[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the masticatory status of betel nut and the incidence of oral submucous fibrosis (Oral Submucous Fibrosis, OSF) in the population aged 15 and over in Changsha, Hunan Province, so as to provide scientific basis for the prevention of OSF. Methods: according to the requirements of the third National Oral Health Epidemiology Survey, the method of stratified random sampling was used in the first stage. Two communities, namely, chives Garden and Mawangdui in Changsha City, and two villages in Liuyang City were randomly selected as investigation points, representing urban and rural residents, respectively. In the second stage, a total of 600 residents were collected randomly and clustered according to the ratio of men and women and urban and rural households in the community and rural areas. The chewing condition of betel nut was investigated by questionnaire, and the incidence of OSF was observed by oral examination. Results: a total of 551 questionnaires were completed by 600 residents, and the completion rate was 91.8%. In the survey of 551 permanent residents in Changsha, 111 of them had the habit of chewing betel nut, and the chewing rate of betel nut was 20.1. The chewing rate of male betel nut was 35.5% (100 / 282) and that of female was 4.1% (11 / 269). The mastication rate of urban population was slightly higher than that of rural population by 21.7%, and there was no statistical difference between them (P0.05). The chewing rate of areca nut was higher in the 20-29 (26.8%) and 30-39 (30.7%) age groups than in the 40-49 (19.8%) and 50-59 (18.9%) groups. The four groups were different from those aged 15-19 (3.4%) and over 60 (4.9%) (P 0.05). The chewing rate of betel nut was 20.5in junior middle school and below junior middle school, 22.3in senior middle school and technical secondary school, 17.6 in college and above. There was no statistical difference between the three groups. The chewing rate of betel nut was the highest (30.5%) among workers, followed by non-workers (14.3%), and the retired group of student military housewives (5.4%). Compared with each group, the rate of chewing betel nut was the highest (P 0.001). There is a statistical difference. Among those who chewed betel nut, 80 (72.1%) had the habit of smoking, 50 (45.0%) had the habit of drinking, and 38 (34.2%) had the habit of smoking and drinking. Only 19 (17.1%) betel nut chewing habits were found in 19 (17.1%) subjects, 6 OSF patients were found, the prevalence rate was 1.1 and 5 were male, all of them were habitual betel nut chewers. Conclusion: there are more males than females who have the habit of chewing betel nut and the habit of chewing betel nut with OSF, in Changsha area of Hunan province. Betel nut chewing was not different in urban and rural areas, but not related to educational level, and related to working status and age. Betel nut chewers are associated with the habit of smoking and drinking. Betel nut chewing habits are becoming younger and younger. In order to reduce the chewing rate of betel nut and reduce the prevalence rate of OSF, we should strengthen propaganda and education to enhance the understanding of the harm of betel nut chewing.
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