发布时间:2018-07-15 16:56
【摘要】:背景 随着医疗保障制度的完善和血液净化技术的进展,更多终末期肾脏病(End-stage renal disease,ESRD)患者可以接受肾脏替代治疗,并可以依靠血液透析长期维持生命,但随之而来的各种并发症,尤其是心脑血管并发症,却成为了他们死亡的首要原因。在尿毒症患者中,导致心血管疾病发病率升高的原因除了传统的危险因素外,还包括:容量超负荷导致的高血压和左心室肥厚、尿毒症毒素、钙磷代谢紊乱导致的血管钙化、慢性炎症状态等。 由于ESRD患者肾功能的丧失和替代治疗的间断性,他们中大部分人都存在容量超负荷,所以如何降低尿毒症患者心血管疾病的发病率和死亡率,控制其容量平衡使干体重达标是关键因素。如果干体重设定过高,就有可能导致透析患者出现高血压、充血性心力衰竭、左心室肥厚、体腔积液和水肿等临床表现,增加患者心脑血管疾病的发生率。如果干体重设定过低,会使患者出现透析相关低血压,严重的还会导致休克、心肌梗塞、短暂性脑缺血的发生,影响透析患者的依从性。因此,如何准确的评估尿毒症患者的干体重成为了临床医生所面临的难题。 脑钠肽(Brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)是在心室壁受到牵拉刺激时由心肌细胞产生的一种多肽。在以往的研究中证实,BNP或NT-proBNP(N-terminalpro-brain natriuretic peptide)的水平与慢性肾脏病(Chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者的左心室肥厚和左室舒张功能紊乱有较强的相关性,一般用其来预测正常人群或CKD患者心血管疾病的发病情况。最近有学者提出,BNP或NT-proBNP水平可能与透析患者的细胞外液量相关,但在排除了存在左心室肥厚或收缩功能障碍的患者后,上述假设却并没有得到证实,所以BNP或NT-proBNP能否用来评估透析患者的容量状况存在着争议。生物电阻抗技术作为评估透析患者干体重的一种方法,已经经过同位素示踪法的验证,本研究中我们选择126例维持性血液透析(Maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者作为研究对象,应用生物电阻抗技术作为标准,分析NT-proBNP在非显性水肿MHD患者容量状态评价中的意义。目的 1.应用生物电阻抗技术,了解非显性水肿MHD患者的容量状况; 2.通过用生物电阻抗技术作为标准,来探讨NT-proBNP在非显性水肿MHD患者容量状态评价中的意义。方法 研究对象:选择2013年6月到2013年10月于郑州大学第一附属医院血液净化中心就诊的维持性血液透析患者作为研究对象,根据筛选条件,,共入选126例患者,其中男性62例,女性64例。 实验分组:选择周中短透析间期时,透析前采用人体成分分析仪(Bodycomposition monitor,BCM)评估透析患者容量负荷情况,获得overhydration(OH)值,根据OH值(OH值=OH值-间期体重增加量)进行分组,以OH值≤1L为干体重达标组, OH值1L为容量超负荷组。 实验内容:0月时,于透析前采用人体成分分析仪评估透析患者的容量状况,同时测量透前NT-proBNP的浓度,并搜集其临床资料,依据上述分组标准,分别对两组的NT-proBNP水平进行比较,并分析其与OH值的相关性。在3月内,对容量超负荷组患者的干体重进行调整,3月后再次测量这部分研究对象的OH值和NT-proBNP浓度,仍然依据上述分组标准进行分组,比较两组的NT-proBNP水平,并分析其与OH值的相关性,同时与0月时的OH值和NT-proBNP浓度进行比较。最后,以OH值≤1L作为透析患者容量负荷控制合理的标准,判断NT-proBNP对非显性水肿MHD患者的诊断效能。结果 1.0月时,126例患者的基线资料:干体重达标组患者为36例,容量超负荷组患者为90例,干体重达标率为28.57%。容量超负荷组患者的收缩压要高于干体重达标组(152.5±14.86mmHg VS136.4±12.53mmHg,P0.001),同时其舒张压也显著高于干体重达标组(87.1±6.31mmHg VS76.3±7.64mmHg,P0.001),差异均有统计学意义。而性别、年龄、BMI、体重间的差异均无统计学意义。 2.0月时,所有研究对象的血浆NT-proBNP水平均高于正常范围(0-100pg/ml),四分位数间距为615.50-2061.75pg/ml。容量超负荷组患者的NT-proBNP水平显著高于干体重达标组,差异有统计学意义(717.00-3154.25pg/ml VS450.50-873.00pg/ml,P0.001)。相关性分析结果示:NT-proBNP与OH值呈正相关(r=0.801,P0.001)。 3.3月时,90例容量超负荷的患者,经调整干体重后,共有41例患者干体重达标,达标率为45.56%。90例研究对象的血浆NT-proBNP水平仍高于正常范围(0-100pg/ml),四分位数间距为572.25-1936.75pg/ml。容量超负荷组患者的NT-proBNP水平仍显著高于干体重达标组,差异有统计学意义(982.50-2500.50pg/ml VS422.50-988.50pg/ml,P0.001)。相关性分析结果示:NT-proBNP与OH值仍呈正相关(r=0.684,P0.001)。 4.3月时,90例容量超负荷患者的OH值与NT-proBNP水平均较3个月前显著下降,分别为1.24±0.79L VS2.06±0.83L (t=11.710, P0.001),572.25-1936.75pg/ml VS717.00-3154.25pg/ml(Z=5.627,P0.001),差异均有统计学意义。 5.以OH值的变化作为诊断标准, OH≤1L为干体重达标。NT-proBNP对非显性水肿MHD患者容量状态评价的ROC曲线下面积(AUC)为0.818(95%CI0.733-0.904,P0.001)。根据ROC曲线预测NT-proBNP对非显性水肿MHD患者容量状态评价的临界点是962.5pg/ml,灵敏度为79.6%,特异度为73.2%。 结论 1.在非显性水肿的MHD患者中,容量超负荷仍普遍存在; 2.NT-proBNP可以用来评估非显性水肿MHD患者的容量状况,帮助其调整干体重。
With the improvement of medical security system and the progress of blood purification technology , patients with end - stage renal disease can receive renal replacement therapy , and can rely on hemodialysis for a long time to maintain life , but various complications , especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications , have become the leading cause of their death .
It is a key factor in how to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in patients with uremia and to control its capacity balance so as to reduce the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in patients with uremia , and to control the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . If the body weight is too low , it can cause the patient to have hypertension , congestive heart failure , left ventricular hypertrophy , fluid fluid effusion and edema .
Brain natriuretic peptide ( BNP ) is a kind of polypeptide produced by myocardial cells when the ventricular wall is stimulated by traction . In the past studies , it has been proved that BNP or NT - probnp levels may be correlated with the level of left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) .
1 . To understand the capacity of MHD patients with non - dominant edema by applying bioelectrical impedance technique .
2 . By using bioelectrical impedance technique as the standard , the significance of NT - probnp in the evaluation of capacity status in patients with non - dominant edema MHD was discussed .
Subjects : From June 2013 to October 2013 , there were 126 patients with maintenance hemodialysis in the blood purification center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University . According to the screening conditions , 126 patients were enrolled , including 62 males and 64 females .
Test group : During the short dialysis interval in the week , the body composition monitor ( BCM ) was used to evaluate the capacity load of the dialysis patient . The overhydration ( OH ) value was obtained . The OH number 鈮
With the improvement of medical security system and the progress of blood purification technology , patients with end - stage renal disease can receive renal replacement therapy , and can rely on hemodialysis for a long time to maintain life , but various complications , especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications , have become the leading cause of their death .
It is a key factor in how to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in patients with uremia and to control its capacity balance so as to reduce the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in patients with uremia , and to control the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . If the body weight is too low , it can cause the patient to have hypertension , congestive heart failure , left ventricular hypertrophy , fluid fluid effusion and edema .
Brain natriuretic peptide ( BNP ) is a kind of polypeptide produced by myocardial cells when the ventricular wall is stimulated by traction . In the past studies , it has been proved that BNP or NT - probnp levels may be correlated with the level of left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) .
1 . To understand the capacity of MHD patients with non - dominant edema by applying bioelectrical impedance technique .
2 . By using bioelectrical impedance technique as the standard , the significance of NT - probnp in the evaluation of capacity status in patients with non - dominant edema MHD was discussed .
Subjects : From June 2013 to October 2013 , there were 126 patients with maintenance hemodialysis in the blood purification center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University . According to the screening conditions , 126 patients were enrolled , including 62 males and 64 females .
Test group : During the short dialysis interval in the week , the body composition monitor ( BCM ) was used to evaluate the capacity load of the dialysis patient . The overhydration ( OH ) value was obtained . The OH number 鈮