[Abstract]:As a noninvasive method for longitudinal study of individuals, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is widely used in clinical practice as a means of evaluating disease progression and feedback treatment. In this longitudinal study, multiple repeated scans were performed on the same subject at different times. In order to ensure the accuracy of the research results, it is necessary to improve the repeatability of scanning and reduce the scanning error. There are many factors that influence the repeatability of magnetic resonance spectrum data, such as the random systematic error in the scanning process, the physiological changes of the multiple scanning subjects, and the influence of the repositioning, and so on. One of the main interference factors is caused by inaccurate voxel relocalization. There are two main methods to solve the problem of repositioning. One is manual repositioning (mainly eye positioning), which adjusts the position of the subjects lying flat before repeated scans for many times to ensure that they are exactly the same as those in the baseline scan (the first scan). The same structure image was obtained and located according to the anatomical structure. This method is mainly suitable for continuous scanning or short scan interval, but the results for long scan interval are poor. Another method is to adjust the position of the high resolution structure image by registration to make it consistent with the baseline scan structure image, and then to locate the image according to the anatomical structure. These two methods not only cost time, but also have a great influence on the result as subjective factors. In this study, an efficient registration algorithm is used to relocate voxels to obtain magnetic resonance spectrum data. This automatic resetting (tracking location) process is based on the registration of magnetic resonance structural images and is performed directly on the position changes (translation and rotation) of the voxels of interest. Make sure that the area covered by voxel is consistent with baseline scan. In order to verify the effectiveness of this method, the coincidence rate, compound content and content ratio of various tissue voxels in voxels were evaluated and calculated. At the same time, by analyzing the difference between the scanning result and the baseline scan result (expressed by the coefficient of difference) and the repeatability (expressed by the repeatability coefficient), we compare the tracking localization method with the manual location method.
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