[Abstract]:The first part: the resting state fMRI low frequency amplitude study of frontal lobe epilepsy purpose conventional structure MRI negative frontal lobe epilepsy (frontal lobe epilepsy, FLE) is the main component of frontal lobe epilepsy. The detection of abnormal epileptic activity in this part of FLE patients is the focal point of clinical diagnosis. This study is carried out through low frequency amplitude (Amplitude of low-frequency flu). Ctuation, ALFF) analysis of the resting state fMRI method to observe the change pattern of brain activity in the interval of MRI negative FLE, and explore the application value of this method in the detection of epileptic activity. Methods this study included 46 normal MRI negative FLE patients as experimental group and 46 sex, age free healthy volunteers as the control group. The interictal resting state function data were collected under the 3T MR scanner. The data were analyzed by the ALFF method. The changes of ALFF activity in the FLE patients compared with the normal control group were observed by two sample t test. The correlation between the ALFF changes of FLE patients and the course of epilepsy was observed by the correlation algorithm based on voxel. Compared with the normal control group, the area of ALFF increase in FLE patients was symmetrical distribution, with the double medial frontal lobe, the anterior cingulate gyrus, the thalamus, the insula, and the basal ganglia (P0.05), and the ALFF decreased the brain area in the bilateral inferior temporal gyrus, the left apical upper gyrus and the orbital frontal gyrus. The correlation analysis found that the course of the FLE onset and the medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate gyrus, bilateral putamen and insula ALFF. The values were positively correlated with the ALFF values of the posterior cingulate gyrus and bilateral angular gyrus. Conclusion in the FLE patients, the brain functional activities in the basal ganglia, the insula, and the thalamus were changed except for the frontal lobes. The resting state fMRI based on ALFF analysis could be used as a reliable imaging tool to detect the abnormal FLE brain activity of the normal structure MRI negative FLE. The second part: the resting state fMRI study of local brain activity and brain network connection in frontal lobe epilepsy, the purpose of the study was to show that epilepsy showed abnormal increased synchronization of local nerve activity, and a brain network abnormal disease. This study combined regional homogeneity (ReHo) and functional connectivity based on resting state (functional con). Nectivity, FC) analysis of the fMRI method to observe the abnormal synchronization of brain local activity in FLE patients and the abnormal synchronization of long distance activity of epileptic brain network. Methods the subjects were included in the same before. The brain region of the local brain activity synchronism in FLE patients was observed by ReHo, and the function connection technique based on seed subpoints was used to observe the local regional activity of FLE. The changes in the functional network of the normal brain region were observed and the imaging indexes of the local and network connections were correlated with the course of disease. The results showed that compared with the normal control group, the ReHo value of the FLE group increased in the anterior cingulate gyrus, the bilateral insula, the thalamus and the right basal ganglia, and the ReHo value decreased in the left upper frontal gyrus, and the left temporal region. Middle gyrus, infratemporal gyrus and cerebellum (P0.01). Correlation analysis showed that the ReHo value of cingulate gyrus in FLE patients was positively correlated with the duration of the onset of FLE (P0.01).FC analysis showed that the frontal lobe epileptic patients compared with the normal control group showed the functional connection decrease in the whole brain range, including the upper left medial frontal gyrus and the right frontal gyrus, the left middle frontal gyrus and the right infratemporal. The left parietal gyrus and left parietal lobe, left putamen and left temporal gyrus, left inferior temporal gyrus and right Island lobe, left lateral direct gyrus and right lateral temporal gyrus and bilateral cerebellar hemispheres were reduced (P0.01). Correlation analysis showed that the bilateral cerebellar hemispherical functional connections were decreased between the left side of the left and right lateral temporal gyrus in FLE patients. Conclusion there is a correlation with the pathogenesis of FLE (P0.05). Conclusion there is not only an abnormal local concordance in FLE patients, but also the reduction of long distance functional network connections between the whole brain regions, including functional connections in the frontal lobes and the functional connections of the frontal lobe and the external brain areas such as the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe, and the cerebellum. The degree of reduction is related to the duration of the disease. It may be due to the long-term effects of epileptic activity and epilepsy on the brain function and the damage of the brain regions.
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