[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the anesthetic effects of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol target-controlled infusion and sevoflurane combined anesthesia in patients undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy under BIS monitoring. Methods 46 patients with elective laparoscopic hysterectomy were randomly divided into two groups: TCI group (TCI) and combined sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia group (SD group), 23 patients in each group were randomly divided into two groups: total intravenous anesthesia group (TCI group) and sevoflurane combined anesthesia group (SD group). BIS was monitored during operation (maintained at 40 ~ 60). The blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded before anesthesia induction (T1), 30 min (T2), 1 h after operation (T3), the time of spontaneous respiratory recovery, eye opening and extubation, and the incidence of intraoperative awareness and nausea and vomiting (PONV) 24 hours after operation. Results there was no significant difference in BP and HR between T1TCI group and SD group at different time points (P0.05). The time of respiratory recovery, eye opening and extubation in TCI group was earlier than that in SD group (P0.05). However, the incidence of PONV in TCI group was significantly lower than that in SD group 24 hours after operation (P0.05). Conclusion: under BIS monitoring, target controlled total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and sevoflurane combined anesthesia can maintain hemodynamic stability and prevent intraoperative knowledge in patients undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy. But the recovery rate of total intravenous anesthesia was faster than that of combined intravenous anesthesia, and the incidence of nausea and vomiting was lower 24 hours after operation.
【作者单位】: 中南大学湘雅三医院麻醉科;
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