[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the language impairment and language retention in patients with localized posterior Chinese aphasia, to verify the hypothesis of dual mechanism of language processing, and to provide relevant neurolinguistic basis for clinical language therapy. Methods: a case of posterior aphasia with localized occipital, parietal and temporal lobe injury was selected. The data were collected by (WAB) examination by natural conversation and western aphasia scale, and supplemented with the task of picture naming and sentence retelling. To detect and analyze the language disorders in the patients with posterior aphasia, focus on syntactic and lexical separation and the related phenomenon of nomenclature separation. Results: the patients with temporal lobe damage had serious lexical damage and relatively good syntactic retention. The lexical comprehension was better, but the output was difficult. The lexical output was characterized by noun specific damage. Conclusion: Chinese posterior aphasia patients have good syntactic retention, severe lexical damage, and the related facts of nomenclature separation. On the one hand, it provides strong evidence for the hypothesis of lexical rules dual mechanism in language processing. On the other hand, it provides the neurolinguistic basis for the effective rehabilitation of Chinese posterior aphasia.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学外国语学院;清华大学外文系;解放军总医院第一附属医院康复医学与理疗科;
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