[Abstract]:[objective] to study the effect of intravenous general anesthesia induced by etomidate and propofol on salivary cortisol secretion in normal children and perioperative children by means of dynamic determination of salivary cortisol secretion in normal children and perioperative children, and to compare the effects of etomidate and propofol on salivary cortisol secretion in children during perioperative period. To explore the rules and characteristics of cortisol secretion in children in China. To determine whether the routine dose of etomidate affects the secretion of cortisol in children. [methods] A total of 20 children with selective small and medium-sized urological surgery were recruited from healthy children and hospitalized in Xinhua Hospital. Saliva was collected every 1 hour every day after excluding stress stimulation. The concentration of cortisol in saliva was measured by ELISA, and the rules of cortisol secretion in healthy children were observed, and the circadian rhythm of cortisol was compared between healthy children and children scheduled for operation. A total of 20 healthy children and 20 hospitalized children were recruited. Saliva was collected 30 minutes after waking and 30 minutes after waking, and 60min was collected after waking to compare the morning cortisol arousal reaction between healthy children and children who planned to undergo surgery. To recruit children with selective urethroplasty and pyeloplasty in Xinhua Hospital. Etomidate group (n = 38) and propofol group (n = 39) were randomly divided into two groups. 0.3mg/kg and 2mg/kg were used to determine salivary cortisol concentration in saliva on the day of operation and two days after operation. The difference of cortisol concentration between the two groups was compared, and the use of non-prophylactic antibiotics, the length of stay in hospital and the formation of urethral fistula were compared. The difference of wound healing. [results] the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion before operation in healthy children and operative children was high, late and low. There was no significant difference in salivary cortisol levels between the two groups (P0.05); healthy children and children who planned to undergo surgery showed cortisol arousal reaction before operation, and there was no significant difference in salivary cortisol levels between them (P0.05); compared with propofol group, there was no significant difference in salivary cortisol level between them. The level of cortisol in etomidate group decreased significantly from the day of operation to 8:00 (F _ (14.703) P _ (0.01) from the day of operation to 8:00 (F _ (14.703) P _ (0.01), and also significantly decreased compared with the corresponding time point before operation (F _ (55.496) P _ (0.01). There was no significant difference in cortisol level between propofol group and preoperation group (F = 13.176, P 0.01). Children in etomidate group and propofol group were treated with non-prophylactic antibiotics and hospitalized days after operation. There was no significant difference in wound healing and the incidence of urethral fistula (P0.01). [conclusion] cortisol secretion in healthy children and children undergoing minor surgery in urology has a circadian rhythm of high and late morning and early morning cortisol arousal. There was no significant difference between the rhythm of cortisol secretion and the function of HPA axis in the two groups. However, the decrease of cortisol level is a short-term phenomenon, lasting no more than 24 hours, and has no significant effect on the postoperative infection, wound healing and hospital stay in children, so it can be safely used in children undergoing small and medium-sized urological surgery.
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