[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ropivacaine combined with dexmetidine in axillary brachial plexus block anesthesia. Methods 120 patients undergoing forearm or hand surgery were randomly divided into 4 groups. The axillary brachial plexus nerve (median nerve, ulnar nerve, radial nerve, musculocutaneous nerve) was anesthetized under the guidance of ultrasound. The patients in ropivacaine group and ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 vein group were injected with 0.5% ropivacaine 7 mL each. The patients in ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 local group were given 0.5% ropivacaine and 50 渭 g dexmetomidine mixture (7 mL). The patients of ropivacaine dexmetomidine 100 local group were injected with 0.5% ropivacaine and 100 渭 g dexmetomidine mixture for 7 mL. Ropivacaine group, ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 local group, ropivacaine dexmetomidine 100 local group were intravenously infused with 0.9% sodium chloride solution 40 mL / h after operation. Patients in the ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 group received dexmetomidine 50 渭 g (diluted to 20 mL / L for 40 mL/h) after operation. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and sedation score were recorded before and 15 min (T1), 30 min (T2), 45 min (T3), 60min (T4) before and after anesthesia. The onset time of sensory and motor block, the time of motor block and the duration of analgesia were also studied in the 4 groups. Results the onset time of sensory and motor block in ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 group and ropivacaine dexmetomidine 100 group was significantly shorter than that in ropivacaine group (P < 0.05). The time of motor block and the duration of analgesia were significantly longer than those of ropivacaine group (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 intravenous group and ropivacaine group (P 0.05). The HR and MAP of ropivacaine dexmetomidine 100 local group were significantly lower than those of ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 local group and ropivacaine group at the same time point (P < 0. 05). The HR and MAP of ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 intravenous group at T3 and T4 were significantly lower than that of ropivacaine dexmetomidine 50 local group and ropivacaine group at the same time point (P < 0. 05). Conclusion during axillary brachial plexus block guided by ultrasound, ropivacaine combined with 50 渭 g dexmetomidine can shorten the onset time of sensory and motor block, prolong the duration of motor block and analgesia, and have little effect on blood pressure and HR.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院麻醉科;
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