[Abstract]:[objective] to establish a model of traumatic epilepsy and to observe the effects of different doses of levoethylacetam on the behavior of rats and the sprouting of mossy fibers in the CA3 area of hippocampus. To investigate the preventive effect of levoethylacetam on traumatic epilepsy. [methods] (1) the model of traumatic epilepsy was established: all rats except the control group were stereotactic injected with 5 渭 L 0.2mol/L ferric chloride in the left motor cortex. The epileptic seizures were divided into 5 groups (7 rats in each group) according to the Racine (1972) score. (2) the rats were divided into two groups: control group (n = 7): normal saline control group (n = 7), normal saline group (n = 7). Group B: the model control group, the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride, and then the same volume of normal saline was given continuously by stomach for 7 days. Group C was given the dose of 10% 75 mg / kg, the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride, and the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride. The rats were given levoethoxetam 75 mg / kg / kg once a day immediately after the model was made. The group D: 150 mg / kg was injected with ferric chloride for 7 days. The left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride. Immediately after the model was made, the rats were given levoethoxetam 150 mg / kg / d for 7 days. Group E: 300 mg / kg, the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride, and immediately after the model was made, the rats were given levoethoxetam 300 mg / kg once a day, and the control group was given the dose of: 600 mg / kg for 7 days, and the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride at a dose of 600 mg / kg for 7 days, and the left motor cortex was injected with ferric chloride. Immediately after the model was made, the rats were given levoethoxetam 600 mg / kg / d for 7 days. (3) Behavioral observation: the behavioral changes of rats were monitored by video for 24 hours. The epileptic seizures were observed and recorded according to the classical scale of epileptic seizure behavior [14], and the number of epileptic seizures in the rat model was recorded within 1 week. (4) Timm staining of mossy fiber sprouting in hippocampus: the frozen sections of hippocampus were stained with Timm on the 15th day after the establishment of the model. The sprouting of mossy fibers in ipsilateral hippocampal CA3 region was observed, and the standard of Cavazos was selected to score it. (5) Statistical analysis: results univariate ANOVA and comparison between LSD groups were performed by SPSS17.0 statistical software. To evaluate the preventive effect of levoethylacetam on traumatic epilepsy. [results] (1) compared with the model control group, the number of epileptic seizures and the sprouting degree of mossy fiber in the CA3 region of the hippocampus were significantly decreased in the levoethoxetam group (P < 0. 05) and the control group (P < 0. 05). There was statistical significance (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group F and group E (P0.05). The difference was statistically significant (P < 0. 05). (2). The effect of levoethylacetam on reducing the number of seizures and inhibiting the sprouting of mossy fiber was positively correlated with the dosage. [conclusion] Levoethylacetam can reduce the seizure of epilepsy in this model. Inhibition of mossy fiber sprouting in hippocampal CA3 suggests that levoethylacetam can prevent traumatic epilepsy.
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