发布时间:2017-12-27 06:07
本文关键词:偏瘫肩的磁共振中可量化指标的探讨与分析 出处:《青岛大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的:探讨并分析偏瘫肩的磁共振中可量化指标的改变材料与方法:收集有脑血管意外病史的患者行肩关节磁共振扫描,均有不同程度肩关节症状的患者54例。其中,男36例,女18例,年龄45~80岁,平均年龄62.5岁。54例患者中,脑梗塞41例,脑溢血3例,脑血栓形成10例。全部病例都经过颅脑MRI检查证实。住院时间15~256天,平均95天。另30例正常人作为对照组。利用Philips磁共振成像仪,采用肩关节线圈,应用FSE,对患者肩关节进行冠状位T1WI FS序列、PDWI-FS序列,轴位、矢状位、冠状位T2WI-FS序列扫描。在获得的肩关节断层图像上测量肩肱间隙(mm)、喙锁间隙(mm)、三角肌下囊积液厚度(mm)、肩关节内积液厚度(mm)、喙突下囊积液厚度(mm)、肩峰下囊积液厚度(mm),同时观察上述结构形态和周围的毗邻关系。使用Spearman’s rho相关分析方法,分析肩肱间隙(mm)、喙锁间隙(mm)、三角肌下囊(mm)、肩关节内积液厚度(mm)、喙突下囊(mm)、肩峰下囊积液厚度(mm)与分别与肩关节损伤程度的相关性;使用Pearson相关分析这些测量指标相互之间的相关性。结果:1、三角肌下囊积液厚度、肩关节内积液厚度与损伤程度有相关性,相关系数分别为r=0.304(P0.05),0.463(P0.01),三角肌下囊、肩关节内积液厚度与损伤程度具有相关性且有统计学意义。2、肩关节内积液厚度与肩肱间隙相关系数r=0.562(P0.01),肩峰下囊积液厚度与肩肱间隙相关系数r=0.365(P0.01),肩关节内积液厚度与喙锁间隙相关系数r=0.294(P0.05),肩峰下囊积液厚度与肩关节内积液厚度相关系数r=0.367(P0.05)。结论:MRI能够清楚的显示肩肱间隙、喙锁间隙、三角肌下囊积液厚度、肩关节内积液厚度、喙突下囊积液厚度、肩峰下囊积液厚度。其中三角肌下囊积液厚度、肩关节内积液厚度与肩关节损伤程度具有相关性,对于偏瘫肩的诊断具有指导意义。同时,肩关节内积液厚度与肩肱间隙、肩峰下囊积液厚度、喙锁间隙和肩峰下囊积液厚度与肩肱间隙之间具有相关性,在一定程度上也可以作为辅助诊断偏瘫肩的可量化指标。
[Abstract]:Objective: To explore and analyze the materials and methods of quantifiable index in hemiplegic shoulder magnetic resonance. We collected magnetic resonance imaging of shoulder joints in 54 patients with history of cerebrovascular accident, and all of them had varying degrees of shoulder joint symptoms. Among them, there were 36 males and 18 females, aged 45~80 years, with an average age of 62.5 years. In 54 patients, 41 cases of cerebral infarction, 3 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, 10 cases of cerebral thrombosis. All cases were confirmed by craniocerebral MRI examination. The duration of hospitalization was 15~256 days, with an average of 95 days. The other 30 normal subjects were used as the control group. Using Philips magnetic resonance imaging system, shoulder joint coil and FSE were used to carry out coronal T1WI FS sequence, PDWI-FS sequence, axial, sagittal and coronal T2WI-FS sequence. Measuring clearance in the shoulder joint shoulder images obtained on (mm), coracoclavicular gap (mm), subdeltoid bursa effusion thickness (mm), shoulder joint effusion thickness (mm) and subcoracoid bursa effusion thickness (mm), subacromial bursa effusion thickness (mm), and observe the relationship the structure and the surrounding. Using Spearman correlation analysis method "s Rho analysis (mm), shoulder brachial clearance coracoclavicular gap (mm), bursa subdeltoidea (mm), shoulder joint effusion thickness (mm) and subcoracoid bursa (mm), subacromial bursa effusion thickness (mm) and the correlation with the degree of shoulder joint injury respectively. The use of Pearson; correlation analysis between these measurements. Results: 1. There was a correlation between the thickness of the inferior sacrocystic effusion and the thickness of the shoulder joint effusion and the degree of injury. The correlation coefficients were r=0.304 (P0.05), 0.463 (P0.01), and the thickness of the inferior deltoid bursa and the shoulder joint effusion was correlated with the degree of injury. 2, shoulder joint effusion thickness with the shoulder gap coefficient r=0.562 (P0.01), subacromial bursa effusion associated with the shoulder thickness gap coefficient r=0.365 (P0.01), shoulder joint effusion and the thickness of the coracoclavicular gap correlation coefficient r=0.294 (P0.05), and the thickness of the subacromial bursa effusion of shoulder joint effusion in the thickness of the correlation coefficient r=0.367 (P0.05). Conclusion: MRI can display the shoulder gap, coracoclavicular gap, subdeltoid bursa effusion thickness, shoulder joint effusion thickness, subcoracoid bursa effusion thickness, subacromial bursa effusion thickness clearly. The thickness of the effusion of the inferior deltoid, the thickness of the effusion in the shoulder joint and the degree of shoulder joint damage are related, which is of guiding significance for the diagnosis of hemiplegic shoulder. At the same time, the thickness of shoulder joint effusion is related to the shoulder brachial space, the thickness of the acromial bursa, the rostral lock space and the thickness of the acromial bursa and the shoulder and brachial space. To some extent, it can also be used as a quantitative index to assist the diagnosis of hemiplegic shoulder.
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