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发布时间:2018-12-12 07:33
[Abstract]:Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDC) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique, which changes the activity of brain neurons using small constant extracranial currents. In recent years, transcranial direct current (TDC) stimulation has been widely used in the fields of brain injury repair, nerve disease treatment, cognitive and emotional regulation and so on, with the outstanding advantages of non-invasive, safe and economical. But how to realize the directional stimulation of cerebral cortex is a practical problem that must be solved in the study of transcranial direct current electrical stimulation. In this paper, we focus on the orientation of electric stimulation from three aspects: the key parameters of electrical stimulation, the excitation mechanism of neurons and the orientation optimization method. The research results can provide support for establishing reasonable stimulus programs and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the process. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the numerical model of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDC) is established. The construction of head numerical calculation model is realized, and the correctness of the model is verified by EEG experiment. In order to solve the inverse optimization problem of directional stimulation, it provides the basis of forward numerical research. 2) the key parameters are systematically evaluated to influence the distribution of intracranial electric field. Based on the finite element method for the forward problem of electromagnetic field, the effects of different electrode parameters on the focusing performance and current utilization efficiency of the brain region are determined. In order to verify the biological effects of transcranial direct current (TDC) stimulation and the results of analysis and evaluation of the key parameters, Experimental studies were carried out in terms of the performance of macro behavioral tasks and the frequency characteristics of EEG rhythms. In order to clarify the biological effect and mechanism of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDC), the relationship between transcranial direct current stimulation (TDC) and neuronal discharge characteristics and sensitivity was studied. Using the neuron numerical calculation model, the mechanism of current stimulation regulating neuronal release characteristics is analyzed, which can provide a basis for the further study of transcranial current stimulation theory. 5) to solve the problem of the orientation of stimulation current. According to the basic requirements of clinical safety and effectiveness, the theoretical model of inverse problem research is established, and the optimal constraint conditions are designed to achieve the goal of directional and efficient stimulation in brain region. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) to establish a three-dimensional evaluation model of the key parameters of transcranial direct current stimulation, complement and perfect the transcranial direct current stimulation system, and provide technical guarantee for further application research; 2) based on the evaluation of key parameters, a number of experimental validation studies were carried out to prove for the first time that transcranial direct current (TDC) stimulation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex can improve the ability of complex computing tasks. From the point of view of computational neurology, the mechanism of current stimulation was preliminarily revealed. 3) for the first time, a nine-electrode layout strategy and an inverse optimization method for current stimulation were proposed and implemented to effectively solve the problem of transcranial direct current directed focusing stimulation, and to provide a reference for the effective and rational formulation of stimulation scheme in clinical practice.


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