[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the status of infection with avian influenza virus (H5N1) in occupational exposed population in Urumqi, analyze the infection characteristics, and understand the knowledge of human avian influenza and attitude and behavior among occupational exposed population. To provide the basis for the prevention and control of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza, influenza pandemic strategy and measures, health education and health promotion. Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to detect the antibody level of exposed poultry workers engaged in poultry farming, live poultry sales and slaughtering in Urumqi. A total of 205 people were investigated, and the exposed population was cultured and sold. The PCR of H5 influenza virus was detected in water, poultry faeces and cage surfaces of slaughtering sites, and a questionnaire survey on knowledge, attitude and behavior of avian influenza was carried out among professional population. Results 1. The infection rate of avian influenza H5 virus in occupational exposed population in Urumqi was 2.44, and the poultry slaughtermen were higher than those who sold, sold and cultured. 2. 93 exposed samples of occupational population were tested for H5 virus. The results were all negative. 3. The average score of cognition of avian influenza in occupational exposed population was 7.26. There were differences in knowledge scores among different occupational groups, and culling personnel were higher than those in breeding and trafficking. There were also differences in the Avian Influenza knowledge scores among the subjects with different educational levels and working years. With the increase of the educational level and the length of service, the average score of Avian Influenza knowledge also increased. 31. 7% of the people thought that bird flu might occur around them, and there were statistical differences among different age groups, and the middle age group thought that the proportion of bird flu around them was higher than that of the young group and the old group. Low coverage rate of influenza vaccine in occupational exposed population and low implementation rate of occupational protective measures conclusion 1. There is an invisible infection of H5N1 in occupational population in Wuzhou, among which the infection rate of poultry slaughtermen is the highest, so the surveillance of influenza virus in occupational population should be strengthened. Guiding them to do a good job of protecting themselves and reducing the chance of infection with avian influenza virus. 2. H5 positive was not detected in the environmental specimens of poultry workers' occupational sites. The market for selling live poultry may be one of the sources of avian influenza infection. It is a key link to control human avian influenza to strengthen the etiology detection of environmental specimens in poultry sales and breeding sites, and to do a good job of environmental cleaning and disinfection. 3. The occupational exposed population has a certain understanding of human avian influenza related knowledge. However, the overall knowledge level is still on the low side, the proportion of comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of prevention and control is not high, and the vaccination rate and effective occupational protection rate of influenza vaccine are relatively low. Therefore, health education and health promotion should be strengthened for the occupational population. To improve the knowledge of prevention and control of occupational exposed population, to advocate influenza vaccination, to guide occupational protection skills.
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