[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the monitoring results of iodized salt in residents of Zhangjiakou city, understand the consumption of iodized salt in residents of Zhangjiakou city, find out the problems existing in the popularization and use of iodized salt, and provide a scientific basis for the continuous elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in Zhangjiakou. Methods 17 counties (districts) of Zhangjiakou City were sampled by administrative divisions, and the indexes of iodized salt monitoring were calculated after population weighting. Results A total of 340 administrative villages (committees) were monitored in 85 townships (offices), 5011 samples of salt were detected, 33 samples of non-iodized salt were detected, 94 samples of unqualified iodized salt were detected. The median salt iodine was 25.20 mg / kg; the non-iodized salt rate was 0.65%, the iodized salt coverage rate was 99.35%, the qualified iodized salt rate was 98.14 mg / kg, and the qualified iodized salt consumption rate was 97.51%. Conclusion the monitoring indexes of iodized salt in Zhangjiakou city are in line with the national index of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders. However, non-qualified iodized salt and non-iodized salt are still detected, monitoring and market management of iodized salt should be strengthened.
【作者单位】: 河北省张家口市地方病防治所;河北省张家口市教育学院;
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