[Abstract]:With the rapid development of technology in the field of life sciences, especially the development of sequencing technology, biomedical data exhibits a dramatic expansion. Biomedical data not only has huge data volume, but also has the characteristics of high dimension, and the feature quantity is much larger than that of observation volume (sample size). Therefore, the appearance of these data not only brings new opportunities to researchers, but also brings new challenges. How to excavate the relationship chain of mass data has become the focus of the research work. Feature selection means that a subset of the original data is selected to represent the features of the original data, and the well-designed feature selection method enables these features to be used for subsequent data mining operations. It's no exaggeration to say that feature selection is based on data mining as yellow sand takes gold, almost any complete data mining effort avoids this step. Therefore, using feature selection technique as carrier point, this paper explores the biological informatics research methods related to high-dimensional biomedical data using two important biomedical questions as vectors. Through this study, we will put forward different features and strategies from multiple levels, and further study the characterization and prediction ability of these strategies in practical biomedical questions. The feature selection methods and results developed in this paper can provide important references for the processing and analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data. Feature selection mainly occurs in the field of machine learning and statistics, referring to the selection of closely related variables from a large number of variables for model construction. Feature selection has three main advantages: simplified model makes it easier to understand, shorten model training time, and increase model generalization ability by reducing overfitting. In practical research, most of the variables in the variable set are redundant information, and they do not cause loss of information. Therefore, feature selection is an indispensable step for dealing with massive high-dimensional biomedical data. As the 14 th century philosopher Augustan put forward "Occam Razor" Law: If not necessary, do not increase the entity. It can be said that the characteristic screening, the simplified model is the soul of mass data processing. Therefore, feature selection is a key step for the processing of mass biomedical data, which is also the starting point of this paper. At present, feature selection mainly has two kinds of methods, one is to use the topological structure of the data itself, the statistical signal is screened, and the other is the introduction of external knowledge, such as background knowledge in some specific fields. In this paper, using the data in the Cancer Genome Atlas database, the two methods are used to predict the prognosis of the tumor. First, in terms of utilizing the topological structure of data itself, we focus on the screening and discovery of gene and small RNA diagnostic markers of hepatocellular carcinoma. in one network, a relatively high degree of node is referred to as Hub We have found that these Hub nodes in these Hub nodes are more enriched with genes associated with the prognosis of HCC, indicating that these Hub nodes in complex molecular networks are more likely to be a potential feature of determining the prognosis of HCC, in combination with survival analysis techniques and studying the topological properties of prognostic-based survival-related molecules. i.e. molecular markers. Secondly, in the field of knowledge, we focus on the prediction of drug response after multiple tumor chemotherapy interventions. The main cause of tumor chemotherapy failure is due to multiple drug resistance (MDR) in the body. Drug resistance is a relatively complex process, usually due to the overexpression of the associated protein encoded by the drug-resistant gene, the chemotherapeutic agent being pumped out of the cell by the action of the energy-dependent elution pump, thereby reducing the aggregation of chemotherapeutic agents within the cells, leading to the occurrence of drug resistance in the body. For this reason, we use the gene mutation as the exposure factor, the drug resistance of the tumor is the exposure result, the relative risk ratio (RR) and the statistical significance P-value are combined to screen, and the drug resistance-related mutation gene of eight tumors is obtained as the feature set of the prognosis prediction model. Using this feature set, we used three kinds of machine learning methods to predict the drug resistance of eight kinds of tumor samples. Especially in the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC), the area under the ROC curve (AUC) can reach 0. 980, indicating that the model which can be characterized by the knowledge in the field can be used for drug-resistant patients and drug-sensitive patients after drug intervention. Important references are provided to help the patient choose the appropriate treatment modality. In addition to drug intervention, more and more studies have shown that dietary intervention is also an important means of regulating human health, and therefore, in addition to studying the prognosis of tumor therapy, We also try to predict potential health-beneficial carbohydrates, also known as prebiotics, based on mass text data from PubMed databases. We downloaded 15 known prebiotics from PubMed database and extracted features, modeled and analyzed the predicted carbohydrate by using the feature set, and calculated a list of potential prebiotics names. This mining method can not only provide references for other data mining scholars, but also provide an important reference list for scholars studying prebiotics. Data mining is becoming more and more important with the opening of large-scale data in the field of biomedicine. Data mining method helps to understand life from system level, is an important method to study life science, and feature selection is the soul of data mining. On this basis, we will consider the whole text data and the biological expression data in future research to make some meaningful attempts to improve the human health.
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