[Abstract]:Bioluminescence tomography (BLT) is used to reconstruct the light source of biological tissue by fluorescence measurement, and the three-dimensional distribution of the light source. BLT includes two parts: forward problem and inverse problem. In the forward problem of BLT, The main problem to be solved is the accurate modeling and fast solution of optical transmission mode. Among several optical transmission models, the SPN model is becoming more and more practical. But in the SPN model, because of the rise of N, the calculation speed of the model is decreasing. In the inverse process, because the use of large-scale fluorescence data can improve the quality of reconstruction, but also consume a lot of computing time, so for large-scale data, we need to do research on rapid reconstruction. In this paper, the computational cost of the BLT forward SPN model and the reconstruction speed of the backward problem are explored respectively. The main work includes: 1) parallel accelerated solution strategy and implementation of BLT forward problem based on GPU. Under the finite element method, the computational time of BLT forward process can be analyzed. The stiffness matrix generation and the solution of linear equations are the most time-consuming in the whole forward process, and these two parts are very suitable for parallelization. Therefore, the SPN model is taken as the optical transmission model and the parallel processing ability of GPU is combined to propose a BLT forward problem acceleration strategy based on GPU/CPU dual platform. The forward process is decomposed into four parts: stiffness matrix generation, linear equation system solution, data exchange and condition judgment. The first two parts are transmitted to the GPU terminal for accelerated operation, and the latter two parts are handed over to CPU for execution. Digital rat simulation experiments show that under this strategy, the BLT forward overall acceleration ratio of SP5 model with different mesh number can reach 20 times. 2.) because of the large scale data, BLT reconstruction takes a lot of time. A BLT reconstruction algorithm based on alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) and stochastic dual coordinate descent method (SDCA) is proposed. The objective function is decomposed into several subfunctions by the SDCA method in which the direction of a coordinate system is selected randomly, so that there are corresponding subfunctions in each coordinate system, and then the optimal solution of each subfunction is calculated. Then in the iterative process according to the approximate degree between the optimal solution and the real value the subfunctions in the corresponding coordinates are selected in order to reduce the utilization rate of independent data in the iterative process improve the convergence speed and achieve the purpose of fast reconstruction. The digital mouse body simulation experiment and the real mouse experiment show that the reconstruction speed is increased by about 5 times while the accuracy of BLT reconstruction image is guaranteed.
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