[Abstract]:Objective: Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular accident or apoplexy, is an acute cerebrovascular disease characterized by cerebral blood flow disturbance caused by cerebral vascular obstruction or rupture and impairment of brain tissue function or structure. In order to curb the high incidence of stroke, China has launched the Stroke Screening and Prevention Project (CSSPP) in 2009, aiming to improve the awareness rate of stroke risk factors, control rate, reduce the incidence of stroke, recurrence rate, mortality and disability rate, thereby reducing the death rate of stroke in Chinese residents through the implementation of the project. The project screens people aged 40 years and over for eight major risk factors. Those with three or more risk factors can be classified as high-risk groups for stroke. The effectiveness of the screening strategy for high-risk groups is still unknown, and it only passes. Counting the number of risk factors does not take into account that each risk factor has a different impact on the incidence of stroke. To explore the strategy of screening high-risk population of stroke based on health risk assessment model (HRA), and to compare the results with the results of CSSPP screening, so as to provide the basis for optimizing the screening strategy of high-risk population of stroke in China. Methods: By searching CNKI knowledge network service platform, Wanfang database and PubMed database, collecting the published data from 1990 to 2015 at home and abroad. Literatures on eight risk factors for stroke in Chinese Han population (including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, family history of stroke, overweight, smoking and physical exercise) were evaluated by Nos scale. Literatures that met the inclusion criteria were included if the score was greater than 5. Reviewer manager 5.3 and Stata 12.0 analysis. Health Risk Assessment Model (HRA) screening strategy for high-risk population was based on meta-analysis of 8 risk factors for stroke, and combined with the incidence of stroke in each age group, the incidence of stroke in the next five years was calculated by mathematical model. Results: A total of 178 case-control studies and 15 cohort studies were included. Of the eight risk factors included in the screening strategy in China, hypertension was the most important independent risk factor for stroke. Factors (OR = 3.50, 95% CI: 3.18-3.85; RR = 2.68, 95% CI = 2.20-3.26); diabetes mellitus, heart disease, family history of stroke, hyperlipidemia, overweight and smoking were moderate risk factors for stroke. The combined ratio was between 1.82 and 2.68, and the combined risk was between 1.27 and 2.47; physical exercise was the insurance against stroke. Protective factors (OR = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.29-0.83), P values were all lower than 0.05. Subgroup analysis showed that hyperlipidemia was associated with ischemic stroke attack, but there was no significant correlation between hyperlipidemia and hemorrhagic stroke attack. The average 5-year stroke incidence rate in males was higher than that in females. The average 5-year stroke incidence rate increased with the number of risk factors. According to the CSSPP screening strategy, 918 (21.9%) high-risk individuals were screened. According to the HRA screening strategy, 219. The average incidence of stroke in humans exceeded the high-risk threshold (2.5%), but was judged as low-risk individuals by the screening strategy of CSSPP because the number of risk factors was less than three. However, 10.5% of the individuals identified as low-risk by the screening strategy of CSSPP had hypertension and 9.4% had diabetes. The results show that different risk factors have different effects on stroke onset. At present, the screening strategy for high-risk stroke patients who only count the number of risk factors without considering their correlation strength may reduce the effectiveness of screening. Considering the influence of various factors, the HRA model may improve the screening effect of stroke in combination with the CSSPP project screening strategy. It is worth noting that since hypertension and diabetes are independent risk factors for stroke, more measures should be taken to control individual blood pressure and glucose. It is hoped that this study will help to increase the risk of stroke. The cost effectiveness of crowd screening will help relevant institutions to take more effective intervention measures.
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