A contrastive analysis of the X - ray and B - type ultrasonic examinations in diagnosis of urinary calculi
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Chert Tao , Bai Gang, Zhan Nian, et al Department of Radiology, Donffeng Hospital of Hubei Medical College Affiliated, Shiyan 442008, China
[1]湖北医药学院附属东风医院影像科,湖北十堰442008; [2]湖北医药学院附属东风医院B超室,湖北十堰442008
文章摘要:目的通过X线和B型超声两种临床常用检查方法对泌尿系结石诊断结果的对比,探讨两种检查方法在泌尿系结石诊断中的优势。方法选取2007年3月至2011年3月间疑似泌尿系结石患者(405例)为研究对象,分别进行X线KUB检查和B型超声检查,并追踪他们最终的确诊情况,对检查结果的符合情况和检出结石的大小进行SPSS统计分析。结果 X线检查符合例数为353例,假阴性46例,B超检查符合例数为351例,假阴性48例,多系输尿管中下段结石,位置深。X线对尿道结石的诊出符合率占明显优势(P〈0.01);B型超声对肾脏结石和输尿管上段结石的诊断符合率优于X线检查(P〈0.05)。结论两种检查方法对泌尿系结石诊断各有优势,但对不同位置的结石有各自的优势,临床上可以两者合用来提高泌尿系结石的检出率及准确判断结石的位置。
Abstr:Objective To research the advantages of X-ray and B-type ultrasonic examinations in diagnosis of urinary calculus.by contrastive analysis.Methods 405 examples of suspected urinary calculi were selected from March 2007 to March 2011 in our hospital for study.X-ray KUB and B-ultrasonic examinations were applied and their final diagnosis was tracked.The result of the correspond diagnosis and the size of calculi were analysed by SPSS statistical analysis.Results X-ray could diagnose the urinary tract calculi(P〈0.01);B-ultrasonic examination was superior to X-ray in diagnostic accuracy of the kidney and ureteral calculi(P〈0.05).Conclusion X-ray and B-ultrasonic examination have their own advantage in diagnosing the location and size of the calculi.These two methods can be combined to improve the detection rate of urinary calculi and the accurate location and size.
Keyword::Urinary calculi X - ray B - type ultrasonic Diagnosis
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