[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the distribution and characteristics of contact allergens in patients with hand eczema. Methods: patch kit was used to detect contact allergens in patients with hand eczema, and the correlation with occupational factors was analyzed. Results: among 313 patients with hand eczema, 257 (82.11%) showed positive reaction. The first six most common allergens were potassium dichromate, nickel sulfate, aromatic mixture, cobalt chloride, carbacol complex, and the most common allergens were potassium dichromate, nickel sulfate, aromatic mixture, cobalt chloride, carbacol complex. Formaldehyde, engaged in certain occupations of hand eczema patients with a significantly higher positive rate. The positive rate of potassium dichromate in male patients with hand eczema (34.96%) was significantly higher than that in female patients (17.37%). The positive rate of nickel sulfate in female patients (30.00%) was significantly higher than that in male patients (13.01%). Conclusion: patch test is helpful for finding contact allergens in patients with hand eczema, and hand eczema is closely related to contact allergens.
【作者单位】: 中山大学附属第五医院皮肤科;
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