[Abstract]:Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP) are the bioelectrical changes in the central nervous system associated with external stimuli produced by specific sound stimulation of the auditory system. At present, the most well-known is Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), the most common of which is the click-induced ABR (ABR). Click Evoked Brainstem Response (click-ABR), click-ABR in healthy people generally contains seven characteristic waves: _~_waves, the latency of each wave is different, because they have their own origins. Simple sound (such as short sound, pure tone) induced ABR is widely used in clinical auditory threshold estimation, examining the pathological changes in auditory pathways, estimating the integrity of auditory pathways. Nevertheless, because these simple sounds are so different from the complex sounds we are exposed to in our daily life (such as speech, ambient noise, etc.), their ABR can be used to indicate hearing, but it can not be used to express whether we can understand.
Complex sound in human environment has the characteristics of abundant harmonics and rapid change of frequency information.The encoding of these characteristics in the brain stem is mainly divided into precise time domain encoding and spectrum encoding.The ABR derived from ABR consists of transient response and continuous response.These are closely related to the acoustic characteristics of stimuli.Transient response and non-cyclic response are closely related. Although the short and pure tones represent the transient and persistent response patterns better in their respective ABRs, it is impossible to estimate the ABR induced by complex sounds with both transient and persistent characteristics. The most mature ABR. is the ABR related study of synthetic speech (speech) monosyllabic /da/.
The study of speech-ABR (d a-ABR) induced by 40 ms synthetic speech/d a/contains two parts: transient and persistent, the former being consonant/d/, lasting 10 ms, the latter being vowel/a/, lasting 30 ms. The frequencies of the five formants (F1-F5) are: F0 = 103-121Hz, F1 = 220-720Hz, F2 = 1700-1240Hz, F3 = 2580-2500Hz, F4.5 = 3600-4500Hz.
Speech Evoked ABR (speech-ABR) can be used to study how the acoustic characteristics of stimuli are encoded in the auditory system, and its structure is very similar to the acoustic structure of / DA / and can be divided into transient and persistent parts. Following response (FFR). In which OR (V, A) is a consonant / D / induced response, FFR (D, E, F) is considered to be a periodic part of the vowel / A / induced response in stimulation. In FFR, D, E, F waves are quasi-periodic waves, which are corresponding to quasi-periodic waves d, e, f in / A / respectively, inheriting the periodic characteristics of / A / with a period of about 10 ms. The periodicity of FFR partial time domain waveforms indicates how the brainstem encodes the fundamental frequency information of vowel/a/and the fundamental frequency information. Interest is the most important information for speech recognition, so the degree of speech/a/coding in the brain stem can be judged by the integrity of the D, E and F waves in the speech-ABR time domain. It is difficult to distinguish three quasi-periodic waves intuitively because of the ambiguity of the FFR part. This indicates that signal processing technology should be used to highlight the quasi-periodic wave of the FFR part in time domain, which is helpful for clinical application of the FFR part to judge whether the speech/a/is encoded or encoded intact by the brain stem.
Because of the nonlinearity of auditory system, speech-ABR is a non-linear and non-stationary signal. Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) is a well-developed method to deal with non-linear and stationary signals. HHT is divided into two steps: Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert (Hilbert). EMD decomposes non-stationary data into a finite number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Each IMF layer is basically a stationary signal, and the IMF oscillation mode at any point in time is unique, that is, the instantaneous frequency is unique. EMD is decomposed according to the local time characteristics of the signal itself, and is adaptive. Speech-ABR original time domain wave. Any point of time in the form may contain multiple instantaneous frequencies, because the three quasi-periodic waves in the FFR part represent the fundamental frequency information of vowels/a/, then their vibration modes should be similar. After EMD, they should be concentrated on the same layer or the same IMF.
An instantaneous energy spectrum method based on Hilbert-Huang transform is proposed to analyze the frequency-following response in speech-ABR. Because speech-ABR faithfully simulates the waveform structure of the stimulus signal and the instantaneous energy based on Hilbert envelope can highlight the extreme value, the instantaneous energy spectrum may be more direct than the original time. In this paper, the experimental results show that this method can highlight the FFR part from speech-ABR, which is conducive to further analysis and clinical application.
(1) The individual speech-ABR is decomposed into empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and a finite number of intrinsic mode functions (IMF) are obtained.
(2) calculate the instantaneous energy spectrum of each layer of IMF.
(3) observe the instantaneous energy spectrum of IMFs after speech-ABR decomposition, and record the number of layers of D, E and F.
(4) The latency and polarity of D, E and F waves in the 17-47 MS instantaneous energy spectrum of the layer are recorded by using a time window of 10 ms.
Twenty-nine adults were recorded for speech-ABR. The procedure consisted of four steps. Firstly, clinical experts identified valid data based on whether the V wave was evident in 25 patients (86%). Secondly, according to whether the FFR part was evident in the valid data, clinical experts divided them into two groups: the typical group (7 cases) and the atypical group (28%). Thirdly, the instantaneous energy spectrum based on HHT was used to process 25 valid data. Finally, clinical experts observed the FFR in the instantaneous energy spectrum of 25 valid data, and found that 23 cases (92%) had significant FFR and 2 cases (8%) could not judge.
The results show that the proposed method highlights the FFR part of the individual speech-ABR and is effective for detecting the FFR part. Compared with the conventional method, this method has two outstanding advantages: (1) the FFR part of the individual speech-ABR is clearly distinguished in the instantaneous energy spectrum than in the speech-ABR time domain waveform; (2) the individual speech-ABR part is clearly distinguished in the instantaneous energy spectrum; (2) the individual speech-ABR part is distinguished in the speech-ABR time domain waveform. The polarity of the quasi-periodic wave in the FFR part is different from that in the FFR part, it can be positive wave, but it is positive wave in the instantaneous energy spectrum.
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