[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the changes of cerebral vascular morphology and the expression of vascular wall protein kinase (C (Protein kinase) in rats with subarachnoid hemorrhage (Subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH). To investigate the preventive effect and mechanism of Danhong injection on cerebral vasospasm (Cerebralvasospasm,CVS) after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Methods: Fifty-six SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: normal control group (n = 8), normal saline group (n = 16) and danghong injection group (n = 16). The normal control group was killed after 7 days without any treatment, and in the saline group, 8 rats in each group were killed on the 7th day after injection of normal saline into the cistern of the occipital cistern. The SAH group and the SAH hindanghong injection treatment group were treated with the second injection of autologous femoral arterial blood occipital cistern, and the SAH group was killed on the 7th day after modeling (8 rats each). In the treatment group, danghong injection was injected intraperitoneally every day. After modeling, the animal basilar artery brain bridge segment was taken out according to each time point, the thickness of vascular wall and the morphological changes of vascular wall were observed after slicing, and the expression of PKC in vascular wall was determined by immunohistochemical method. The results were statistically analyzed. Results: 1.HE staining: the basilar artery wall was smooth, the endothelial cell structure was intact, and the inner elastic plate was not creased or broken in the normal control group and normal saline group. The basilar artery lumen was reduced in the SAH group on the 7th day after operation. The wall of blood vessel was thickened and the structure was disordered. The intima was creased or broken, uneven in thickness, deformed and swollen in endothelial cells, thickening of the outer membrane, hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells, inflammatory cell infiltration, and more serious on the 7th day. The pathological changes of basilar artery lumen, wall thickening, intimal crease and inflammatory cell infiltration at each time point in the treatment group were reduced compared with those in the SAH group. The diameter and thickness of basilar artery: there was no significant change in diameter and wall thickness of basilar artery between normal group and normal saline group (P0.05). The diameter of basilar artery in SAH group and treatment group was smaller than that in normal group, and the thickness of basilar artery was increased in SAH group and treatment group, and the thickness of basilar artery was increased in SAH group and treatment group. The thickness of basilar artery in SAH group was more obvious on the 7th day than on the third day. In the treatment group, the 3rd day was a little more obvious than the 7th day. At each time point, SAH group and normal saline group, basilar artery diameter and wall thickness were significantly different (P0.05); treatment group and SAH group, basilar artery diameter was larger, wall thin, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). 2. Immunohistochemistry: weak PKC immunoreactivity was detected in normal group and normal saline group. The immunoreactivity of PKC was observed in the intima and smooth muscle layer of the blood vessels in both SAH and treatment groups. It was located in the cytoplasm and on the membrane of the cells. The immunoreactivity of PKC was the most significant in the SAH group on the 7th day. The third day was the second; There was no significant difference in PKC expression between normal group and normal saline group (P0.05). The expression of PKC in treatment group was significantly lower than that in SAH group (P0.05). Conclusion: 1. The expression of PKC activity in basilar artery was significantly increased during cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, which was consistent with the morphological changes of cerebral vasospasm. It indicated that the increase of PKC activity played an important role in cerebral vasospasm. 2. Danhong injection may relieve cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage by inhibiting the activity of PKC.
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