本文选题:乳腺癌 + 可穿戴 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:乳腺病是一种常见的女性疾病,是危害女性身心健康的主要疾病之一,尤其是乳腺癌,已位居女性癌症发病之首,全世界每年因此死亡的女性达到50多万,新发病例更是达到百万级别。据调查显示:我国近年来女性乳腺癌发病人数也在持续上升,2011年中国女性乳腺癌发病人数达到24.9万,到2015年发病人数达到约32万。乳房对于女性来讲,不仅仅是身体的一部分,也是一种美的体现,更是孕育下一代的重要器官。保护乳房安全已成为当前社会重大公共卫生问题。由于乳腺癌病因至今不清楚,所以目前最有效的措施是进行乳房筛查,然而现在仍有非常多的女性因保守、对乳房疾病的认识不足等主观原因,或工作繁忙、居住环境离医院较远检查不方便等客观因素,没能够按时做乳房自检及筛查、及时的预防和治疗,从而导致的悲剧令人触目惊心。针对这种情况,本文研究设计了一套可穿戴式多点温度监测系统,以MSP430F5529单片机为核心处理器、多路热敏电阻为感知元件、蓝牙为无线传输模块、手机或电脑PC端为显示装置,用于对乳房表面温度实时监控,帮助女性用户进行乳腺癌的自筛查并提供数据参考,使其更加清楚自己的乳房健康状态,方便的进行乳腺疾病的预诊,同时还可以为乳腺癌临床研究提供大量可靠数据。本系统主要由温度采集模块、数据处理模块、无线通信模块以及数据接收模块等组成。温度采集处理模块采用8路热敏电阻及0.1%高精度电阻构成的电桥电路进行温度到电压信号的转换;处理模块采用A/D转换器对模拟信号进行数字转换,通过中位值及算术平均滤波算法提取温度数据;无线通信模块采用蓝牙技术作为无线发送装置;数据接收模块使用VC++进行GUI界面设计。同时,对热敏电阻的非特性进行了研究,标定了热敏电阻温度与阻值对应点,使用MATLAB对热敏电阻的阻温曲线进行了最小二乘法拟合。此外,系统进行了 PCB绘图,做出了实际产品,进行了应用测试。
[Abstract]:Breast disease is a common female disease, it is one of the main diseases endangering women's physical and mental health, especially breast cancer, which has become the highest incidence of female cancer. Every year, more than half a million women in the world die as a result of this disease.New cases have reached a million levels.According to the survey, the incidence of breast cancer among women in China has been increasing in recent years, reaching 249000 in 2011 and 320000 in 2015.Breasts are not only a part of the body, but also an important part of the next generation.The protection of breast safety has become a major social public health problem.As the etiology of breast cancer is still unclear, the most effective measure is breast screening. However, there are still a lot of women who, because of their conservatism, lack of understanding of breast diseases and other subjective reasons, or are busy with their work.The living environment is far away from the hospital and other objective factors, such as inconvenient, can not do breast self-examination and screening on time, timely prevention and treatment, resulting in a shocking tragedy.In order to solve this problem, a wearable multi-point temperature monitoring system is designed in this paper. The system uses MSP430F5529 single chip microcomputer as the core processor, multi-channel thermistor as the sensing element, Bluetooth as the wireless transmission module, and the mobile phone or PC as the display device.It can be used to monitor breast surface temperature in real time, help female users to self-screen breast cancer and provide data reference, make them know their breast health status more clearly, and make it convenient for breast disease diagnosis.At the same time, it can also provide a large amount of reliable data for clinical research of breast cancer.The system consists of temperature acquisition module, data processing module, wireless communication module and data receiving module.The temperature acquisition and processing module uses a bridge circuit composed of 8 channels thermistor and 0.1% high precision resistor to convert the temperature to voltage signal, and the processing module uses an A / D converter to digitally convert the analog signal.The temperature data is extracted by the median value and arithmetic average filter algorithm. The wireless communication module uses Bluetooth technology as the wireless sending device. The data receiving module uses VC to design the GUI interface.At the same time, the non-characteristic of thermistor is studied, the corresponding point of temperature and resistance is calibrated, and the resistive temperature curve of thermistor is fitted by least square method using MATLAB.In addition, the system carries on the PCB drawing, has made the actual product, has carried on the application test.
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