发布时间:2018-07-23 12:36
【摘要】:目的:探讨可实施表面麻醉的气管插管的制作和临床应用。制作方法:我们增加了一根向声门下注药的导管,与气囊的注气管在同一个凹槽内下行,在套囊的近端设一排出药孔,局麻药注入时,呈喷射状出药,,对声门下产生局部麻醉作用,全麻结束时,可以最大限度减浅麻醉,让病人苏醒,而应激反应低,气道梗阻发生机率低,尤其是喉痉挛、支气管痉挛的发生机率降低。 方法:通过2个试验对表面麻醉的可行性和安全性进行验证,分别为:试验一择期腹部手术60例,ASAⅡ级,无心律失常史,ECG均提示有心肌缺血或不同程度的左心室扩大、ST-T改变。随机分为表麻组(B组)和对照组(D组),每组30例。表麻组通过局麻药注药口把局部麻醉药通过局麻药注药管、局麻药出药孔注至气管插管上的套囊与患者声带之间的患者气管和声带表面起到表面麻醉作用。试验二选择需要做全麻手术的患者40例,随机分为表麻组和对照组各20例。全麻患者符合拔管指征时,表麻组通过导管推注利多卡因,对照组则用氯化钠。 结果:试验一HR、SBP、DBP、RPP在B组T3、T4、T5时与T1比较无显著性差异(P0.05),与T2比较各指标显著降低(P0.05),与D组比较亦显著降低(P0.05,P0.01)。D组在吸痰拔管时有4例病人因SBP大于200mmHg各用乌拉地尔12.5mg,B组未出现此种情况。试验二表麻组Ⅰ组在T1时与T3、T4、T5时比较RPP、DBP、SBP、HR值无显著性差异(P0.05),与T2比较各指标则明显降低(P0.05),与Ⅱ组比较则有显著的降低(P0.01,P0.05)。 结论:可实施表面麻醉的气管插管的制作和临床应用可行,且麻醉效果良好,能最大限度减少麻醉所带来的并发症,大大减轻了病人的痛苦。在全麻拔管时是一种较为实用的方法。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the preparation and clinical application of tracheal intubation with surface anesthesia. How to make it: we add a tube to the glottis, which goes down in the same groove as the air bag's injection pipe, and has a discharge hole in the proximal end of the capsule. When the local anesthetic is injected, the drug is sprayed. At the end of general anesthesia, the local anesthesia can be reduced to the maximum extent and the patient can wake up, but the stress response is low, the probability of airway obstruction is low, especially the laryngeal spasm, the occurrence rate of bronchospasm is reduced. Methods: the feasibility and safety of surface anesthesia were verified by two tests. The results were as follows: in trial 1, 60 patients with ASA 鈪
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the preparation and clinical application of tracheal intubation with surface anesthesia. How to make it: we add a tube to the glottis, which goes down in the same groove as the air bag's injection pipe, and has a discharge hole in the proximal end of the capsule. When the local anesthetic is injected, the drug is sprayed. At the end of general anesthesia, the local anesthesia can be reduced to the maximum extent and the patient can wake up, but the stress response is low, the probability of airway obstruction is low, especially the laryngeal spasm, the occurrence rate of bronchospasm is reduced. Methods: the feasibility and safety of surface anesthesia were verified by two tests. The results were as follows: in trial 1, 60 patients with ASA 鈪