发布时间:2019-05-23 20:55
【摘要】: 背景:药疹是药物不良反应中的一种类型,也是皮肤科的常见病。近年来,随着新药的不断上市及广泛应用于临床,药物的使用频率及数量不断的增加,导致药疹的发病率越来越高,特别是重症药疹,由于其发病急、病情重,且易并发重要脏器损害、威胁患者生命,尤应引起临床医师的重视。 目的:探讨药疹发生的致病因素、临床特征及防治方法。 方法:对汕头大学医学院第一附属医院皮肤性病科2008年12月~2010年2月期间,收治确诊的22例药疹患者的临床资料,分别从发病的一般情况(性别、年龄、潜伏期)、致敏药物、临床表现、治疗方法及转归等方面进行分析。 结果:(1)一般情况:总共22例药疹患者,其中男7例,女15例,男女比例1:2.1,年龄在10岁—60岁之间,平均年龄33岁。潜伏期x从数小时—20余天不等。(2)致敏药物:抗生素类9例;抗癫痫药3例;抗痛风药2例;抗甲状腺功能亢进药物1例;同时使用抗生素及解热镇痛剂无法确定为何种药物者2例;使用多种药物,无法判断具体致敏药者2例;有服用中草药,但具体致敏药物不详者3例。(3)临床类型:大疱性表皮松解坏死型药疹9例;重症多形红斑型药疹2例;红皮病型药疹1例;固定型药疹1例;麻疹型药疹4例;急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病5例。(4)治疗方法:①所有患者均停用所有可疑的致敏药物。②予以静脉输液加速药物排泄。③予以抗阻胺药、维生素C、葡萄糖酸钙等抗过敏治疗。④予以糖皮质激素治疗,剂量相当于强的松33mg-150mg/d,部分患者联合使用丙种球蛋白治疗。⑤予以对症支持等治疗。(5)转归:全部患者均治愈,治愈率100%。 结论:(1)药疹可发生在任何年龄段,其主要的致病药物为抗生素类。(2)重症药疹发病急、病情重,需及早作出正确的判断及给予有效的治疗。(3)及早给予足量的糖皮质激素仍为治疗药疹、尤其是重症药疹的有效措施。(4)糖皮质激素联合静脉滴注丙种球蛋白在重症药疹治疗方面疗效满意。(5)复方甘草酸苷在药疹治疗中起到积极的作用。
[Abstract]:Background: drug rash is a type of adverse drug reactions and a common disease in dermatology. In recent years, with the continuous marketing of new drugs and their wide application in clinic, the frequency and quantity of drugs are increasing, resulting in a higher and higher incidence of drug rashes, especially severe drug rashes, because of their acute onset and serious illness. And easy to be complicated with important organ damage, threatening the lives of patients, especially should be paid attention to by clinicians. Objective: to investigate the pathogenic factors, clinical features and prevention and treatment of drug eruption. Methods: from December 2008 to February 2010, 22 patients with drug eruption were admitted to the Department of Dermatology, the first affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Shantou University. The clinical data of 22 patients with drug eruption were analyzed from the general condition (sex, age, incubation period). The sensitizing drugs, clinical manifestations, treatment methods and prognosis were analyzed. Results: (1) General situation: there were 22 patients with drug eruption, including 7 males and 15 females, the ratio of male to female was 1 鈮,
[Abstract]:Background: drug rash is a type of adverse drug reactions and a common disease in dermatology. In recent years, with the continuous marketing of new drugs and their wide application in clinic, the frequency and quantity of drugs are increasing, resulting in a higher and higher incidence of drug rashes, especially severe drug rashes, because of their acute onset and serious illness. And easy to be complicated with important organ damage, threatening the lives of patients, especially should be paid attention to by clinicians. Objective: to investigate the pathogenic factors, clinical features and prevention and treatment of drug eruption. Methods: from December 2008 to February 2010, 22 patients with drug eruption were admitted to the Department of Dermatology, the first affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Shantou University. The clinical data of 22 patients with drug eruption were analyzed from the general condition (sex, age, incubation period). The sensitizing drugs, clinical manifestations, treatment methods and prognosis were analyzed. Results: (1) General situation: there were 22 patients with drug eruption, including 7 males and 15 females, the ratio of male to female was 1 鈮,