[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the changing trend and influencing factors of syphilis infection rate among prostitutes in Wuhu city from 2011 to 2015, and to provide basis for making control measures. Methods the data of syphilis infection in sentinel surveillance of female sex workers in Wuhu city from 2011 to 2015 were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 software. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression models were used to analyze the influencing factors of syphilis infection rate. Results among the 2 026 female prostitutes, 70.68% and 18.26% were high, middle and low, respectively, with an average age of (29.16 卤7.19) years, and 57.35% in the married women. The infection rate of syphilis in low-grade prostitutes from 2011 to 2015 was 19.599.59% and 4.55%, respectively, with a downward trend (蠂 2 trend = 8.11 P0. 004). The rate of syphilis infection was 8.59%, 21.33% and 4.55% respectively (蠂 2 trend = 8.11% P0. 004). However, the latest condom use rate with the guest, and the condom persistence rate with the guest in the last month showed an increasing trend (P0.05). The former was 79.38, 89.33, 97.33, and 96.49100, respectively. The latter, 41.24 and 72.00, had 44.00 and 80.70 and 83.33, respectively. Multivariate conditional Logistic regression analysis showed that the infection rate of syphilis among female sex workers decreased by 22% per year [adjusted ratio (AOR) = 0.78% 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.67 0.91]. The risk of syphilis infection in patients aged 35 years and over was 2.09 times higher than that in patients under 25 years old (95%CI:1.15~3.79). The risk of syphilis infection in low-grade prostitutes was 2.68 times higher than that in high-grade sex workers (95%CI:1.07~6.66). The risk of syphilis was 1.97 times as high as that of persistent users (95%CI:1.30~2.99) among prostitutes who did not insist on condom use in the last month. Conclusion the syphilis infection rate of low-grade prostitutes in Wuhu city from 2011 to 2015 is decreasing, while condom use is on the rise, and the risk of syphilis infection among low-grade prostitutes and those over 35 years old is higher, so the surveillance and intervention should be strengthened.
【作者单位】: 芜湖市疾病预防控制中心;
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