发布时间:2018-04-11 05:02
本文选题:海水 + 肺损伤 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:第一部分NFAT5在海水吸入型肺损伤中的作用及其机制的研究 研究背景: 吸入海水导致的急性肺损伤是海上生产作业和海上作战等意外死亡的主要原因之一。海水吸入后大部分患者会因为喉头气管反射性痉挛引发窒息而死亡,部分幸存患者可导致海水吸入型肺损伤(Seawater Inhalation Induced Acute Lung Injury,SWI-ALI),甚至发展成为更为严重的海水吸入型呼吸窘迫综合征(seawater inhalationinduced acute respiratory distress syndrome, SWI-ARDS)。目前国内外对于海水吸入型肺损伤发生机制的研究报道非常有限,其理论基础和分子机制尚有待阐明,而且未形成统一有效的临床治疗体系。因此,研究和阐明海水吸入型肺损伤特有的发病机制对于临床治疗方案的选择和指导药物的选用具有重要的意义。炎症反应是海水吸入型肺损伤的重要表现,与炎症有关的炎症因子和通路众多,其中我们选择了活化性T淋巴细胞核因子5(nuclear factor of the activated T cell5, NFAT5)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(angiotensinⅡ,AngⅡ)及其受体AT1两个方面作为研究重点。 NFAT5是NF-κB/Rel家族成员之一,是哺乳动物体内唯一已知的关于渗透压转录因子,可在多种组织中表达,参与维持细胞内外渗透压的平衡。此外,NFAT5还可诱导促炎因子的表达,促进炎症疾病的发生发展,如干眼病,炎性肠病(inflammatorybowel disease, IBD)等。因此,我们推测NFAT5可能在海水吸入型肺损伤的发生发展过程中起到非常重要的作用。 实验目的: 本实验通过复制大鼠海水吸入型肺损伤模型,研究了NFAT5的表达及其功能变化,以及NF-κB的变化,并在细胞水平上通过使用siRNA技术抑制NFAT5表达,观察NF-κB及炎症因子的变化,从而验证NFAT5在海水吸入型肺损伤中的重要作用。 实验方法: 体内实验:健康雄性SD大鼠,体重190-210g,随机分到对照组,海水吸入3h组,海水吸入6h组,海水吸入12h组四组中,每组6只。配制3%戊巴比妥钠,按1.5ml/kg给予大鼠腹腔注射进行麻醉,经颈正中切口暴露气管,将注射器插入气管,按4ml/kg缓慢注入预先配置的海水,模拟海水吸入型肺损伤模型。待大鼠出现呼吸喘息气急,耳鼻发绀,全肺满布湿Up音,在鼻和口有粉红色泡沫液体流出。在相应时间点取0.5ml右侧颈内动脉血进行血气分析检测,检测动脉血气显示PaO250mmHg,SaO245%左右,及PaO2/FiO2(氧合指数)150mmHg提示海水吸入型肺损伤模型建立成功。然后处死大鼠,肺组织进行石蜡包埋,苏木精-伊红染色法(hematoxylin-eosin staining, HE)染色,湿/干比(wet-to-dry ratios, W/D)检测,匀浆肺组织通过反转录PCR (reverse transcription PCR, RT-PCR)和蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot)检测肺组织内NFAT5和NF-κB的表达,通过酶联免疫吸附剂测定(enzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassay, ELISA)检测肺组织内的肿瘤坏死因子(tumornecrosis factor-α, TNF-α)、白介素1β(Interleukin-1β, IL-1β)和白介素8(Interleukin-8,IL-6)含量变化。 体外实验:采用大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞系NR8383细胞进行孵育及相关处理。NR8383细胞生长在含20%胎牛血清的F12培养液中,当长满培养瓶底后,选用12.5%,25%,37.5%浓度的海水处理细胞,放入孵箱6h后,离心收集上清液及细胞进行检测,观察细胞中NFAT5在蛋白及mRNA水平的表达和炎症因子的变化情况。用NFAT5的小干扰RNA(siRNA)处理细胞,观察NF-κB及炎症因子变化情况。 实验结果: 体内实验:大鼠气管内滴注海水后,PaO2和SaO2显著降低,PaCO2逐渐升高。HE染色结果表明海水吸入6h后肺泡结构紊乱,有大量的炎性细胞渗出,伴有局部肺不张,损伤严重。肺组织W/D,,炎症因子TNF-α,IL-1β和IL-8表达量明显增多,NFAT5在mRNA和蛋白水平表达明显增加。 体外实验:不同浓度的海水处理NR8383细胞,结果显示NFAT5和p-NF-κB在海水浓度25%时表达量最多。使用NFAT5siRNA抑制NFAT5的表达后,观测到p-NF-κB和炎症因子含量的显著下降。 实验结论: 以上结果证明了NFAT5参与了海水吸入型肺损伤的形成和发展过程,其机制可能是促进NF-κB的激活。抑制NFAT5的表达后,肺损伤和炎症因子表达量减轻。 第二部分:Ang-Ⅱ及其受体AT1在海水吸入型肺损伤中的作用机制及氯沙坦对海水吸入型肺损伤的保护作用的研究 研究背景: 研究表明,肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensin system, RAS)与呼吸系统的生理和病理过程密切相关。肺脏及其血管内存有单独的、不依赖于全身RAS的局部RAS系统。在ALI初期,肺内的局部RAS系统即被激活并在ALI的发生发展中起到了重要的作用。AngⅡ是RAS系统的关键效应物。 AngII主要在肺血管内皮细胞产生,通过与特定AngI受体(AT1)和AngII受体(AT2)两种亚型结合而发挥作用。当前已知的AngⅡ的作用大多数是通过AT1受体介导的。AngⅡ与受体AT1结合后激活交感神经系统增加神经递质的释放,增加血管张力,维持体液和电解质的平衡等参与血液循环的调节;AngⅡ还可以通过旁分泌、自分泌和细胞内的结合等参与呼吸系统疾病的病理生理过程。最近的研究表明,AngⅡ本身可能是一种促炎肽。许多促炎症基因的表达,主要通过AngⅡ及其受体AT1调节的信号通路完成的。此外,AT1受体的选择性抑制剂氯沙坦(losartan),已经显示在脂多糖(lipopolysaccharides, LPS),败血症及机械通气导致的肺损伤中通过多种机制起到保护作用。然而,AngⅡ及其受体AT1在海水吸入型肺损伤中的作用尚未见报道。因此,在本研究的目的在于观察海水吸入导致的急性肺损伤中,AngⅡ及其受体AT1的作用及其机制,以及AT1受体拮抗剂氯沙坦是否具有保护作用。 实验目的: 本部分实验通过复制大鼠海水吸入型肺损伤模型,观察AngⅡ及其受体AT1的表达变化,同时观察不同剂量受体AT1的抑制剂氯沙坦对海水吸入型肺损伤的保护作用及其机制。 实验方法: 体内实验:将健康SD雄性大鼠随机分成5组,分别是对照组,海水处理组(3h,6h,12h),5mg/kg氯沙坦+海水处理6h组,15mg/kg氯沙坦+海水处理6h组,30mg/kg氯沙坦+海水处理6h组。在海水处理之前30min,对照组和海水处理组通过腹腔注射给予生理盐水,氯沙坦处理组则通过腹腔注射给予不同剂量的氯沙坦,海水处理同实验一。待大鼠出现呼吸喘息气急,耳鼻发绀,全肺满布湿Up音,在鼻和口有粉红色泡沫液体流出。在相应时间点取0.5ml右侧颈内动脉血进行血气分析检测,检测动脉血气显示PaO250mmHg,SaO245%左右,及PaO2/FiO(2氧合指数)150mmHg提示海水吸入型肺损伤模型建立成功。取左下肺进行HE染色,观察大鼠肺损伤病理变化情况,取右下肺进行称重烘干,分析大鼠肺水肿情况,其余肺组织进行实时荧光定量PCR (real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Real-Time PCR),Westernblot,髓过氧化物酶(myeloperoxidase, MPO)和炎症因子的检测。 实验结果: 大鼠吸入海水后,迅速出现缺氧情况, PaO2降低和PaCO2升高。同时AngⅡ含量及其受体AT1表达量显著增加,NF-κB磷酸化增多,ELISA检测炎症因子和MPO含量明显增多,氯沙坦预处理后可以显著改善肺损伤情况。 实验结论: 海水吸入导致大鼠急性肺损伤,并使AngII及其受体AT1的表达升高。氯沙坦预处理可以起到保护肺组织的作用,可能的机制是显著抑制NF-κB磷酸化和炎症因子的分泌,从而减轻肺损伤症状。
[Abstract]:Role of the first part NFAT5 in seawater - induced lung injury and its mechanism
Background of Study :
Acute lung injury caused by inhalation of seawater is one of the main causes of accidental death such as marine production operations and marine operations . Most of the patients after seawater intake may die due to tracheal reflex spasm , and some surviving patients may lead to seawater - induced acute lung injury ( SWI - ALI ) , and even develop into a more serious seawater intake - induced acute respiratory distress syndrome ( SWI - ARDS ) . Therefore , it is important to study and clarify the pathogenesis of seawater inhalation type lung injury . Therefore , it is important to study and clarify the pathogenesis of seawater inhalation type lung injury . Therefore , it is important to study and clarify the pathogenesis of seawater inhalation type lung injury .
NFAT5 is one of the members of NF - 魏B / Rel family . It is the only known osmotic transcription factor in mammals . It can be expressed in various tissues and can be involved in maintaining the balance of osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell . In addition , NFAT5 can induce the expression of pro - inflammatory factors and promote the development of inflammatory diseases , such as dry eye disease , inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) , etc . Therefore , we hypothesized that NFAT5 may play a very important role in the development of seawater - induced lung injury .
Purpose of the experiment :
The expression of NFAT5 and the changes of NF - 魏B and the changes of NF - 魏B and the changes of NF - 魏B and inflammatory factors were studied by using siRNA technique to inhibit NFAT5 expression .
Test Method :
In vivo experiments were performed in healthy male SD rats weighing 190 - 210 g , randomly divided into control group , seawater intake 3h group , seawater inhalation 6h group , seawater inhalation 12h group four groups , 6 rats in each group . After the rats were sacrificed , lung tissue was injected into the trachea , and the lung tissue was injected into the trachea , and the contents of TNF - 伪 , IL - 1尾 and IL - 6 were measured by enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) . The levels of TNF - 伪 , IL - 1尾 and IL - 6 were measured by enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .
NR8383 cells were cultured in F12 medium containing 20 % fetal bovine serum .
Experimental results :
The results of HE staining showed that there was a significant increase in pulmonary tissue W / D , inflammatory cytokines TNF - 伪 , IL - 1尾 and IL - 8 expression , and the expression of NFAT5 increased significantly at mRNA and protein levels .
In vitro experiment : NR8383 cells were treated with different concentrations of seawater . The results showed that NFAT5 and p - NF - 魏B were the most expressed in seawater concentration of 25 % . After the expression of NFAT5 was inhibited by NFAT5 siRNA , there was a significant decrease in the content of p - NF - 魏B and inflammatory factors .
Experimental Conclusion :
These results demonstrate that NFAT5 is involved in the formation and development of seawater - induced lung injury . Its mechanism may be to promote the activation of NF - 魏B . After inhibition of NFAT5 expression , lung injury and inflammatory factor expression are reduced .
The second part : the mechanism of Ang - 鈪