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发布时间:2018-03-08 10:20

  本文选题:云南省丽江市纳西族 切入点:跟骨定量超声 出处:《昆明医科大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Objective 1. To determine the quantitative ultrasonic parameters of calcaneus in Naxi nationality of Lijiang, Yunnan Province. To explore the incidence and risk factors of osteoporosis in Naxi nationality in Lijiang area of Yunnan Province. 3. To determine the four markers of bone replacement in serum of Naxi nationality in Lijiang area of Yunnan Province. Methods: 102 Naxi population of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province were selected by cluster sampling method. The population was 40 ~ 90 years old, including 42 males and 60 females, and was divided into one age group according to the age range of 10 years. The population was divided into five groups. Each group was examined by quantitative ultrasound of calcaneus, basic signs, osteoporosis related factors questionnaire; The ELISA method was used to detect the serum bone metabolite marker 25-OHH, PTHH, BGP, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: 1. The peak bone mass of BMD was reached between 45 and 50 years old in Naxi nationality in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, and the peak bone mass was higher than that in other regions of China. There was no statistical difference in peak bone mass between men and women, and the rate of decline was faster in women than in men, especially in 50 years old. Calcaneal quantitative ultrasound, calcaneal T value, calcaneal BMD value were the highest in male patients at 4552 years old. The female bone mass was the highest in 40 or 49 years old, then declined rapidly, and the bone mass of both men and women reached the lowest after 80 years old. The period of female bone mass decrease was 3-5 years after menopause, indicating that female osteoporosis is closely related to menopause. The loss of bone mass in postmenopausal women was higher than that before menopause. The height, weight, age, waist circumference and hip circumference were correlated with calcaneal quantitative ultrasound T value and OSTA. Bone mineral density (BMD) of drinkers was significantly lower than that of non-smokers, osteoporosis was positively correlated with alcohol consumption, environmental factors were important factors, sunshine time, labor volume, A total of 102 Naxi people in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province were detected. According to the diagnostic criteria, the number of patients was 5, of which 4 were male, 60 were female and 4 were sick. With the increase of age, the incidence rate of 71-80 age group was the highest (20.0%). The difference was significant. The incidence rate of women aged from 0.70 to 80 years old was higher than that of men, and the incidence rate was 0.70-80 years old in the age group of 50-60 years and 60-70 years old, the incidence of which was 0.70-80 years old. There was no significant difference between serum PTH and age. 4. There was no significant correlation between serum PTH and age in Naxi nationality in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. It may be suggested that the age of Naxi population in Lijiang City of Yunnan Province increased with age, and there was no significant correlation between serum PTH and age, which suggested that the age of Naxi nationality in Lijiang City of Yunnan Province was higher than that of Naxi ethnic group in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. The risk of osteoporosis is increased. Conclusion 1. The incidence of osteoporosis in Naxi nationality in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, is lower than that in other regions of the country, and the peak bone mass may be higher than that in other regions of the country. 2. Population height, weight, age, waist circumference, Hip circumference and OSTA were correlated with calcaneal quantitative ultrasound T value and OSTA, the BMD of smoking drinkers was significantly lower than that of non-smokers, osteoporosis was positively correlated with alcohol consumption, environmental factors were important factors. Sunshine time, labor, dietary life and bone mineral density were closely related. 3. The incidence of osteoporosis increased year by year with the increase of age in the investigated population of Naxi nationality in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. Both sexes had the highest incidence in the 70-80 age group. This was associated with the increase of age, the decline of body function, and the decrease of estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. It may indicate that the risk of osteoporosis increases with the increase of age in the Naxi ethnic group in Lijiang, Yunnan Province.


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