发布时间:2018-11-04 20:24
【摘要】:迄今为止,全球消灭脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)计划已经取得了巨大成就,目前已进入尾声阶段,其中一个重要的环节就是在全球范围内使用脊灰灭活疫苗(IPV)代替口服脊灰减毒活疫苗(OPV)。中国在国家常规免疫活动中将逐步引入IPV,同时也将逐渐减少直至最后停止使用OPV。因此,免疫缺陷患者长期连续向外环境排出免疫缺陷相关疫苗衍生脊灰病毒(iVDPV)将越来越引起重视,因为在消灭脊灰野病毒以及停用OPV之后,长期排出的iVDPVs将成为自然界中循环的脊灰病毒的唯一来源。本研究中,我们报道了2011年宁夏回族自治区一名2.5岁的患有急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)患儿,从该患儿发病到病死期间连续收集了12份粪便标本,分离得到12株Ⅲ型iVDPVs毒株(命名为CHN15017-1-CHN15017-12),同时该名患者经诊断为原发性免疫缺陷病(PID)。对这些iVDPV经过噬斑纯化后进行核苷酸序列分析,结果显示在VP1编码区,12株iVDPVs与Ⅲ型Sabin株相比存在2-3.4%的核苷酸差异,且遗传学上相关,说明这些iVDPVs之间存在着非常相似的进化关系。进一步全基因组序列分析显示这些iVDPVs同源性非常高,且均为Ⅲ型和Ⅰ型疫苗重组株,重组位点位于2C编码区的同一位置,与Ⅲ型脊灰病毒神经毒力和温度敏感性表型密切相关的两个关键位点(在5'非编码区的U472C和在VP1编码区的T2493C)均已发生回复突变。温度敏感实验表明,在12株iVDPVs中,第一份和第二份粪便标本分离的2株iVDPVs毒株(CHN15017-1, CHN15017-2)仍然保留着部分的Ⅲ型Sabin株温度敏感表型,即只能在36℃下繁殖,而在39.5℃高温不能繁殖。而从随后采集的10份粪便标本中分离的10株iVDPVs毒株(CHN15017-3-CHN15017-12)已经完全失去了Ⅲ型Sabin株温度敏感表型。该12株iVDPVs与亲代的Sabin株相比共享19个氨基酸差异,其中氨基酸变异位点K1419R仅在最后分离的10株iVDPVs中被发现,推测该位点可能是引起该Ⅲ型iVDPVs温度敏感性表型变化的潜在关键位点。基于全长VP1编码区采用贝叶斯蒙特卡罗马尔可夫链法进行分子进化分析,结果显示该12株iVDPVs的平均进化速率约为2.79x 10-2个/年/核苷酸,因此估算出该名患者的服苗日期大约在2009年10月4日左右。本研究结果表明该免疫缺陷患儿长期持续地向外环境排出高滴度的Ⅲ型iVDPVs,具有失去了温度敏感表型,高度变异的特征,将对全球脊灰消灭计划构成了巨大地潜在风险。基于这些研究成果,我们在免疫缺陷患者体内对长期进化的iVDPVs的基因结构、温度敏感性以及抗原变异性质等方面,拓展了全球非常有限的关于iVDPV在免疫缺陷患者体内长期复制过程中种群的动态改变和进化路径的知识。同时,本研究将为中国维持无脊灰状态和全球脊灰消除后期疫苗免疫策略的制定提供必要的有价值的信息。
[Abstract]:To date, the Global Polio Eradication (polio) programme has achieved a great deal and is now in its final stages. One of the key links is the global use of polio inactivated vaccine (IPV) instead of oral live attenuated polio vaccine (OPV). China will gradually introduce IPV, into national routine immunization activities and will gradually reduce the use of OPV. until finally Therefore, for a long time, the continuous discharge of vaccine-derived poliovirus (iVDPV) from immunodeficient patients to the external environment will attract more and more attention, because after the elimination of the wild poliovirus and the discontinuation of OPV, Long-term excretion of iVDPVs will be the only source of circulating poliovirus in nature. In this study, we reported a 2.5-year-old child with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region in 2011. Twelve strains of type 鈪,
[Abstract]:To date, the Global Polio Eradication (polio) programme has achieved a great deal and is now in its final stages. One of the key links is the global use of polio inactivated vaccine (IPV) instead of oral live attenuated polio vaccine (OPV). China will gradually introduce IPV, into national routine immunization activities and will gradually reduce the use of OPV. until finally Therefore, for a long time, the continuous discharge of vaccine-derived poliovirus (iVDPV) from immunodeficient patients to the external environment will attract more and more attention, because after the elimination of the wild poliovirus and the discontinuation of OPV, Long-term excretion of iVDPVs will be the only source of circulating poliovirus in nature. In this study, we reported a 2.5-year-old child with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region in 2011. Twelve strains of type 鈪,