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发布时间:2019-07-04 11:12
[Abstract]:1. With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, our country has gradually entered an aging society. Leukoaraiosis (LA), as an important type of the subcortical ischemic stroke (SIVD), has increasingly attracted the attention of the medical community to the harm of the physical and mental health of the middle-aged and the elderly and the quality of life. As a result of the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease, it is easy to be covered by other related conditions, and it is not easy to be alert to the patients and their families. A large number of studies have shown that there are gait and cognitive impairment in LA patients, and there is a literature that gait disturbance is an early expression of many nervous system diseases, which often indicates the occurrence and development of the disease. Even in the health of the middle-aged and the elderly, the gait disorder is often highly indicative of a decrease in cognitive function or the occurrence of dementia. Based on the clinical evaluation of LA and the measurement of the time-space parameters of gait, we aim to reveal the characteristics of cognitive impairment and gait disturbance in LA patients, and to analyze the relationship between cognitive impairment and gait disturbance and to explore its clinical significance. Materials and Methods 42 cases of head magnetic resonance (MRI) were selected as the test group (LA group), and 13 patients with a non-LA lesion were selected as the control group (NC group), and the LA group was divided into mild (LA1) group according to the Wahlund classification method. Moderate (LA2), and severe (LA3) subgroups. All subjects were subjected to clinical neuropsychological assessment and gait determination. The neuropsychological assessment used the Simple Mental State Examination Scale (MMSE) and the Cambridge old cognitive checklist-China revision (CA-MCOG-C). Gait assessment includes timing "Stand up.-Walk." test (TUG) and P-WALK plate pressure system test (Italian BTS company production), measurement step size, stride, step width, step frequency, pace, single support phase, dual support phase, walking cycle, and other gait space-time parameters. The cognitive function and the time-space parameter of the gait were compared between the LA group and the NC group, the LA subgroups and the N-C groups, and the significance difference index was selected for correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results There was no significant difference between the group of LA and the NC group, the age, sex and the degree of education between the subgroups of the LA and the NC group (P0.05). The general data between the LA and the control group and the group of LA and the NC group were comparable. The scores of MMSE and CAMCOG-C in the LA group were significantly lower than those in the NC group (P0.05). The scores of MMSE and CAMCOG-C in the patients were lower, and there was a significant difference between the four groups (P0.05); in each of the gait parameters, with the increase of the severity of the LA, the time of the patient's TUG was prolonged, the step size, the stride length and the pace of the patient were decreased. The increase of the step width and the step frequency were significantly higher in the LA3 group and the difference between the four groups was statistically significant (P0.05). There was a negative correlation between TUG and MMSE and CAMCOGC (r =-0.399, P0.01; r =-0.404, P0.01), and negatively correlated with the memory and performance in the children of CAMCOG-C (r =-0.321, P0.05; r =-0.433, P0.01). The pace was positively correlated with MMSE and CAMCOG-C (r = 0.409, P0.01; r = 0.308, P0.05), and was positively correlated with the function in CAMCOG-C (r = 0.535, P0.01). The regression analysis showed that the gait parameters were not related to the performance function after the grading of LA grade. Conclusion The time-space parameter of the gait of LA patients is abnormal, and the step speed is the most significant, and the pace of the pace is slow to be an independent predictor of LA occurrence. The gait disturbance in LA was related to the severity of LA and the cognitive impairment, especially with the decrease in the performance of LA patients. In the course of clinical diagnosis and treatment, attention should be paid to the gait change of the middle-aged and old-aged patients, especially those with risk factors of cerebrovascular disease, to timely apply the intelligent rehabilitation and the treatment of drugs, to slow the disease progression and to improve the quality of life of the patients. Text in the text: Picture illustrates LA rating: Level 2 (FLAIR image)


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