本文选题:脑卒中 切入点:心理干预 出处:《广州中医药大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: through the psychological assessment in patients with stroke rehabilitation period, designed for the depression of stroke patients, psychological intervention anxiety and other negative emotions. The music imagery therapy theory, the integrated use of prose to listen to relaxation therapy, psychological intervention training, help slow stroke patients depression, anxiety and other negative emotions, is conducive to the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Methods: (1) literature research method: through the China Journal Full-text Database (CNKI) and PubMed database, the use of "stroke", "psychological intervention", "Chinese medicine psychology", "music image treatment", "listen to the prose" relaxation training therapy "," keyword search, access to relevant documents, papers and other information. Using literature analysis methods to search on the domestic and foreign literature in recent ten years of study. (2) measurement scale: By using the self rating Depression Scale (SDS), self rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), symptom checklist (SCL-90) on the depression of stroke patients, measurement and assessment of anxiety and psychological state. (3) case consultation: the experimental group received psychological intervention of music therapy. In the intervention process in the personalized psychological counseling for patients, observation of patients mainly for emotional reactions and psychological intervention. (4) statistical analysis: stroke patients before and after the implementation of the comprehensive psychological intervention measure data, establish the database by using the statistical software spss20.0, using methods of descriptive statistics and independent samples T test the statistical methods of data. Results: (1) self rating scale scores comparison of experimental group and control group before and after psychological intervention of depression before psychological intervention, compared with the control group, the experimental group does not exist in the measurement of SDS score Significant differences (P0.05); psychological intervention, compared with the control group, the experimental group had significant differences in SDS score measurement (P0.05); (2) the experimental group and the control group before and after psychological intervention of the self rating Depression Scale score difference comparison measurement: before and after psychological intervention, there were significant differences between the SDS score measurement the experimental group and the control group on (P0.001); (3) self rating scale scores comparison of experimental group and control group before and after psychological intervention anxiety before psychological intervention, compared with the control group, the experimental group had no significant difference in SAS score measurement (P0.05); psychological intervention, compared with the control group, there was no significant difference between the experimental group measured in SAS score (P0.05); (4) the experimental group and the control group before and after psychological intervention of the self rating Anxiety Scale score difference comparison measurement: before and after psychological intervention, there were significant differences of SAS measurement scores in the experimental group and the control group (on P0.001); (5) the experimental group and control group after psychological intervention symptom assessment scale: comparison of psychological intervention, compared with the control group, the experimental group SCL-90 somatization, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, terror, paranoia, there are not significant differences between psychosis and other factors factor (P? 0.05); SCL-90 depression, there are significant differences in anxiety factor and total score (P? 0.05); (6) the experimental group and control group after psychological intervention of self rating symptom scale score difference comparison measurement: the psychological intervention on than in the control group, differences in SCL-90 score measurement the experimental group, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, terror, paranoia, there are not significant differences between psychosis and other factors on the difference of SCL-90 (P0.05); measurement scores of the experimental group, in somatization, depression, anxiety, hostility and other factors have significant difference and the total score (P0.05) node. Theory: (1) comprehensive psychological intervention can reduce the anxiety and depression of patients, promote the effect of psychological rehabilitation of patients; (2) comprehensive psychological intervention can help improve patients' somatization symptoms, the psychological feeling, reduce physical discomfort, so as to increase the overall effect of the rehabilitation treatment; (3) comprehensive psychological intervention can reduce patients' hostile psychology to a certain extent, relieve tired mentality, temper and other negative behavior.
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