[Abstract]:Background and objective: influenza (influenza) is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus (Influenza Virus). Because of the high variability of influenza virus gene, the incidence of influenza virus is high and easy to occur in the population. The influenza A H1N1 epidemic, which began in the spring of 2009, has once again made influenza virus become the focus of global attention. Influenza A virus is one of the important pathogens endangering human health. At the same time, China is also one of the birthplaces of influenza mutants in the world, so the variation law of influenza A virus is analyzed and studied in depth and detail. It is of great significance in the prevention and treatment of influenza. Swine flu (Swine influenza,SI) is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by swine flu virus (Swine influenza virus,SIV. Pigs have the ability to infect both avian and human influenza viruses, and are considered to be intermediate hosts and "gene mixers" for the production of new subtypes of influenza viruses. Moreover, swine flu virus has the ability to infect people and birds, so swine flu has important veterinary and human public health significance. Based on this background, the representative strains of influenza A H3N2 in Zhejiang Province in recent ten years were compared with swine H3N2 strains in the main antigen genes, and the relationship between influenza A 3 subtypes influenza virus and swine influenza virus in Zhejiang Province was discussed. Materials and methods: viral hemagglutinin (Haemagglutinin,) was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (Reverse transcription-Polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR) against representative influenza A 3 strains isolated during influenza epidemic in Zhejiang Province in recent ten years. HA) and neurosinase (Neuraminidase, NA) gene were sequenced, and the homology and evolution tree were analyzed by BioEdit (version and MEGA4.0 software with the corresponding sequences of other human and swine H3N2 influenza strains in the same period. (HA1,NA sequences of other human and swine H3N2 influenza strains were downloaded by GenBank of NCBI in the United States.) Results: the representative strains A3 / Zhejiang (Zhejiang,ZJ) / 10: 98, A3 / Zhejiang (6 / 99), A3 / Zhejiang (8 / 02) and swine flu A3/SW/ Ontario (Ontario,) in Zhejiang Province in the past ten years were the representative strains of influenza A _ 3 / Zhejiang (Zhejiang) / 10 / 98, A3 / Zhejiang / 99, A3 / Zhejiang / 8 / 02 and swine flu A3/SW/ Ontario (Ontario) in the past ten years. The homology of ON / 130 / 97, A3 / SW/ Hong Kong (Hongkong,HK) / 4361 / 99, A3 / SWHongkong74 / 02 in HA1 region was 99.1%, 99.4% and 99.4%, respectively. In Na district, the homology of A3 Zhejiang 98, A3 Zhejiang 699, A3 Zhejiang 802 and swine flu A3 SWOntuo 13097, A3 SWHenan S4 01, A3 SWHongKong411 / 02 is 98.2%, respectively, and the homology of A3 Zhejiang 802 with swine flu A3 SWHenan S401, A3 SWHongKong41102 is 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2%, 98.2% and 98.2%, respectively. 99.3%, 99.3%. Both of them showed high homology, some of which were much higher than their homology with human influenza strains in the same period, and also showed this situation in the genetic phylogenetic tree. Conclusion: there is a close relationship between the epidemic strains of influenza A 3 and some strains of swine flu in Zhejiang Province in recent ten years, and the relationship between swine flu and human influenza is worthy of further study.
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