本文选题:脑性瘫痪 + 生存质量 ; 参考:《中国康复医学杂志》2017年05期
【摘要】:目的:通过对脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)儿童生存质量评估(CPQOL)问卷项目与《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》儿童和青少年版(ICF-CY)类目的关联分析,明确CPQOL问卷的内容效度和使用价值。方法:由2名从事儿童临床评估5年以上的康复医生独立确定CPQOL每个项目所包含的概念,在完成概念提取后召开讨论会,统一概念用语,删除错误提取的概念,提取概念不一致时通过讨论决定,最终确定CPQOL 66个项目包含的概念,然后根据联系规则,通过讨论将CPQOL的项目概念与ICF-CY类目编码进行匹配,如果在确定类目编码意见不一致时,邀请第三方做出决定。通过分析CPQOL项目概念与ICF-CY类目编码关联的分布状况分析CPQOL问卷的内容效度。结果:共计从CPQOL66个项目中提取了104个概念,与ICF-CY编码发生了118次关联,涉及59个编码以及4个其他代码。在身体功能成分中主要与b1精神功能相关联,其中b152情绪功能被关联的次数最多;在活动和参与成分中关联较多的为d7人际交往与人际关系,d8主要生活领域和d9社区、社会和公民生活;环境因素成分中被关联最多的是e4态度、e3支持和相互联系和e5服务、体制和政策。结论:CPQOL问卷涵盖了脑瘫儿童生存质量评价所需涉及的各项生物和心理因素,更多地注重评价脑瘫儿童在参与过程中的感受和感受能力,以及环境因素对生存质量的影响,可以很好地符合目前关于生存质量评价的概念框架。
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the quality of life (QOL) of children with cerebral palsy (CP) by analyzing the correlation between the items of CPQOLquestionnaire and the ICF-CYL category of International functional, Disability and Health Classification, and to determine the content validity and practical value of CPQOL questionnaire. Methods: two rehabilitation doctors engaged in clinical evaluation of children for more than 5 years independently determined the concepts contained in each item of CPQOL. After completing the concept extraction, they held a seminar to unify the concept terminology and delete the concept of error extraction. When the concept is inconsistent, the concept contained in 66 items of CPQOL is determined through discussion, and then, according to the contact rules, the concept of item of CPQOL is matched with the coding of ICF-CY category by discussion, if the opinion of the code of class item is not consistent when determining the coding of class item, Invite a third party to make a decision. The content validity of CPQOL questionnaire was analyzed by analyzing the distribution of the correlation between the concept of CPQOL item and the coding of ICF-CY category. Results: 104 concepts were extracted from the total number of CPQOL66 items, which were associated with ICF-CY coding for 118 times, involving 59 codes and 4 other codes. Among the physical functional components, b1 mental function was mainly associated with b152 emotional function was the most frequently associated, and D7 interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationship D8 main life area and d9 community were more associated in activity and participation. Social and civic life; environmental factors are most closely related to e4 attitudes and e3 support and E5 services, institutions and policies. Conclusion the biological and psychological factors involved in the assessment of the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy are covered in the: CPQOL questionnaire, and more emphasis is placed on the assessment of the feelings and sensory abilities of children with cerebral palsy in the process of participation, as well as the impact of environmental factors on the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy. It can fit in with the present conceptual framework of quality of life evaluation.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学附属儿科医院康复中心;上海市闸北区教育局;上海市闸北区启慧学校;
【基金】:上海市卫计委委级科研项目(20124124) 上海市教育科学研究项目(B12097)
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