[Abstract]:With the rise of transformational medical model and the increasing demand for medical information sharing, it is more and more important to build a medical information support platform based on electronic health file (Electronic health record,EHR). However, at present, there is a lack of unified data standard and an effective data integration mechanism among hospital information systems in our country, and the electronic health files of residents have not formed a complete system, which leads to the dispersion of people's medical data one by one. An isolated island of information that is closed and cannot be shared. This not only hinders the implementation of the new model of transformational medicine, but also results in the embarrassing situation that the rapidly growing medical big data can not be used efficiently by people. Many emerging data mining, machine learning and other artificial intelligence technologies in these medical data applications will be greatly reduced. In order to solve the above problems, this paper studies an open source electronic health file standard openEHR, based on two-tier modeling architecture, and then designs a EHR data interface which can support the integration of various medical data sources, and then based on it. A health file system based on openEHR is constructed, and the key data import, storage and acquisition modules are designed and implemented. The system can integrate different heterogeneous data sources into a unified EHR health file system and open the interface for third parties to use, which provides a good support for the establishment of intelligent medical services based on EHR. Based on the preliminary implementation of EHR data interface and health file system, the EHR data of diabetic patients in the system are studied in this paper. In order to solve the problem of lack of quantitative analysis in mining disease risk factors by traditional correlation analysis algorithm, a method based on neural network sensitivity analysis is proposed. The experimental results show that the algorithm can quantitatively give the influence of various risk factors on the disease. Then, in the study of automatic identification and screening of high risk population of diabetes mellitus, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional C4.5 algorithm with too many nodes, and proposes an improved C4.5 algorithm, and the performance of the algorithm is verified by experimental tests. Finally, the above research results are applied to the health service and analysis system of chronic diseases, and the corresponding algorithm modules are designed and implemented. It plays a good role in auxiliary advice and decision support for health managers and doctors to carry out health intervention.
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