本文选题:切牙 + 桩核技术 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年22期
【摘要】:背景:临床上,往往会碰到一些患者上前牙唇倾而影响美观的情况,患者因治疗周期过长等多种因素不愿接受正畸治疗情况下,可以采取改向桩核冠的美学修复方式进行治疗。目的:比较3种材料桩核在不同角度改向下修复唇向倾斜上颌中切牙的抗折裂强度以及折裂模式。方法:将75颗上颌中切牙随机分为3组,钴铬合金桩核组行Co-Cr合金桩核加铸造冠修复;金合金桩核组行50%金合金桩核加铸造冠修复;everS tick可塑性纤维桩核组行可塑性everstick纤维桩加树脂核加铸造冠修复。每组再根据桩核与牙长轴的角度分0°,10°,20°,30°,40°5个亚组。所有试件均由自凝塑料包埋,固定在电子万能测试机上,加载直至试件任何一处发生断裂,记录折裂时最大载荷值和折裂模式。结果与结论:(1)ever Stick可塑性纤维桩核组抗折裂强度明显高于钴铬合金桩核组和金合金桩核组,差异有显著性意义(P0.05);钴铬合金桩核组和金合金桩核组差异无显著性意义(P0.05);(2)随改向角度增大,3种材料最大负荷值均呈现递减趋势。ever Stick可塑性纤维桩核组多发生在根颈1/3折裂;钴铬合金桩核组、金合金桩核组多发生在根中和根尖1/3折裂;(3)结果表明,ever Stick纤维桩改向修复唇向倾斜的上颌中切牙的抗折裂强度和折裂模式均优于钴铬合金和金合金桩核,临床改向修复唇倾上前牙时,可以优先考虑ever Stick纤维桩,以减少不可修复性根折的发生概率,为防止牙根折断,应避免改向角度过大。
[Abstract]:Background: clinically, it is often encountered that some patients' labial declination affects the beauty. Patients who are unwilling to accept orthodontic treatment because of long treatment period can be treated with aesthetic restoration instead of post and core crown. Objective: to compare the fracture resistance and fracture pattern of three kinds of materials, which were modified from different angles to repair labial oblique maxillary central incisors at different angles. Methods: 75 maxillary central incisors were randomly divided into 3 groups. Co-Cr alloy post and cast crown were used in Co-Cr alloy post core group. Gold alloy pile core group was repaired with 50% gold alloy pile core plus cast crown. The plastic everstick fiber pile and resin core plus cast crown were repaired in the tick plastic fiber pile core group. Each group was divided into 5 subgroups according to the angle between the core of the post and the long axis of the tooth. All specimens were embedded in self-solidified plastic and fixed on an electronic universal testing machine. The specimens were subjected to fracture anywhere and the maximum load value and fracture mode were recorded. Results and conclusions: (1) the fracture strength of ever stick plastic fiber pile core group was significantly higher than that of cobalt chromium alloy pile core group and gold alloy pile core group. The difference was significant (P0.05), there was no significant difference between cobalt-chromium alloy pile core group and gold alloy pile core group (P0.05); (2). The results showed that the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary central incisors with lip inclination were better than that of cobalt-chromium alloy and gold alloy post core group, and the results showed that the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary central incisor were better than that of cobalt chromium alloy and gold alloy post core, and the results showed that the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary central incisor were better than that of cobalt chromium alloy and gold alloy post core. In order to reduce the probability of irreparable root fracture, the ever stick fiber post should be given priority when reconstructing labial declination in clinic. In order to prevent tooth root fracture, too large angle should be avoided.
【作者单位】: 上海市口腔病防治院 上海市口腔医院口腔修复科;上海市口腔病防治院 上海市口腔医院口腔内科;
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