本文选题:艾滋病 + PITC ; 参考:《现代预防医学》2017年12期
【摘要】:目的了解普通门诊病人拒绝医务人员主动提供艾滋病检测与咨询(PITC)比例及影响因素。方法为普通门诊全部就诊者提供PITC服务和问卷调查,计算PITC的接受率,对拒绝PITC的因素进行分析。结果 519名就诊者中138人就诊者接受PITC服务,30人交费完成了HIV检测,28人领回报告单,有效检测率为5.39%(28/519);多因素Logistic回归分析显示艾滋病知识知晓者、月均可支配收入≥1 000元者拒绝PITC的比例低于艾滋病知识不知晓者、月均可支配收入1 000元者;未接受过艾滋病宣传者,少数民族、年龄30岁者、已婚、离异或丧偶者拒绝PITC的比例高于接受过艾滋病宣传者、汉族、18~29岁者以及未婚者;拒绝PITC主要原因是认为HIV检测麻烦(204人,53.54%)、最近检测过(70人,18.37%)、自认为无感染风险(62人,16.27%);艾滋病知识是否知晓、是否接受过相关宣传、不同性别、月均收入、职业、年龄者拒绝PITC的原因不同。结论应针对不同特征及不同原因拒绝PITC的就诊者进行针对性的健康教育,简化PITC的操作流程,以此提高PITC接受率和检测完成率。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the proportion and influencing factors of general outpatient patients refusing to offer HIV / AIDS testing and counseling. Methods to provide PITC service and questionnaire for all general outpatients, calculate the acceptance rate of PITC and analyze the factors of rejection of PITC. Results among the 519 patients, 138 received PITC services and 30 paid fees to complete the report form for 28 HIV patients. The effective test rate was 5.39 / 519.The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the knowledge of AIDS was known by multiple factors logistic regression analysis. The proportion of people with monthly disposable income of more than 1,000 yuan rejected PITC was lower than that of those with no knowledge of AIDS and 1,000 yuan of monthly disposable income; those who had not received AIDS propaganda, ethnic minorities, 30 years old, were married, The proportion of divorced or widowed people who refused PITC was higher than that of those who had received AIDS propaganda, 1829 years old of Han nationality and unmarried persons. The main reason for refusing PITC is that 204 people are believed to be in trouble with HIV testing, 70 people have recently been tested, and 62 people believe that they are not at risk of infection. Do they know about AIDS, have they received relevant publicity, are they different in gender, average monthly income, and occupation? The reasons for rejection of PITC were different among age groups. Conclusion Health education should be carried out for the patients who refuse PITC for different characteristics and different reasons, and the operation flow of PITC should be simplified so as to improve the acceptance rate and the completion rate of PITC.
【作者单位】: 玉溪市疾病预防控制中心;玉溪市第一人民医院;清华大学公共卫生学院;
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