本文选题:生物医学工程 + 脊髓损伤 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2015年21期
【摘要】:背景:以脱细胞脊髓基质材料为构架的脊髓生物支架,已被证实可恢复或部分恢复受损的脊髓神经功能。目的:介绍脱细胞脊髓基质支架的制备方法和部分生物特性,对近年来其在脊髓组织工程中的应用及进展作一概述。方法:应用计算机检索CNKI和PubM ed数据库中2005年1月至2014年10月关于脱细胞脊髓基质支架材料在脊髓损伤中应用的文章,在主题和摘要中,中文以"脱细胞脊髓,支架材料,脊髓损伤,组织工程学"为检索词检索,英文以"acellular spinal cord;engineering tissue;spinal cord injury;scaffold"为检索词进行检索。结果与结论:脱细胞脊髓基质支架具有较低的抗原性、优良的生物相容性及类似脊髓的三维支架结构,但存在力学性能差及结构不稳定等缺点。通过京尼平、戊二醛等交联剂改性后可明显提高支架的生物性能。目前国内外已对脱细胞脊髓基质支架在神经修复再生方面的应用做了一些探索,为脊髓组织工程学打下了基础。由于脱细胞脊髓基质支架的诸多优点,脱细胞脊髓基质材料有望成为脊髓组织工程学的理想材料。
[Abstract]:Background: acellular spinal cord biomaterial scaffolds have been demonstrated to restore or partially restore damaged spinal cord nerve function. Aim: to introduce the preparation method and some biological characteristics of acellular spinal cord matrix scaffolds, and to summarize its application and progress in spinal cord tissue engineering in recent years. Methods: from January 2005 to October 2014, articles on the application of acellular spinal cord matrix scaffolds in CNKI and PubM ed databases were searched by computer. In the main topic and abstract, the Chinese version of "acellular spinal cord, scaffold material" was used. Spinal cord injury, tissue engineering was used as the key word, and "acellular spinal cordant tissue engineering cord injury-scaffold" was used as the key word. Results and conclusion: acellular spinal cord matrix scaffold has low antigenicity, excellent biocompatibility and three-dimensional scaffold structure similar to spinal cord, but it has some disadvantages such as poor mechanical properties and unstable structure. The biological properties of the scaffold were improved after modification with genipin, glutaraldehyde and other crosslinking agents. At present, the application of acellular spinal cord matrix scaffold in nerve repair and regeneration has been explored at home and abroad, which has laid a foundation for spinal cord tissue engineering. Because of the advantages of acellular spinal cord matrix scaffold, acellular spinal cord matrix material is expected to be an ideal material for spinal cord tissue engineering.
【作者单位】: 天津中医药大学;天津市神经创伤修复重点实验室;武警后勤学院附属医院脑创伤与神经疾病研究所;武警后勤学院附属医院;
【基金】:天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(14ZCZDGX00500) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(11102235) 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(12JCZDJC24100) 天津市卫生局科技基金项目(2013KZ134) 武警后勤学院附属医院种子基金项目(FYM201432)~~
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