本文选题:原发性骨质疏松症 + PRO ; 参考:《广州中医药大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: under the guidance of the theory of Chinese and Western medicine and the theory of computer adaptive and item response test, the PRO scale of primary osteoporosis was developed by a variety of statistical analysis methods. Methods: 1. the group of primary osteoporosis was established first in the study group, which was divided into conceptual framework group, entry data management group, and foreign experts. The operation Committee, the academic advisory group and the data cooperation group were composed of 6 groups of 3-5 people. Each group stipulated the basic characteristics of the.2. formulation of each task, set the test object of the primary osteoporosis scale, test purpose, test scale type, number of items, item response scale, score rule, management mode and so on. The basic concept of feature.3. and the concept framework of the term 4. construction scale combined with the foreign osteoporosis related scale, and based on the theoretical requirements of the conceptual framework in the project research, the conceptual framework of this study was established and formulated. Then the patients and experts of the primary osteoporosis patients and experts were identified by the patient and the expert questionnaire. An initial conceptual framework model.5. entry library construction and a preliminary screening of.5.1 items for the purpose of collecting Internet search for primary osteoporosis related entries, combined with relevant domestic and foreign related questionnaires, primary osteoporosis related textbooks, guidelines, and medical standards for the formation of primary related items. The list.5.2 of the PRO scale of osteoporosis establishes the management of the entry library data management group and the entry management group, and integrates all the items list of the primary osteoporosis PRO scale into the initial screening of the.5.3 entry of the database using the warehousing method and the selection method for the inclusion and deletion of the criteria for the preliminary screening of the.5.4 conceptual framework. Revising the revised standard for the reference concept framework, the conceptual framework group further revises the conceptual framework model to review the.6. entries qualitatively and reviews the 6.1 experts to review the item selection options in the entry management group, and pre enact the entry deleting standards, add and modify the standard as well as the modification standards of the conceptual frame and the suspension standard of the study. The family group revise the items through the above criteria and evaluate the rationality of the conceptual framework. Then each group is discussed together under the standard. The final opinion.6.2 core group discusses the core group composed of 5-8 patients, and two rounds are all selected to set up the core group. The list is evaluated, then the conceptual framework is evaluated for the rationality of the conceptual framework. Finally, the entry management group evaluates and integrates the item information. At the same time, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of primary osteoporosis, the.6.3 cognitive interview provides for the participants at least 5 or more participants in each cognitive interview. The group was selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of primary osteoporosis, and then the core group meeting was held to discuss. The patients in the core group evaluated the cognitive and understanding aspects of the scale items. Then the concept frame group was used to evaluate the rationality of the conceptual framework. Finally, the item information was evaluated synthetically by the management group. The first draft of the primary osteoporosis PRO scale was formed by the.7. field survey, and then a field questionnaire was conducted on the patients with primary osteoporosis and the informed consent was signed during 2014.03-2015.02. The site was selected at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Liwan District orthopedics hospital, Guangzhou, Shenzhen Baoan District traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Shunde traditional Chinese medicine hospital outpatient and inpatient department.8. statistical analysis 8.1 qualitative research set up the research group, the basic structural features of the presupposition scale, the basic concepts and terms, the preliminary conceptual framework of the scale, the establishment of the entry library, the initial selection of entries and the qualitative evaluation of entries (rescreening), the first of the 6 steps. Qualitative analysis of the information and information of the collection, and then the statistical description of the collected data analysis and analysis of the.8.2 data analysis using the discrete trend in SPSS20.0, differentiation, factor analysis, the correlation coefficient method, Krone Bach coefficient method for entry screening, and the use of IRT Multilog7.03 software to analyze the special items. Sign curve, information curve of entry, degree of difficulty and division coefficient of each item. Finally, the scientific assessment of the comprehensive screening.9. scale was carried out with the correlation statistical analysis method of classical and modern test theory. The degree, reliability, validity and feasibility of the scale were studied. Results: the concept review of 1. primary osteoporosis was reviewed. Relevant literature, guidelines, diagnosis and treatment standards, and determine the definition of primary osteoporosis in this study: a preliminary conceptual framework of a.2.OPPRO scale for systemic bone disease, characterized by absolute reduction in bone mass within a unit volume and microstructural degeneration of bone tissue, resulting in increased bone fragility and increased fracture risk, and a review of relevant professional quantities at home and abroad. By analyzing the frame structure, a questionnaire survey was made to make a conceptual framework draft model. 10 patients with primary osteoporosis and 5 experts were interviewed to formulate a conceptual framework for the study, including 4 areas of disease physiology, psychology, society, and treatment, disease performance, general performance, psychological performance, social relations, and daily life. 6 dimensions of 6 dimensions, such as constant activity, satisfaction, and so on, 3.1 retrieval collection entry management group review 2 domestic related scales, get 89 entries, review 2 foreign scales to get 93 items, review 2 clinical research standards and get 52 items, and collect 183 related items to form primary bone. The PRO item list of the osteoporosis (Appendix 1).3.2 item bank establishes the data management group to provide the structured variables for the primary osteoporosis PRO list items list, and then the entry management group deals with the list of items, including the contents of the entries, the scale of the entries, the domain of the entries, and so on, and establishes the software data of the Excel. The primary screening of the entry Library of the PRO item Library of primary osteoporosis was initially screened using the warehousing method and the selection method. Finally, 71 items of primary osteoporosis PRO items were formed, including 24 items in the main symptom features, 18 items in the general clinical table and 8 in the psychological field. There are 9 items in the field of social relations, there are 8 entries in the field of independence, there are 4 entries in the field of satisfaction, there are 4 entries in the degree of satisfaction, the rescreening 4.1 of the entries, the first language of the questionnaire, and the answer options according to the degree of relevance. After the expert group is assessing the rationality of the conceptual framework, the concept frame is finally identified as the original bone. The main clinical symptoms, physiological fields, psychological fields, social relations, independence, and satisfaction were 6 dimensions. The entry management group reviewed the items according to the conceptual framework, and proposed the revision.4.2 core group to discuss the establishment of 2 core groups including 15 patients. Set up 71 items of primary osteoporosis PRO item warehouse and make an expert and patient questionnaire (Appendix 2,3) according to the entries. There are 24 entries in the main symptom features, 18 items in 18 aspects, 8 items in the psychological aspect, 9 in the social relation dimension, and 8 in the independence aspect. In terms of satisfaction, 4 items of.4.3 cognitive interview were interviewed for 5 patients, followed by interviews. All the patients expressed their understanding of all the contents of the item library, determined the list of the final OPPRO list, and did not need to further modify the.5. demarcation test study 5.1 in the period of 2014.03-2015.02, in the Guangzhou Chinese medicine. Third affiliated hospitals, Guangzhou Liwan District orthopedics hospital, Shenzhen Baoan Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the outpatient and inpatient department of the Shunde traditional Chinese medicine hospital were collected the data of the patients' reports. The total amount of the questionnaire was 580 points during the 12 month period, and the complete and complete patient questionnaire was recovered, 52 of the patients were remeasured, 92 of the healthy persons, and the recovery rate 90.34%.5.2 concept frame. According to the patients and experts, the study group agreed that the conceptual framework was defined as a four level structure containing "concept domain dimension item". Through a variety of classical and modern theoretical sides, 1 diseases, 4 areas, 6 dimensions, and 44 PRO.5.3 conceptual frameworks were evaluated and the overall Krone Bach coefficient of the adjustment tool scale. For 0.801, it has good internal consistency, and there is no need to adjust the.5.4 classic test theory to delete 18 entries by factor analysis, delete 23 entries by correlation analysis, delete 0 entries by distinction analysis, delete 14 entries by Krone Bach coefficient, discrete trend analysis and delete 3 items to analyze the parameters of each item to each item. Objective feature curve (ICCs) and entry information curve (IIC) for difficulty and segmentation analysis, and the analysis of item features and information curves. A total of 25 items of.5.6 comprehensive analysis are deleted by six methods, of which 5 kinds of methods are not deleted and 44 are not deleted. Finally, the final scale.6 scale is obtained. The reliability, validity, distinction and feasibility of the scale were examined. Reliability: the Krone Bach a coefficient of the total scale was 0.801, the main symptoms of the disease were 0.907, the coefficient of the body was 0.780, the psychological dimension was 0.849, the social relationship dimension was 0.807, and the daily activity capacity was 0.807. The performance is 0.799, the performance of satisfaction is 0.877, with good internal consistency. Retest reliability is Pearson correlation coefficient 0.925, Kendall correlation coefficient is 0.759, indicating good retest reliability; validity analysis: structural validity results show that the measurement of multi dimension in the scale satisfies the professional preconceived structure; distinction analysis: The T test between the patient and the healthy person showed a good division of the scale; feasibility analysis: a sample survey of primary osteoporosis patients, the total completion rate of the scale was 90.34%, and the answer time was 15 minutes. Conclusion: the primary osteoporosis patients developed by the classical test theory and the modern project test reaction theory. The outcome items were reported, and 44 PRO scales including 1 diseases, 4 fields and 6 dimensions were developed. The measurement concept was the symptoms and signs of primary osteoporosis, the response scale was divided into 1-5 grades, the data collection method provided information for the patient and was filled out independently. The scientific examination of the scale It has good difficulty, distinction, reliability, validity and feasibility. This research step is standard and rigorous. It embodies Chinese medicine content, has Chinese cultural characteristics, has a wide range of research sources, high quality of methodology and reporting, good innovation and scientific research and clinical significance. It can be used in the clinical treatment of patients with primary osteoporosis. Evaluation.
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