[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of hydrogen sulfide on adipocyte apoptosis in diabetic mice. Methods healthy male C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into 5 groups: negative control group, diabetes group, low dose treatment group. After 8 weeks, the activity of Caspase3, the expression of Bax,Bcl2,PPAR- 纬 protein and the expression of m RNA in omental adipose tissue were detected. Adipocytes were induced into adipocytes before 3T3L1 and were divided into low glucose group, low glucose treatment group, low glucose PPAR- 纬 block group, low glucose PPAR- 纬 blocking group, and low glucose PPAR- 纬 blocking group. High glucose group, high glucose treatment group, high glucose PPAR- 纬 blocking group. The activity of Caspase3 and the expression of Bax and Bcl2 protein were detected. Results compared with the negative control group, the activity of Caspase3 and the expression of Bax in adipose tissue of diabetic mice increased, and the expression of Bcl2 and PPAR- 纬 decreased. Compared with the diabetic group, the activity of Caspase3 and the expression of Bax in the low-dose treatment group, the high-dose treatment group and the positive control group decreased, and the expression of Bcl2 and PPAR- 纬 increased, and there was a dose-dependent relationship between the low-dose treatment group and the high-dose treatment group. Compared with the low glucose group, the expression of Caspase3 and Bax increased and the expression of Bcl2 decreased in the high glucose group, and the Caspase3 activity and Bax expression decreased and the Bcl2 expression increased in the high glucose treatment group, compared with the high glucose group. There is an interaction between high glucose and hydrogen sulfide treatment and antagonism. Compared with high glucose treatment group, Caspase3 activity and Bax expression increased and Bcl2 expression decreased in high glucose PPAR- 纬 blocking group. There was interaction between high glucose and PPAR- 纬 blocking, and it was a synergistic effect. There is interaction and antagonism between hydrogen sulfide therapy and PPAR- 纬 blockade. Conclusion hydrogen sulfide inhibits the apoptosis of adipose tissue cells in diabetic mice. It can be concluded that the inhibition of apoptosis is related to the up-regulation of PPAR- 纬 expression by hydrogen sulfide.
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