[Abstract]:Objective to improve the motor control ability of lower extremity in stroke hemiplegic patients by biological resonance, and to evaluate the gait, walking speed and stability of patients before and after regional vibration of lower extremities. To clarify the effect of this vibration mode on improving the walking ability of stroke hemiplegic patients. Participants and methods 26 subjects (male 17, female 9; age 66. 54 卤6. 54) with stroke hemiplegia received regional vibration stimulation with frequency 16 Hz and amplitude 4mm in the first part of the experiment. During 10 minutes of stimulation, keep quiet in the sitting position and perform triceps muscle tension (modified Ashworth grading, MAS),) immediately before vibration and immediately after vibration. (TUGT) and (MWST) evaluation of maximum walking speed of 10 m. In the second part, 22 patients with hemiplegia (16 males and 6 females aged 67, 6.4 years) received the same vibration stimulation as the first part of the experiment (regional vibration stimulation of lower extremities in quiet sitting position, frequency 16 Hz, amplitude 4mmm). The three dimensional gait analysis system was used to collect the time and space parameters of the subjects' gait before and immediately after the vibration. Results in the first part, the mean value of TUGT was reduced from (17.60 卤7.33) s to (16.15 卤6.70) s. The average value of 10mMWS increased from (1.51 卤0.49) m / s to (1.62 卤0.53) m / s, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.037). But there was no significant change in MAS score of triceps muscle tension (P0.05). In the second part, after vibration stimulation, the step length of the affected side increased from (38.844 卤11.92) cm to (41.06 卤12.20) cm, and the width of the affected side step decreased from (18.91 卤4.01) cm to (17.93 卤3.61) cm,. The results of t test of paired data showed that there was significant difference between the two groups (P0. 02, P < 0. 02). The percentage of initial bisupporting phase decreased from (61.24 卤5.96)% to (58.50 卤7.05)% in the time parameters, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.011). There was no significant difference between the other walking time and space parameters (P0.05). Conclusion the regional vibration stimulation of lower extremity can improve the gait, walking speed and walking stability of stroke patients immediately, and promote the improvement of motor function of lower extremities in stroke patients.
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