[Abstract]:Insulin pump therapy is a device for controlling blood sugar in diabetics by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. A number of studies have shown that for type 1 and part of type 2 diabetics, insulin pump therapy can control blood sugar very well and is convenient to use, and is suitable for people of all ages, so the use of insulin pump is increasing. At present, the insulin pump mainly adopts the single hormone strategy (only infusing insulin), but the single hormone control method can not carry on the prompt remedial treatment to the patient's hypoglycemia condition. Even if the human body appears hypoglycemia for a short period of time may cause great danger, even pose a danger to life, so it is a good choice to use glucagon to solve this problem. Many clinical trials have shown that dihormone therapy (insulin infusion and glucagon) is the most promising way to control blood sugar, which can more accurately mimic the physiological way in which two hormones are secreted by human pancreatic islets. In view of the above problems, the control strategy and method of double hormone studied in this paper aims to further reduce the probability of hypoglycemia, so as to better reduce or even avoid the serious harm caused by hypoglycemia. In this paper, MPC and game theory are used to design the predictive controller for the two subsystems of double hormone control, and the cost function and switching rule are designed. At the same time, the switching control method is compared with the traditional single hormone control method and the double hormone control method, and the robustness test is carried out, which proves the superiority of the method. The ultimate purpose of the study is to design a reasonable and effective control method to coordinate the injection of two hormones and maximize the economic benefits by using model predictive control (MPC) and game theory. In this paper, based on MPC and game theory, we hope to get a new method and thought of diabetes treatment based on the "artificial pancreas" double hormone control scheme.
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