[Abstract]:Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a kind of autoimmune disease mediated by acetylcholine receptor antibody. It mainly involves multiple parts of the nerve muscle joint, which leads to the weakness of the contractile muscle of the rhabdomyus muscle. It is characterized by characteristics, volatility and fatigue. According to the range of muscle involvement, MG is divided into ocular myasth (ocular myasth). Enia gravis, OMG), systemic MG (generalized myasthenia gravis, GMG) two clinical subtypes of.OMG affected muscles are limited to the extraocular muscles, and GMG is widely involved in the skeletal muscle, and the prognosis is worse than that of OMG. It is serious when respiratory muscle paralysis causes respiratory failure and endanger the patient's life. Epidemiological investigation shows that MG is all around the world, both men and women. But affected by region, race and sex, the clinical phenotypes of MG in different regions and countries are also diverse, and the clinical characteristics of OMG patients in China need to be analyzed. The literature shows that the first symptom of MG patients is only extraocular muscle paralysis, that is, OMG, and about 50% of them can progress to GMG and 80% in half a year. 1 years after the onset of the onset of GMG, 90% patients in 3 years after the onset of GMG, leading to poor clinical prognosis, to the patients, family and society to bring great pressure. Therefore, to explore the predictability of the OMG to GMG transformation of the clinical indicators, for the early discrimination and treatment of high-risk OMG patients, for good prognosis is of positive practical significance. Analysis of the clinical characteristics of OMG patients in China; subgroup analysis according to the onset age and the results of electrophysiological examination; explore the predictive factors for the transformation of OMG into GMG in our country. Methods to consult the hospitalized patients in the Department of Neurology of Tangdu Hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University and collect the medical records of the confirmed MG patients from June 2008 to June 2012 and the first symptom. OMG patients with simple extraocular muscle paralysis were included in this study. The basic clinical data of these patients were collected, including sex, onset age, first eye symptoms, especially neostigmine test, low frequency repetitive electrical stimulation, thymic imaging, thyroid function and other clinical indicators, comprehensive analysis of our country's OMG clinical characteristics in June of all nano.2013 The patients were followed up by outpatient or telephone follow-up, and the GMG transformation was statistically analyzed, and the predictive factors for the conversion of OMG to GMG were explored with the help of logistic regression analysis. Results this study included 392 cases of OMG patients from 22 provinces and municipalities directly under the central government, including 210 men, 182 females and 9 months -81 in the male and female proportion of 1.2:1. patients. The age of onset was 20 years old. There was no significant difference in the age of the onset of the onset of the middle age and the number of all age groups in male and female patients..186 patients (47.4%) were onset before 15 years of age. It was the first peak of the onset of OMG, men and women were equal; the onset of another onset at 50-60 years of age, and the first symptoms of more.366 patients in male patients. For or containing ptosis of the upper eyelid, 93.4% of all patients, of which unilateral involvement (269 cases) was significantly more than bilateral involvement (97 cases) (97 cases), 265 cases (67.6%) were the first symptom of ptosis, 26 cases (6.6%) were simple diplopia, 101 (25.8%) was the combination of upper eyelid drooping and diplopia. Male, female patients were formed in different initial symptoms. There were no statistical differences (p=0.439) in 199.125 patients with limited eye movement, the most common type was eyeball fixation, 30.7% of all affected eyeballs, only abduction Limited (15.6%) and.199 only limited (10.6%) only limited activity in the eyeball, 65.8% had abduction limited, 58.8% had upper limit, 58.3% had adduction limitation, 48.7 The positive rate of 295 patients with.308 was positive (95.8%), and there was no significant difference in the positive rate between men and women. The positive rate of low frequency repetitive electrical stimulation of the facial nerve, the axillary nerve and the ulnar nerve was 32.4%, and the 20.2% and 2.5%. electrophysiological results showed that the positive rate of RNs was not significant in women. Of the 392 patients, 169 patients received thyroid function testing, 31 cases of thyroid dysfunction, 31 cases of positive thyroid function, 16 cases of hyperthyroidism, 7 subclinical hyperthyroidism, 2 hypothyroidism, 6 subclinical hypothyroidism.280 patients receiving chest CT examination, 58 cases of thymic abnormality (20.7 There were 36 cases of thymoma, 15 cases of thymus hyperplasia and 7 cases of thymic degeneration. A total of 223 patients completed the final visit, and there were no significant differences in the clinical indicators and 392 sample groups. The subgroup analysis showed that the positive rate of RNs in the axillary nerve in the adult onset patients was significantly higher than that of the young patients (30.8%vs 8.3%, P=0.032); The ratio of RNS positive of axillary nerve in RNS positive patients was significantly higher than that of RNS negative of facial nerve. Similarly, the ratio of RNS positive of facial nerve in RNS positive patients of axillary nerve was significantly higher than that of RNS negative axillary nerve, 38 cases were converted to GMG, the conversion rate was 17.0%. adult onset, facial nerve RNS positive, axillary nerve RNS positive. The cumulative GMG conversion rate of the patients was higher than that of adolescent onset, RNS negative of facial nerve, and negative axillary RNS negative patients. Compared with young patients, the course of GMG transformation in adult onset patients was shorter (P=0.0139). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the age of onset, course of disease and RNS results of facial nerve predicted that the OR value of OMG to GMG was 1.023 (95%CI 1). .006-1.041, P=0.007), 0.603 (95%CI 0.365-0.850, P=0.019) and 2.826 (95%CI 1.045-5.460, P=0.038). Conclusion Chinese OMG has unique clinical characteristics: the most common symptoms include men, the most common symptoms are simple upper eyelid drooping, the most common eyeball fixation is eyeball fixation, and the most common external rectus muscles involved in the eye movement muscle involvement are the new test. The positive rate of the RNS was highest, the positive rate of the facial nerve was the highest at low frequency. The most common thyroid dysfunction was hyperthyroidism, the most common thymoma was thymoma. The positive rate of the RNS in the facial nerve and the axillary nerve was higher. The onset age, the course of disease and the RNS result of the facial nerve were the predictors of the transformation of the OMG to GMG, and the adult onset and the course of the disease were short. Patients with RNS positive facial nerve have a higher risk of GMG transformation.
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