4(P<0.05),higher than group2and3,no significant difference withgroup1(P>0.05).3. The correlation of HIF-1α, VEGF and PIGF with PaO2.There were negative correlation between HIF-1α,VEGF and PIGF with PaO2(requals-0.291,-0.686,-0.511respectively,P <0.01).4. The correlation between PIGF with HIF-1α and VEGF.PIGF positive correlated with HIF-1α and VEGF (r equals0.401,0.440respe-ctively,P <0.01)Conclusions:1.With the rise of altitude, the PaO2decreased.It is the same level ofPaO2in the same elevation in Han and Tibetan. Hb increases only in high altitude,theHb of Tibetan is significantly lower than Han. That means only when hypoxiadecreased to certain degree, the Hb will increase.Tibetan has better hypoxiaadaptability than Han.2. In high altitude,HIF-1α increased significantly, but there is no significantdifference between Han and Tibetan. It’s tip that HIF-1doesn’t increase until oxygento a certain degree in the same low oxygen levels,HIF-1α is identical. 3.VEGF increased in high altitude, there was significant difference betweenTibetan and Han.That indicated that VEGF is sensitive to hypoxia in Han thanTibetan.4.PIGF decreased in moderate high altitude than plain.PIGF of Han in highaltitude was higher than Tibetan and Han in moderate altitude.PIGF of Tibetan waslower than moderate altitude and Han in high altitude,but there was no significantdifference with plain.That may be indicated that PIGF was depressed by mildhypoxia,it will increase only when hypoxia to a certain degree, Han was higher thanTibetan.5.There were negative correlation between HIF-1α,VEGF and PIGF with PaO2.PIGF positive correlated with HIF-1α and VEGF.


中文摘要5-7Abstract7-9前言10-11材料与方法11-14结果14-16讨论16-18结论18-19参考文献19-22附录22-23致谢23-24综述24-33    参考文献30-33攻读学位期间取得的研究成果33






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